Eight officers of Department B were caught during the bribe provocation

Senior investigators of the MIA became defendants in a criminal case on abuse of power. However, the Basmanny court refused to arrest them. 
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In the Main Department for Combating Economic Crimes and Anti-Corruption (GUBEPiPK) MVD corruption scandal erupted. February 14 FSB officers detained eight employees of the Office of the "B" of the Interior Ministry, including two chief assistants. Police suspected of abuse of power and provocation of one of the officials on receiving a large bribe. Operatives themselves consider themselves innocent. In addition, as reported by sources of "News" in the police, the Basmanny Court of Moscow dismissed the investigation into their arrest. The Interior Ministry said that it was management staff, which is blamed for accepting a bribe, to disclose all the big scam the theft of funds from the budget in recent years, so they could become the victim of a provocation on the part of senior officials.

According to "News" on Friday evening, 14 February, the Office of FSB operatives "M", who fight crime among law enforcement officials have notified the General Directorate's own safety (Goosby) Ministry of Internal Affairs that they Provostit GUBEPiPK in a special operation in the framework of the criminal case instituted by the Investigative Committee under Article 286 of the Criminal Code ( "abuse of power") and 304 of the Criminal Code ( "Provocation bribe"). On the same evening, the operatives of the FSB and the Interior Ministry Goosby detained in the offices or home addresses eight senior operatives of the Office of "B".

- The material featured two names - a Kosourov Ivan and Alex Bodnar, as well as a senior operative ATS 28 th Division of the Boris and Gleb management - told "Izvestia" a source in the security services.

All the detainees were taken to the Basmanny district court of Moscow, where the investigator TFR asked to issue a warrant to arrest them, explaining that they are charged with service offenses, and once free, can put pressure on the witnesses, destroy evidence or escape. The prosecutor, in turn, did not find sufficient grounds in the case file, indicating the involvement of operatives in the crime, therefore refused to support a request for the arrest. The court sided with the prosecutor and released operatives.

- Already in the subot they come to work, - said a source in the Interior Ministry.

However, the leadership of the Ministry has appointed an official investigation into the "B" Department.

Details of the case, in which the special operation held in GUBEPiPK FSB, is still unknown. According to "Izvestia", the operatives stung on the fact that trying to provoke one of the officials, whom they suspected of involvement in the embezzlement of budget funds, to obtain bribes. Police officers sent to him with money intermediary, whose role is performed a businessman, but a potential corrupt became suspicious and handed over to the FSB officers. That is why it was a criminal case of provocation bribes and abuse of office.

Officials from the Interior Ministry refused to comment on the "News" scandal GUBEPiPK.

operatives Colleagues say that they are the victim of a provocation on the part of his former "clients".

- The guys have acted according to the law, and confirmed that court. This is a very professional staff. They work on all major scamembezzlement of budget funds in recent years - from the stories with the purchase of scanners at inflated prices and and ending the detention of the former mayor of Yaroslavl Eugene Urlashova - said "Izvestiya" one of the operatives GUBEPiPK. - The boys could easily become a victim of a provocation on the part of his former charges.

According to investigators, his colleagues suspected of provoking a bribe, which is one of the most complex legal issues in the work of the fighters against corruption. As in most other countries, the law allows the police to provoke the Russian officials to get bribes. This is called an operational experiment. However, the performance is considered to be very delicate moment, balancing on the verge of morality and law.

- The usual story when a victim comes to us and tells us that a few days, months or even years ago he extorted a bribe and he was forced to give it. Or we have the operative information that some officials take bribes exactly. To confirm this, carried out operational experiment, when a person is sent a special visitorFrom whom he demands a bribe, and then comes - operative said.

Article 304 of the Criminal Code qualifies the provocation of a bribe "for the artificial creation of evidence of a crime or blackmail" as a criminal offense. For this you can get a large fine or up to five years in prison. A few years ago, the Interior Ministry has proposed to amend Article amendment to clearly define the concept of "operational experiment" and "provocation bribes." The first will involve only targeted work with a specific officer, including his anti-corruption checks for stability, and the second - illegal provocation.

Employees of the Office of the "B" could also become a victim of human intrigue behind which may stand as their modern counterparts, or their representatives from other departments and former executives. In particular, the sources of "News" in the police said that the traces may lead to a former first deputy head of the then Department of Economic Security Interior Ministry General Andrew Horev.

His name was repeatedly flashed in the media in St.connection with various scandals, including those relating to VAT refunds. Among those areas which oversaw the Horev, it was the credit and financial sphere. all the operative work on a number of high-profile criminal cases were concentrated in the department and its structural division of ORB-7. Among them, a case of deliberate bankruptcy Sodbiznesbank, money laundering through financial institutions in Dagestan. Horev himself attributed a close acquaintance with the former officer DEBa Maxim Kagan, who was called perhaps the main reshalschikom all police, who allegedly could ruin almost any criminal case.

- Following the reform of the Interior Ministry in the department is carried out such a policy: if someone from the staff got burned on corruption, the findings may be followed by personnel throughout the department or management, - he told "Izvestia" a source in the Interior Ministry. - It is possible that someone has decided so clean "B" management to deliver to their people.

Recall that the most ambitious scam recently that manages "B" of the Interior Ministry, was a series of "cases scanners &raquo ;. In 2010, it became clear that for three years has directed the Health Ministry to the regions of the budget money for the purchase of scanners for local hospitals, based on an in value. However, the investigators found, scanners were purchased at an inflated value. According to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, the budget lost on these purchases of about 3 billion rubles.

dozens of criminal cases were initiated in Moscow, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Ulyanovsk and Tula regions, as well as in the Chuvash Republic and the Nenets Autonomous District. According GUEBiPK in 2012, opened 136 criminal cases on frauds with medical equipment.