Screwups of the Helmholtz Research Institute deprived patients of sight

In Russia, desperate attempts are made to silence up the disgusting scandal, which broke up in late September at the Moscow Helmholtz Scientific Research Institute for Eye Diseases.
Then doctors injected-bungler two dozen of his patients the drug "Avastin", which led to their blindness or loss of vision. No responsibility for their actions subordinate Director of the Institute of Vladimir Neroeva unwilling to bear.

What happened - a real shame for the clinic, existing since 1900! This incompetence and irresponsibility in the US end in multi-million dollar lawsuits to the medical institution, and even more bureaucratic Europe, this can mean for doctors "wolf ticket" and a ban on the profession. But in Russia, like the soft and therefore all limited PR and statements Helmholtz Research Institute that "patients getting better and better ." This is despite the fact that only September 30, 11 people lost their vision! Another 9 people found while under supervision.

The very same clinic scandal at the Russian habit of "relaxed idiocy" written off not on their own incompetence, and the machinations of dark forces who want to harm her. In his own defense establishment has mobilized a number of VIP-persons, who gave sugary comments like for example this :

Incident patients Institute of Eye Diseases Helmholtz, who develop complications after use of the drug "Avastin", according to experts, has been used to discredit the institution and medication. However, in defense of the oldest institutions in the country stood ophthalmic celebrities and former patients of the clinic, write Arguments and Facts.

For example, he said a member of the Public Chamber and singer Diana Gurtskaya its support for the Institute. Also, to protect the clinic specialists got Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation Nikas Safronov. According to him, for the artist the most important tool is the eye, so he, like many of his colleagues, trust only the specialists of the Research Institute named Gelmogltsa.

In the end, the Research Institute Helmholtz leadership is not smart enough to what no wiser as third-order among online media campaign about some Israeli doctors affected ... the level of professionalism in the Moscow Institute!chestvo / 92,878-izrailskie-vrachi-voshischeny-burnym -razvitiem-rossiyskoy-oftalmologii.html "target =" _ blank "> It sounds like this:

The guest of honor of Israel, Professor of Medical University of Tel Aviv, a leading expert on retinal Lowenstein Annette admitted that "even she could learn from the Russian colleagues." This is not just tact, and the words, based on the facts. Specific work has received good words Metropolitan Research Institute. Helmholtz.

Indeed, it is unlikely Israeli physicians think out stabbing his patients in the eyeballs drug "Avastin", which led to the tragedy of the Research Institute of the Helmholtz 26-28 September 2016! And certainly after such a scandal or no Gurtskaya Diana Nikas Safronov will not give herself bungler-degenerates from Neroeva team.

Recall, the drug "Avastin" was introduced to patients on 26 September and 28 September, and they are no longer visible. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on October 3 filed a case under Part. 1, Art. 238 of the Criminal Code (services that do not meet safety requirements): "Victims conducted unregistered, according to the application, instructions intravitreal (in the eyeapple) introduction of "Avastin" of the drug, resulting in stepped partial loss of vision. "Roszdravnadzor recalled batch of the drug, and in his company-developer stressed that he never intended for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. Despite the bravura statements SRI Helmholtz press service , ophthalmologists on condition of anonymity (otherwise in the medical mafia media say impossible) make media comments that the situation is hopeless:

- Patients no chance that vision is restored, we can talk only about what disappears pain, calms the eye - opposes the famous Russian ophthalmologist, would comment on the condition of anonymity, "Kommersant" .- Inside the eye in such cases, an abscess is formed, when pus operation output, but its formation melts retina.

He stressed that if the inflammation and possible arrest, the recovery of the structure of the eye, especially the retina, is excluded.

- Judging by the description of symptoms in the media, with a shot in the morning
did, and felt sick after dinner with a reduction in the deterioration of view - says another expert oftalmolog.- That is a disaster has already occurred, the toxins from the bacteria was much impressed by the retina. Minimum microbial colony develops for a day or two, the retina is affected per day, "he suggests that the temporary improvement in the patients:." Violates the circulation of intraocular fluid from the eye time quietly begins to shrink. In the long term, most of the eye will be removed.

Nobody will be surprised if the rich and powerful of the Moscow Eye Clinic (its director Vladimir Neroev considered a protégé of former Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova) will be able to eventually pay scandal and cover up information about the incompetence and disregard for the work of its doctors and staff. In the end, the Internet can score the shaft silly information that "the development of ophthalmology in the Russian Federation is at a global level", as a consequence of the RF IC pull on the brakes. Only here there is to stop the outflow of customers from the Helmholtz Research Institute will be able to? Skaaree likely, no. For the "money" customers incident occurred would be the best argument to go to be treated in Germany, the United States or Israel. But those who have no money, will try to just stay away from doctors pests with their "blinding" injections "Avastin" ...