While in Kremlin sidelines and expert community is judged yes ryadyat whom the new deputy head of Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko invite to his team in the management of domestic policy, and how quickly the head of the political unit is included in the swing of things - his old "economy" fever checks and arrests of former subordinates.
As it became known, a top manager of the company TVEL (part of the Fuel Division of the State Corporation "Rosatom") Olga Nikonov was accused of fraud and embezzlement of 110 million rubles at the conclusion of fictitious contracts -. Have already started legal proceedings on the case. According to the investigation, from 2007 to 2013 suspected systematically designed the contracts with the non-existent legal entities to periodically update the reference legal systems are obviously inflated prices. However, the system has not been set, but the money just withdrawn from the fuel companies to the accounts of companies, one-day and then cashed.
"The case file sent to Nagatinsky district court for consideration on the merits, the next week will be held preliminary SLEShania, "- said the lawyer Olga Nikonova, adding that prosecutors approved the indictment in a criminal case on charges of fraud in especially large. He also noted that his client would plead guilty only in part, it could not play a key role in the history of theft: through it did not pass the financial flows, within seven years of the signature on the relevant documents put the other person, and all transactions are checked by the security service.
According to observers, it is unlikely Mrs. Nikonov tell all the details of the case - in fact in this case, investigators can descend into the office now senior Sergei Kiriyenko. The suspect, however, has already given evidence on other members of the criminal scheme of TVEL management, but they are witnesses. Yes, and the court, they say, not without oddities - so Nikonova surname first confused, calling it Novikova. According to rumors, the judge could push himself Sergei Kiriyenko, who is a business obviously spoils the whole image.
What is certain is that the former head of "Rosatom" stayed away from situationsand in which the JSC "TVEL-Invest-Technology" year showed a loss of more than 100 mln. rubles. Lawyer Olga Nikonova said that the investigation "made it at." Although investigators initially were talking about the "unidentified consequence of the people", among which, in theory, should have been there, and the president of TVEL Yuri Olenin - Nikonov, one went to trial. The criminal case against "unidentified" close Sergei Kiriyenko highlighted in a separate proceeding, and then actually stopped - probably played the role of a new post of Mr Kirienko or the fact that "Rosatom", as well as in other state corporations, do not like to wash dirty linen in public.
"Yes, two events coincided: the appointment of the former head of the state corporation" Rosatom "for the position of first deputy head of the Presidential Administration in charge of domestic policy, and the charge of Olga Nikonova - confirmed the" Age, "the director of the Institute of Contemporary Development Dmitry Solonnikov state. - And here you can see the situation from both sides. The first - the most simple and obvious. In all major Corp.ratsiyah today have their criminal cases, their charges and their landing. In Rosnano - Leonid Melamed, in Rostec - Alexander Gorbunov, in Renova - Eugene Olkhovik and Boris Vainzikher in "Skolkovo" - Alex Beltiukov in RusHydro - Evgeny Dod. And so on.
In general, the investigation in respect of certain managers of large corporations were there to be, but they do not affect the activities of corporations themselves, and have no effect on the heads of these corporations. This is a common practice. And "Rosatom" Sergei Kiriyenko in this series no better and no worse than others. In this sense, the new head can fly if vskroyutsya new illegal acts. This is not a rule or law, but it is a certain probability, the same as in other large corporations. And Kiriyenko in this sense nothing special "Rosatom" not leave. The second side of all these criminal cases and landing can be considered as the taking of hostages. Central imperial power takes to his hostage representatives disparate tribes. Abduction of relatives of the leaders in the capital, ensuring the loyalty of the leaders of the central vlaminute. Here also".
According to the analyst, while there are criminal cases, while in detention or under house arrest are the top managers of large corporations - their owners and their management will be very wary of hasty and risky steps. "Is that not enough? It is not known what evidence and who have already been given in the course of the investigation, and that more will be heard further. In this regard, Sergei Vladilenovich transition into politics coincided with the taking of hostages. On the basis of this logic - a pattern already more. Moreover, the planned law on both sides, "- concludes Solonnikov.
