Mikhail Khodorkovsky is put on the federal wanted list

The former head of Yukos is accused in absentia for the murder of the mayor of Nefteyugansk.
Law enforcement authorities have declared the federal wanted list of former Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was in absentia charged with the murder of Nefteyugansk Mayor Vladimir Petukhov in 1998. Khodorkovsky himself, according to his press secretary, even in absentia does not intend to participate in the investigation.

Former Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky was put on the federal wanted list. This was reported by "Interfax" with reference to its sources in law enforcement. Further steps RF IC can be classified Khodorkovsky's international wanted list and a request for his arrest in absentia. Earlier it became known that Mr. Khodorkovsky was summoned for questioning by the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) as he wrote on his Twitter, post pictures of agenda, which investigators have handed over to his father Boris Khodorkovsky.

As reported in my Facebook, coordinator of "Open Russia" journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, he was summoned for questioning in connection with the criminal case of Aleksey Pichugin, the former head of Yukos security department, Who in 2007 was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the Nefteyugansk mayor Vladimir Petukhov. According to the press secretary Mikhail Khodorkovsky Küllo Pispanen, "he did not intend to participate even in absentia in any investigative actions and communicate with the RF IC."

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation from the official comments so far refrained. Sources of the "Y" in the police noted that the charges against Mr Khodorkovsky's prosecution is based on the same "operational material", which this summer became the basis for the resumption of the investigation of the criminal case under investigation since 1998 into the murder of the mayor of Nefteyugansk. As for the ads businessman federal wanted list, this measure, according to the interlocutor, "Kommersant", was inevitable, since the defendant failed to appear on the summons for questioning by the investigator. Accordingly, in the future the police will most likely announce a businessman and an international arrest warrant.

Recall that the mayor of Nefteyugansk, Vladimir Petukhov, was killed June 26, 1998 on the way to work. The reason for the murder, according to thethe investigation was a conflict because of tax evasion between the mayor and Yukos, which was then the main enterprise. Vladimir Petukhov, in particular, required to initiate criminal proceedings against the company. For the murder of Vladimir Petukhov, he was sentenced to life imprisonment of ex-head of Yukos security department Alexey Pichugin.

June 30, 2015 the official representative SKR Vladimir Markin said that his department plans to verify the information that the customer Vladimir Petukhov's murder could be Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and interrogate witnesses and suspects, including the former head of Yukos. According to him, this was due to newly discovered evidence, which "became known to the investigation due to the received operational information." Protection of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, as well as Alexey Pichugin's lawyers, bewildered apprehended while application of the Investigative Committee of Russia. "I can not think out of the investigation, it is understood by the newly discovered circumstances. Do not assume that my client went to cooperate with the investigation, "- saidla then "b" of the convicted Pichugin's lawyer Kseniya Kostromina.

As we found out, "b", the most important potential witnesses in the case have not been questioned to date. Lawyer Konstantin Rivkin, who represented the interests of the former head of Menatep Platon Lebedev in the second "Yukos case", said today, "Kommersant" that met with the businessman a few days ago and did not get on the information that concerning him have been or are planned investigative actions on the case the murder of the mayor of Nefteyugansk. Lawyer Vadim Klyuvgant, representing the second "Yukos case" the interests of Mr Khodorkovsky himself, reported today "Kommersant" that has only the information that appeared in the electronic media. Mr. Klyuvgant said that his position on the prosecution of the former head of Yukos in the murder of the Nefteyugansk mayor remains unchanged - all charges TFR lawyer considers "fraudulent and dictated weird reasons."