Meeting with the investor: why governor Nikita Belykh was arrested

Kirov Oblast Governor Nikita Belykh was datained in Moscow on June 24. He is accused of receiving €400.000 for the cronyism of the local wood processing companies. One of these companies also appeared in another FSB case. 
Origin source
Labeled 400 thousand

About the arrest of the governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh Investigative Committee (TFR) reported on Friday night. As told RBC interlocutor in law enforcement, White was arrested red-handed members of the TFR and the FSB in Moscow in the afternoon when receiving € 100 thousand in the Lotte Plaza business center at. Novinsky Boulevard, 8. According to RBC's source in law enforcement, it It was the second part of the bribe, the total size of which amounted to € 400 thousand. Police officers laid the money on the table, photographed them, and showed to the governor that he had on his hands was a special chemical composition that has been applied to the bill.

At the same time White gave the first presentation of the case, declaring his innocence, a source told RBC. After that White was handcuffed and taken to the FSB machine building of the Investigative Committee at the Technical alley, where the governor responded in detail to all the questions. White did not use Article 51 of the Constitution, which allows not to incriminate themselves and relatives. Interlocutor RBC noted that White - the only hkeep on the case.

On Friday evening, investigators brought White to the court, but a request for arrest came after 22 hours, so, according to the Criminal Procedure Code, the meeting was moved to Saturday. According to RBC's source in law enforcement, investigators hoped that the meeting will be held to arrest White on Friday evening, but do not wait too long to drop off the helper of the case.

The last work before the event White detention was a trip to Komi Republic on June 23, after which the Governor wrote on his page on Facebook, which plans to Moscow to meet with investors. Phone Assistant Governor on Friday night did not answer. Governor White's mother Zinaida said Life, that her son was the victim of a provocation, but was unable to explain by whom.

On Saturday morning Nikita Belykh has been charged under article "bribe in a large scale" (Part 6 st.290 Criminal Code), the representative of the TFR Vladimir Markin. This article provides for punishment from 8 to 15 years in prison. According to investigators, White personally and through intermediaries, for € 400 thousand. In return, he was to "help the briber andontroliruemym them of "Novovyatskiy Ski Factory" and OOO "Forest management company." The searches in this case also took place in the administration of the Kirov region.

According to Markin, White promised patronage companies in the implementation of their investment projects. Parts representative TFR did not disclose. Both companies, according to local media, implement projects, which in 2015 entered the list of priority investment projects of the Kirov region, approved by the regional government. Forestry management company implemented a project entitled "Development of low-rise housing construction and modernization of wood-processing industries on the basis of units" Kirovles "and Novovyatskiy Ski Factory - the project" Modernization of the existing production. "

Both companies associated with entrepreneur Albert Laritskim Kirov, who in the summer of 2015 is in jail on suspicion of fraud in large scale.

Deferred arrest

On Saturday morning, 24 June, the FSB again brought Nikita Belykh to the court on a black minivan Volkswagen. Automatic operatives left in the car. The governor of the courthouse was guarded by three soldiers of the FSB special forces at Balaklava and bulletproof vests, armed with pistols.

White was in the same blue suit in which he was detained the day before. During the meeting, he never sat on the bench and walked slowly around the cage.

"I consider myself not guilty and I will do everything to prove it. At the time of the investigation is ready to be under house arrest, or make a pledge, although I believe these measures are unnecessary. I really want to be honest to prove his innocence. I recently celebrated its 41 th anniversary. I am quite a successful official. I need a success story [success story]: I want to prove that I have never taken, do not take, and will not take bribes ", - said White.

The fact of receiving money Governor denied. According to him, he did not refuse to cooperate with the investigation and is ready to continue to answer all the questions. In addition, White has emphasized, it is not going to do anything in the interests of a German citizen who, according to the investigation, and gave the bribe.

The prosecution in the trial represented the senior investigator for particularly important casesJustice Major Roman Muhachev known, for example, about the riots on Bolotnaya Square investigate the case. He noted that White, as evidenced by the FSC data can escape abroad or seek advice from their senior friends of the highest levels of government and law enforcement agencies to put pressure on witnesses.