However, the reputation of the representatives of "Rosatom" more difficult than ever to spoil - arrests in the state corporations have become almost a tradition. Last year in the Tomsk Region Court reviewed sentences two top managers of "Rosatom", taking appeals to protect former heads of OAO "Siberian Chemical Combine" (SCC, part of the fuel company "Rosatom" TVEL). Now, obviously, Leonid Romanenko and Timur Bukeikhanov receive suspended sentences and be released. They were accused of embezzling 20 million. Rubles.
Recall, the former CEO of SCC Karatkevich Vladimir and his deputies, Yuri Kungur Leonid Romanenko, as well as the top manager of TVEL Timur Bukeikhanov accused of receiving "kickbacks" from the partner companies for their participation in the lucrative contracts. According to investigators, the firm "International Technology and Trade Center", "Bagomes" and "Servisatomtrans" for the conclusion of contracts for the supply of coal combine allegedly paid to his leadership 6.7 million in 2011-2012., 2.5 mln. And 7, 3 million. rubles, respectively. And although the court has appointed all four penalty involving deprivation of liberty in the colony - Romanenko and Bukeikhanov probably be released.
By the way, in the first instance court of Vladimir Karatkevich showed that the funds received from counterparties were in support of the local branch of "United Russia" - he said, the party has repeatedly appealed to him for financial help, as the general director of the SCC, but the charity fund of the company was limited . Apparently, it was necessary to get out - to give up the party in power is clearly not possible. However, in the last word, Mr. Corokevich to sponsor the "United Russia" at the expense of budget funds is no longer mentioned. They say that Sergei Kiriyenko, a blind eye to corruption funding, because his son Vladimir could lead the executive committee of the Nizhny Novgorod regional branch of United Russia.
In addition, as previously wrote "The Age", the head of "Rosatom" not only controls the state corporation, and probably has a direct relationship to the activities of the Nizhny Novgorod Sarovbusinessbank, which is headed by his son Vladimir Kiriyenko, and possibly gets some dividends from this " cross "control. "Of course, without the help of Sr. Kiriyenko Kiriyenko Jr. I could not have achieved such success. One placement on Sarovbusinessbank accounts, in my opinion, 800 million rubles, owned by "Rosatom", says a lot, "-. Said then" age "of Nizhny Novgorod political scientist Sergey Kocherov.
Recently it became known that in anticipation of Sergey Kiriyenko appointed to replace Vyacheslav Volodin, his son's career took off even more rapidly. Kiriyenko, Jr. was appointed to the post of senior vice president ofEVELOPMENT and business management of "Rostelecom". 33-year-old banker instructed the three main business areas of the company, including management of corporate marketing, commercial activities of branches and new business development areas. Needless to say, if even when he was a student at the Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir Kirienko Campus School of Economics, his declared income amounted to more than 5 million. Dollars a year! Explaining in 2015 of Forbes, as it managed such a young man, an acquaintance of Sergei Kiriyenko said that his father always wanted a son was considered a successful businessman: "When he knocked 20 years it began to outweigh the assets."
Forbes reported that Vladimir Kirienko is responsible for the family business. In recent years, since 2011 he has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Capital" - the company's office, according to the 2015, located on the Big Ordynka, 67, 500 meters from the office of "Rosatom". Vladimir Kirienko partner also told the publication that the son of the current deputy head of the AP have private equity investments - shares in the factories and enterprises, which are estimated at over 50 million dollars.and log sources on the real estate market claimed that Kirienko owns projects in Moscow and Moscow region (with shares of between 5% and 20%) and is interested in commercial real estate in Switzerland and France. However, hardly anyone now the surprise "business talent," the offspring of famous officials, who almost without exception are "geniuses management" even with zero experience in various fields.
