Sergey Kiriyenko


Russian Arctic programs are in jeopardy


The strategic program for the development of the North has been cut by the Russian government by 17 times. At the same time it turned out that the construction of nuclear icebreakers "Arktika", "Siberia" and "Ural" was disrupted because of technical problems that arose after the "annexation" of the subtropical Crimea.

"The Arctic" is adrift


The Federal Security Service and the Prosecutor General's Office will investigate the situation around Russia's atomic icebreaker.

Kiriyenko's nuclear legacy


Sergey Kiriyenko has been conquering the presidential administration as its first deputy head for severl weeks. The former head of "Rosatom" is obviously increasing his political weight: it is known that he will go to the Congress of All-Russia's People Front together with Vladimir Putin. Meanwhile, his former subordinates are accused of fraud, and new criminal charges are initiated. 

Nuclear family: what businesses Sergey Kiriyenko's relatives are engaged in


Former partners, friends, and the son of Rosatom CEO make business activities in the cities and industries, connected to the career of the influential state manager. 

Nuclear depletion


Who is responsible for the export of Russian uranium to the United States?