Muhachev indicated that White does not deny receipt of money, but in his testimony the governor explained that the funds were intended for the needs of the city. The money had been received from a foreign investor. According to the CCJ, White took bribes in the years 2014-2016, which is confirmed by the results of investigative activities and operational experiment, in which he was arrested the head of region.

Muhachev told that the police also filed against "unidentified person" a criminal case under article "bribe a group of people on a large scale" (p.4 st.291 Criminal Code).

At the request of the investigation Whites remain in custody in the detention center "Lefortovo" until August 24, the judge ordered Arthur Karpov. ADVOKATO Vadim Prokhorov, who on Saturday morning began to protect the governor, promised to appeal to the Moscow City Court.

"Most likely, a luminous paint on his hands appeared after he greeted her by the hand to a man who was carrying a bag with money. But White did not touch money, "- he said after the meeting of the governor's lawyer Sergey Teterin. Sent White means he called "sponsorship assistance to the region."

As it follows from the case, which examined RBC, operational support of the case carried out by employees of the FSB Internal Security Department. According to the interlocutor of RBC in PBS, we are talking about operatives 6th CSS service. It is they who in the past few years to deal with all the major corruption cases, including that of economic security and anti-corruption of the Main Control Ministry of Interior executives Sugrobova Denis and Boris Kolesnikov. Their subordinates, as Nikita Belykh, was detained with a bribe during a surgical experiment.

In the case of the governor also has Moskalev testimony of a witness who witnessedevents in a Moscow restaurant, says RBC a source familiar with the investigation.

Mysterious corrupters

Forestry management company (BOW), which said the TFR in the case of the White, is engaged in processing of wood. According to SPARC, the company belongs to the Cypriot company Remigal Konsaltans Limited, its CEO - Dmitry Ryzhkov. The revenue of the enterprise in 2014 (no more recent data) amounted to 271 million rubles, the net loss of -. 42 million rubles.

The second company, which reported TFR - Novovyatskiy Ski Factory (NLC). It produces materials for the construction of wooden buildings and skiing. Supervises Novovyatskiy combine Ruslan Tsukanov and owns the German company Sudheimer Car Technik-Vertriebs GmbH - spare parts manufacturer for vehicles, lubricants and other on for transport care products. The owner of the company called an emigrant from the USSR Yuri Zudhaymer. According to SPARC, NLC's revenue in 2015 amounted to 822 million rubles, net loss -. 1.29 billion rubles. The last time the company has been profitable in 2011.

Zudhaymer passes in the case of Nikita Belykh to the qualitystve witness, said a source in law enforcement agencies, RBC. His testimony is in the materials. According to investigators, they confirm the guilt of the governor, said the source. Zudhaymer was with the Whites in the restaurant when the arrest occurred, the source of "Interfax", close to the governor of the Kirov region. According to him, the German businessman was ready to make their money in the city and the region's non-budgetary fund.

What does "Kirovles"

In 2010, 25 percent stake owned by the Forest Management Company KOGUP "Kirovles," which appeared in the criminal case against the founder of the Fund's fight against corruption Alexey Navalny (in 2009, he worked as an advisor of the White). Since it was not possible to contact RBC Navalny, his spokesman Cyrus Yarmish said that Navalny had no contact with the Whites and since 2010 "does not know what is happening there and what it can be connected." BOW itself in 2010 won the property of all 36 timber enterprises, included in the state "Kirovles" during its bankruptcy, told RBC source in the Legislative Assembly area.

According CPark, from July 2010 to January 2014 the owner of 75% was BOW Management Company "Lesteh". This company, in turn 100% owned by Novovyatskiy Ski Factory. Now 80% "Lesteh" belongs to the Swiss company SCT Lubricants AG, which owns the plant for the production of motor oils in the Lithuanian Klaipeda. SCT Lubricants available online Sudheimer Car Technik-Vertriebs Zudhaymera as one of the group companies.

