Suleiman Kerimov's son Said has bought the largest cinema chain in the country, Cinema Park

He will pay to Potanin using his own funds.
"Interros" Vladimir Potanin, and the son of "Cinema Park" Federation Council member Suleiman Kerimov Said agreed to the sale, told "Vedomosti" a person close to the senator, and a member of "Interros": the deal is signed, but not yet completed. The representative of the "Interros" has confirmed that the sale of "Cinema Park" is being finalized. The amount and terms of the transaction company representatives refused to disclose.

In the "Interros" said Potanin wanted to get behind the net about $ 400 million. One of the "Vedomosti" said the source, that the transaction amount is somewhat less. For cinemas Jr. Karimov will pay from its own funds, he assured the people close to the senator.

Said 19 years old, he is a student of the Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO). At Saida were before a small investment in other projects, said an acquaintance of his father, but in any does not want to go into details. Selecting an object for investment interlocutor "Vedomosti" explained that "Cinema Park" - the market leader and other factors not mentioned.

Suleiman Kerimov, is given bynym of Forbes, one of the 20 richest people in Russia, his fortune the magazine estimated at $ 6.9 billion. Since 2008 he is a member of the Federation Council of Dagestan. Contact junior Karimov failed, a spokesman Suleiman Kerimov refused to comment.

Children of many major Russian businessmen have grown and are actively engaged in the business of their parents. Son of Roman Abramovich Arkady engaged in the oil business, its structure owned oil and gas fields in the Saratov region (purchased for $ 180 million) and the company CenGeo, licensed to Koltogorsky oil field in Western Siberia (the deal was worth $ 26 million plus $ 20 million in investment commitments).

Son Vladimir Lisin Dmitry - Director of Strategic Development OOO "Rumelko" control all the assets of his father. Dmitry Lisin is on the board of directors of the First Freight Company.

Daughter of Gennady Timchenko, Ksenia Frank, also helps her father, she officially - a member of the board of directors of his company "TRANSOIL".

The daughter of the owner of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine Viktor Rashnikova Olga works in MMC since 2005, in 2011, she became Director of Finance, and two years ago joined the MMK Board of Directors.

The son of the owner of TMK Dmitry Pumpyansky Alexander - Member of the Board of Directors of SKB-Bank, owned by his father.

Recently Arkady Rotenberg sold son Igor "Gazprom drilling" (engaged in drilling wells for oil and gas). Rothenberg Sr. said that his son paid for the transaction mainly own funds derived from the sale of shares in "Stroygazmontazh" dividends from the same "Stroygazmontazh", "Gazprom drilling" and "Mostotrest" and income from other investments.

"Cinema Park" - the largest cinema chain in Russia, it has 30 cinemas in which the 281 hall. At its nearest competitor, "Formula Kino", according to "Nevafilm Research," cinema more 34, but less rooms - 249 Total in Russia 3742 the hall.

Revenue "Cinema Park" in 2013 - 8.5 billion rubles. (Ticket sales, food and beverage, display advertising before sessions), 12% more than in 2012, told "Vedomosti" a former top manager "Prof.edia. " net EBITDA margin is 23%. The network has little leverage: net debt of less than 2 EBITDA.

The representative of the "Interros" these figures are not commented. Last year, Russia and CIS residents (excluding Ukraine) spent on movie tickets 44.3 billion rubles., 12.3% more than in 2012

Until 2013 the "Cinema Park" included in the "Prof-Media". When Potanin finally decided to sell the media holding, the network has been bred out of him, but remained under the control of "Prof-Media".

Top managers of "Prof-Media" then explained that Potanin said film distribution business is much more promising than the TV or radio.

This network of cinemas - in fact, the last media assets Potanin. Last year, he sold "Prof-Media" holding "Gazprom-Media" for $ 602 million (net of debt in the amount of 9.9 billion rubles., The transaction is completed in this February). He also agreed with Alexander Mamut to merge their online assets ( "Afisha-Rambler" with SUP Fabrik). Mamut is obliged to redeem the share of "Interros", three years after the transaction if Potanin wants to get outof the business, the amount of the option - $ 295 million So now "Interros" has remained only a minority stake (10% shares) online theater

The network "Cinema Park" could change the owner at the beginning of the year. When Potanin, has agreed with "Gazprom-media" about the deal with the "Prof-Media", it agreed to sell the holding company and "Cinema Park", told "Vedomosti" people close to both negotiating parties. But the deal did not take place - chairman of the board "Gazprom-Media" Mikhail Lesin changed his mind. The representative of the "Interros" then confirmed that the parties have not agreed on the final stage, and the representative of "Gazprom-media" comment refused.

If the story of the "Prof-Media" for Potanin was not too successful - businessman invested in holding more than received in the sale - that investment in cinema "Interros" network is very happy, he says a person close to the investment company. "Interros" has created "Cinema Park" from the ground up in 2002 and has invested in the network in startup is only the first step. only in2011, when "Cinema Park" bought from Paul Heth and its network of partners Kinostar Deluxe, a shareholder has provided the network 4.7 billion rubles. (About $ 170 million at the exchange rate at the time) on the deal.

Suleiman Kerimov was not interested in media business - except that in 2005-2008. owned provider "National Telecommunications", which eventually went to "Rostelecom» : in the provider includes several small cable TV channels.

Sale of "Cinema Park" - the third largest transaction in the market for three years of film. A year after the sale Kinostar Deluxe former owner of her hat, funds Baring Vostok, UFG and Russian private equity fund acquired a controlling stake in another network - "Karo Film". The amount of the transaction the parties had not uncovered, and experts disagreed, the cost of a network - is the sum of $ 200 million to $ 400 million.

Also this year, it became known that the A1, the investment arm of "Alpha groups", put up for sale "Formula Kino". These are the three largest network in the country.

Now the national box office is growing more slowly than in previous years. But the currentThe year is not the best for movie theaters in the United States. Experts attribute this primarily to the lack of large-scale blockbuster.

However, the situation cinemas stable than, for example, the Russian advertising market. The costs of companies for promotion in the media almost did not grow, interviewed by "Vedomosti", experts said, may at the end of this year.

Film distributors is expected that 2015 will be more successful than the current one for them. "Next year will be just perfect for the cinema, will come out strong sequels, which will collect billions: the continuation of" Avatar, "" Star Wars, "" Pirates of the Caribbean ", - assured before" Vedomosti "top manager of one of the federal cinema chains. And close to the "Formula Kino" the manager pointed out that the film network provide a stable cash flow and are resistant to financial crises.