Katerina Tikhonova jumped forward 100 years

The alleged daughter of Vladimir Putin has been crossed out on the vistibular apparatus.
Origin source
Gendirektor tsentra «Innopraktika» Katerina Tikhonova, kotoruyu Reuters i Bloomberg nazyvali mladshey docher'yu prezidenta Vladimira Putina, zashchitila dissertatsiyu na temu «Matematicheskiye zadachi korrektsii aktivnosti vestibulyarnykh mekhanoretseptorov» i stala kandidatom fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk. Zashchita prokhodila v zdanii NII mekhaniki MGU. Vse meropriyatiye prodolzhilos' okolo dvukh chasov, iz nikh polchasa ushlo na doklad Tikhonovoy, opisyvayut «Otkrytyye media». U chlenov dissertatsionnogo soveta posle doklada Tikhonovoy voznik tol'ko odin vopros, na kotoryy ta otvetila. Odin iz prisutstvovavshikh na zashchite uchenykh pokhvalil rabotu i yeye avtora, otmetiv, chto ona «operedila svoye vremya na 100 let». Odin iz nauchnykh rukovoditeley — rektor MGU Viktor Sadovnichiy — rasskazal, chto Tikhonova sama podoshla k nemu i skazala, chto khochet zanimat'sya matematikoy, i takzhe nastoyala, chtoby rabota byla aktual'noy i dlya sportsmenov, tak kak sama — «izvestnyy spetsialist po sportivnomu rok-n-rollu». «My poluchayem dostoynogo spetsialista po slozhnoy tematike. Takikh uchenykh ochen' malo», — zaklyuchil Sadovnichiy (tsitata po «Vedomostyam»). Sadovnichiy, soglasno baze dannykh MGU «Istina», za posledniye 10 let tol'ko trizhdy byl nauchnym rukovoditelem dissertatsiy. Khvalili Tikhonovu i opponenty. Rabota oformlena «khorosho, lyubovno», otmetil odin iz opponentov, glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta mediko-biologicheskikh problem Rossiyskoy akademii nauk Inesa Kozlovskaya. Drugoy opponent, professor Finansovogo universiteta pri pravitel'stve Aleksandr Chechkin ukazal na to, chto v dissertatsii vstrechayutsya opechatki i neudachnyye vyrazheniya, no v to zhe vremya nazval dissertatsiyu «pervoklassnoy». Na golosovanii chleny dissertatsionnogo soveta reshili prisudit' Tikhonovoy stepen' kandidata fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk yedinoglasno. Teper' eto resheniye dolzhna utverdit' Vysshaya attestatsionnaya komissiya. O chem dissertatsiya Dissertatsiya Tikhonovoy posvyashchena probleme ustraneniya narusheniy funktsiy vestibulyarnogo apparata, prichinami kotorykh mogut byt' zabolevaniya ili vliyaniye ekstremal'nykh usloviy, naprimer pri polete v kosmos. Ona predlagayet reshat' yeye s pomoshch'yu tekhnologii gal'vanicheskoy vestibulyarnoy stimulyatsii — vozdeystviya na vestibulyarnyy apparat cheloveka elektricheskimi impul'sami. Etu ideyu Tikhonova predstavlyala yeshche v svoyey magisterskoy dissertatsii. «Neobkhodimo ponimat', chto eto issledovaniye v oblasti prikladnoy matematiki, a ne biologii ili fiziologii», — poyasnil «Vedomostyam» izdatel' nauchno-populyarnogo izdaniya N+1 i prepodavatel' mekhmata MGU Andrey Konyayev. Tikhonova vospol'zovalas' sushchestvuyushchimi matematicheskimi modelyami, v tom chisle vestibulyarnogo apparata, i reshila zadachu o korrektsii vozmozhnykh otkloneniy v nikh, otmechayet on. Chem izvestna Tikhonova O Katerine Tikhonovoy i fonde «Innopraktika» stalo shiroko izvestno v 2015 godu, kogda RBK opublikoval rassledovaniye o rasshirenii MGU. V rassledovanii ukazyvalos', chto «Innopraktika» uchastvuyet v proyekte sozdaniya nauchno-tekhnologicheskoy doliny universiteta, otsenivayemom v 110 mlrd rubley. Reuters so ssylkoy na istochnik, blizkiy k MGU, apisal, chto Tikhonova yavlyayetsya docher'yu prezidenta Rossii. Istochniki Bloomberg pozdneye takzhe nazvali Tikhonovu docher'yu Vladimira Putina. Reuters v 2015 godu takzhe pisal, chto Tikhonova zamuzhem za Kirillom Shamalovym — synom aktsionera banka «Rossiya» Nikolaya Shamalova, kotoryy v 2014 godu byl vnesen v sanktsionnyy spisok Yevrosoyuza kak «davniy znakomyy» prezidenta Rossii. V nachale 2018 goda Bloomberg so ssylkoy na chetyre nenazvannykh istochnika soobshchil, chto «brachnyy soyuz» Tikhonovoy i Shamalova zavershen. Sam Putin na vopros o vozmozhnom rodstve s Tikhonovoy govoril, chto nikogda ne obsuzhdayet svyazannykh s sem'yey voprosov. «Govorit' o tom, gde konkretno moi docheri rabotayut, chem oni zanimayutsya, — ya nikogda ne delal etogo i seychas zdes' ne sobirayus' eto delat'. Po ochen' mnogim soobrazheniyam, v tom chisle i po voprosam bezopasnosti. Voobshche, ya schitayu, chto kazhdyy chelovek imeyet pravo na svoyu sobstvennuyu sud'bu. Oni u menya nikogda ne byli zvozdnymi det'mi, nikogda ne poluchali udovol'stviya ot togo, chto na nikh napravleny sofity, oni prosto zhivut svoyey zhizn'yu i delayut eto ochen' dostoyno», — govoril on na press-konferentsii v 2015 godu.
The general director of the Innopraktika center, Katerina Tikhonov, who was called by Reuters and Bloomberg as the youngest daughter of President Vladimir Putin, defended her thesis on the topic “Mathematical tasks for correcting the activity of vestibular mechanoreceptors” and became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. The defense took place in the building of the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University. The whole event lasted about two hours, half an hour was spent on the report of Tikhonova, described by Open Media.