Phones onions and NLC on Friday night did not respond.

According to the interlocutor of RBC in the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov region, the beneficial owner of 75% BOW structure were entrepreneurs Eugene and Albert Morgulis Laritskogo. Laritsky in 2011-2012 also served on the board of directors Novovyatskiy ski plant, from the data SPARK. Since April 2010, and so far it works Zudhaymer.

"Kommersant" called Laritskogo another governor Belykh. Interlocutor RBC in the government of the Kirov region said that White was familiar with Laritskim as familiar with all the major owners.

In June 2015 Laritsky was arrested. Investigators suspect the FSB businessman fraud with fictitious zakreditovyvation NLC and theft Sberbank loans, wrote "Kommersant". In 2010, the NLC has signed a contract to supply equipment for a new production of chipboard with a Swiss company controlled Laritskomu Champion Chemicals AG (she is also associated with Zudhaymerom). A line of credit for the modernization of the production opened Sberbank secured by property belonging to the Kirov region, in particular the building of the Kirov Oblast Philharmonic.

In January 2016 the Control and Audit Office of the Kirov region has identified irregularities in the repayment of the loan taken on the security of state property for the NLC, wrote "Kommersant". According to the same publication, Laritskogo accused of financial fraud in the organization of a new production at the NLC, as a result of which, according to the FSB, has settled more than $ 10 million to a businessman in a Swiss bank account.

Laritsky really realized investment projects on the territory of the Kirov region, told RBC Vice-Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov region, Mikhail Kurashin. "It's clear that the contacts with the governor were. But as far as I know, in recent years, these relationships were not explicitly etc.zheskie "- said Kurashin, adding that this was due to the failure of investment projects.

According to a source in the Legislative Assembly, the company Laritskogo received from the local government incentives for deforestation and the loans secured by the state property. With regard to the plant have been conducted investigative actions in 2010-2011 adds Kurashin. According to him, the investigation has not revealed the role of the governor.

Laritskogo lawyer Manuchar Bzhalava Friday refused from any comments related to the arrest of the governor of the Kirov.

Six years Governor

Belykh was appointed governor of the Kirov region in 2009 by President Dmitry Medvedev. Prior to that, he spent three years as head of the opposition party "Union of Right Forces" (SPS). The ATP after his departure transformed into a pro-Kremlin project "just cause", which was headed by Leonid Gozman. In 2009-2010, in addition to Navalny, first adviser to White, and then worked as Vice-Governor Maria Gaidar. In the years 2015-2016 Gaidar worked in the government of Mikhail Saakashvili in the Odessa region in Ukraine, for which he subjected her Whitesharp criticism.

In 2014, White was re-elected governor. At the election, he went as a self-nominee, voted for him for nearly 70% of voters. Powers White as governor ends in 2019.

As governor, Belykh has become a defendant in several criminal cases. He was a witness in the case of the theft of money from the party "Union of Right Forces." Then the investigation claimed that the advertising agency Navalny "Allectus" stole from the PCA 100 million rubles. during the 2007 election campaign, when the White headed the party. "Allectus" allegedly failed to comply with the work that paid in the PCA.

White is also a witness in the "case" Kirovlesa "in 2013 and testified in favor of Alexei Navalny, who was accused of stealing timber waste by 16.5 million rubles. White then confirmed the testimony of other witnesses that the activities of the "Kirovlesa" was inefficient and unprofitable, but also said that the actions of Navalny did not prejudice the regional budget. As a result, Navalny was sentenced to five years' imprisonment.

2013 White interrogated in the case of privatization Urzhum distillery. The case was opened in July 2012. According to investigators, the state property department of the Kirov region ordered to sell the shares at a lower price factory.

"The detention of the White no policy", - said the rector of the International Institute of Political Expertise Evgeny Minchenko. According to him, from a political point of view, on the contrary, it would be logical to him, "do not touch", given that he was the only Governor-liberal. "Recently on the rhetoric he [White] has become completely indistinguishable from Irina Spring it was quite comfortable and the governor, not to raise any political reason to remove it."