Metal maker is left without distilleries

Vadim Varshavsky's family assests have been arrested in France.
As the "Kommersant", the court of the French city of Angouleme imposed a temporary seizure of the local assets of Russian businessman Vadim Varshavsky, including four wineries, which he owned jointly with his wife. With such a request to the French authorities asked the VTB Bank, which Vadim Varshavsky as a personal guarantor owed almost 2 billion rubles. The businessman told "Kommersant" that he had no property in France is not, as part of the debt to VTB (though, in the amount of approximately 15 million rubles.) Already paid.

As follows from the decision of the Court of First Instance of Angouleme (province Charente), security measures imposed on registered in the city of four French wine company with registered capital of about € 400 thousand., Which Vadim Varshavsky owns jointly with his wife, as well as company Etoile 06 with charter capital € 1 thousand. The latter, according to the plaintiffs, owns and Cannes apartment Residence Le Chateau de l'Etoile area of ​​about 200 square meters. m and a value of approximately € 2 million.

With a petition to the court for the arrest of the French assets of former State Duma deputy VadimWarsaw VTB asked about a year and a half after the Basmanny District Court of Moscow ordered the businessman to return the debt under the credit agreement in the amount of nearly 2 billion rubles.

As follows from the decision of the Russian court, in December 2011, TransCreditBank granted a loan of 2.8 billion rubles. JSC "Guryev metal works" (HMP) under the guarantee of its owner Vadim Varshavsky and some were part of his empire metallurgical plants. However, in 2013, factories were the guarantors under bankruptcy and creditor's rights under this agreement ceded TransCreditBank, VTB. Starting from 2014 GMZ service its loan to VTB stopped. In April 2014, the bank turned to the Basmanny district court of Moscow with the claim about collecting from Vadim Varshavsky remaining debt in the amount of about 2 billion rubles. under a contract of personal surety. At the same time the arrest was made on the building owned by businessman in downtown Moscow (Course Lane, 8/2) area of ​​over 500 square meters. m. Vadim Varshavsky himself in court stated that "the agreement was concluded under the influence of delusion and deception, and the transaction is void";. However, the district, and then the Moscow City Court confirmed the lender's requirements.

After this, VTB began to seek foreign assets Vadim Varshavsky, who managed to find in France. A local court found the decision of the Moscow courts and requirements of VTB to the defendant reasonable and "authorized the Bank to arrest Vadim Varshavsky owned assets" in the country. Within three months, VTB lawyers must again refer to the French court with claims about the seizure of the defendant's property.

Vadim Varshavsky told "Kommersant" that he had no property in France, no. "It is, my wife, and that it owned VTB believes me I think that the French court will understand who and what belongs to.", - Said the "b" Vadim Varshavsky. Besides, according to him, part of the debt to VTB, about 15 million rubles., Already extinguished, but for some reason it is not written down. The businessman believes that the remainder of the money the bank can gain from the sale of the creditor and are in the process of bankruptcy five steel plants.

"We are pleased with the decision of the French courtalozhenii arrest Vadim Varshavsky assets. The Bank will take all necessary measures to recover from his debt. We will work to return the debt by all available methods in accordance with the law ", - said in turn," b "in the VTB.