The members of the dissertation council, after the report of Tikhonova, had only one question to which she answered. One of those present at the protection of scientists praised the work and its author, noting that she was "100 years ahead of her time." One of the scientific leaders, the rector of Moscow State University, Viktor Sadovnichy, said that Tikhonova herself approached him and said that he wanted to study mathematics, and also insisted that the work was relevant for athletes as well as “a well-known expert in sports rock roll.

“We get a decent specialist in a complex subject. There are very few such scientists, ”Sadovnichy concluded (quoted from Vedomosti). Sadovnichy, according to the database of the Moscow State University "Truth", over the past 10 years, only three times he was a supervisor of dissertations.

Praised Tikhonov and opponents. The work was framed "well, lovingly," said one of the opponents, the chief researcher at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ines Kozlovskaya. Another opponent, a professor at the Financial University under the government, Alexander Chechkin, pointed out that there were misprints and bad expressions in the dissertation, but at the same time he called his dissertation “first-class”.

On voting, members of the dissertation council decided to award Tikhonova a Ph.D. in physics and mathematics unanimously. Now this decision must approve the Higher Attestation Commission.

What is the thesis

Tikhonova’s dissertation is devoted to the problem of eliminating disorders of the vestibular apparatus, the causes of which can be diseases or the influence of extreme conditions, for example, when flying into space. She proposes to solve it with the help of galvanic vestibular stimulation technology - the impact on the human vestibular apparatus with electrical impulses. Tikhonova presented this idea in her master’s thesis.

“You need to understand that this is a study in applied mathematics, not biology or physiology,” Andrei Konyaev, publisher of the popular science edition N + 1, and a lecturer at Moscow State University explained to Vedomosti. Tikhonova took advantage of existing mathematical models, including the vestibular apparatus, and solved the problem of correcting possible deviations in them, he notes.

What is known Tikhonov

About Katerina Tikhonova and the Innopraktika Foundation became widely known in 2015, when RBC published an investigation into the expansion of MSU. The investigation indicated that Innopraktika is participating in the project to create a science and technology university valley, estimated at 110 billion rubles. Reuters, citing a source close to Moscow State University, wrote that Tikhonov is the daughter of the president of Russia. Sources Bloomberg later also called Tikhonov the daughter of Vladimir Putin. Reuters in 2015 also wrote that Tikhonov was married to Kirill Shamalov, the son of Nikolai Shamalov, a shareholder of the Russia Bank, who in 2014 was included in the EU sanctions list as an “old acquaintance” of the Russian president. In early 2018, Bloomberg, citing four unnamed sources, reported that the “marriage union” of Tikhonova and Shamalov was completed.

Putin, when asked about a possible relationship with Tikhonova, said that he never discusses family-related issues. “To talk about exactly where my daughters work, what they do,” I have never done this and now I’m not going to do it here. For many reasons, including on security issues. In general, I believe that everyone has the right to their own destiny. I have never had star children, never enjoyed the fact that spotlights are aimed at them, they just live their lives and do it very worthily, ”he said at a press conference in 2015.