Yes, and Sergei Kiriyenko did not deprive himself before leaving the nuclear state corporation - in May this year revealed that in 2015 he earned as much as 49 million rubles.. It is noteworthy that, as they say, he is also currently allocated prize in the "long-term motivation," but in October 2016 has moved to a new position in AP.
But especially in the history of "Rosatom" released in 2011, when 48 heads of enterprises of state corporations have been involved in various forms of liability. Among them - Deputy Director General of "Rosatom" Evstratov Eugene, who was arrested on charges of embezzlement of budget 46 million rubles allocated for nuclear facilities.. widely knowngovernmental steel and corruption schemes in the procurement of equipment in Kursk and Leningrad NPP. In the autumn of the same year, the police have completed the investigation of criminal case on the theft of the "Rosenergoatom" 100 million. Rubles allocated for the purchase of hand manipulators for nuclear waste storage.
It turned out that when buying equipment in Germany, the competition was held, who won the mediator "Tsentrokomplekt" sold manipulators at a price much higher than the price of the manufacturer. In mid-2012, he was arrested the head of experimental design "Hydraulic" Bureau (owned by "Rosatom") Viktor Mokhov, which caused damage to the concern "Rosenergoatom" 18 million. Rubles.
Sergey Kiriyenko has repeatedly promised to strengthen the fight against corruption in state corporations, bringing all cases of violations to the criminal cases. In this series of cleaning the head of "Rosatom" I was ready "to sweep dirty linen in public", not even shaking of the honor of his uniform. However, as we can see, the majority of criminal cases against top managers of "Rosatom" is falling apart even at the investigation stage, or directly in the courts.
& laquo; When Sergei Kiriyenko, "Rosatom" has been more than ever corruption scandals in which even the deputies of the Kiriyenko were involved, as well as heads of large enterprises and the representatives of "Rosatom" abroad - said the "age" of the co-chairman of the Russian environmental group "Ecodefence" Vladimir Slivyak. - Obviously, the fight against corruption in the state-owned corporation has been far from effective. After leaving Kiriyenko, quite possibly, will be the new criminal proceedings, as the new leader can begin redistribution of spheres of influence within the state-owned corporation, which will be its victims. "
According to the expert, Russia happened in a major nuclear accident at the time of "Rosatom" Kiriyenko management - we hardly know about it quickly. "All channels of information" Rosatom "tightly closed, and if there and come out any important information, it is only by the will of the inhabitants of the monstrous building on Bolshaya Ordynka and nothing else - Slivyak said. - Information closeness of "Rosatom" is harmful is that once the presence or absence of access to information couldt depend on people's lives and health. Heritage Kiriyenko, "Rosatom" deserves a separate discussion. The experience of his work, of course, is evaluated positively in the Kremlin. Suppose that in Russia is being built in two to three times smaller reactors than planned, let a lot of corruption scandals happened with the arrests of high officials up to deputy head of the corporation, but the backlog of orders for the construction of nuclear power plants abroad rose to an astronomical sum of 100 billion. Dollars. For the Kremlin, periodically using energy to exert pressure on the country's inconvenient, is not only the prestige and money. "
Nevertheless, says ecologist, from 80% to 90% of the declared "Rosatom" transactions - is a letter of intent with a very streamlined formulations, and in most cases, these securities are not worth anything. At the same time two-thirds of older reactors at Russian nuclear power plants in the near future will require decommissioning. Obviously, now it will become a headache of the new head of "Rosatom" Alexei Likhachev, who is unlikely to have such unlimited access to budget money, as its predecessor. As a result, mostall state-owned corporation will incur huge losses at the nearly invisible earnings.
"In the Russian media say that the former head of the corporation with the PR team is the Kremlin prepared following the election of Putin's campaign. Summing up nearly 11-year tenure Kiriyenko as head of the nuclear industry, we can say that in the area of ​​disbursement and paper exploits the former head of "Rosatom" there are few equals. Kiriyenko has assembled a team that knows how to work with information streams, compressed form of unwanted and loyalty ", - concluded Vladimir Slivyak.