How the government agencies will celebrate the New Year

This year, state customers are going to spend nearly 10 times less money on the New Year corporate parties than a year before, as estimated by the All-Russia People's Front.
Festivals held not less than a year ago, but information on these events costs are now more difficult to find, found "Vedomosti".


Despite the political and economic problems, accidents with Christmas corporate party did not happen - almost all customers, both private and public, carry out planned activities, although reducing costs - cutting back the show program and menu, says owner and producer of the holding "Knyazev" Sergei Knyazev . And if during the previous crisis of 2008 was a massive cancellation of Christmas events and the volume of orders fell by about 60%, but this year because of the economy - he estimates only 15-20%. It is rather a reduction than an undo, save and private, and government customers, managing partner agrees Eventum Premo Alexander Shumovich. Just last change program is not so easy because of the complex expenditure approval procedures, they do not react as quickly as commercial customers, so if something is planned, then forced to do, he said.

Many customers in this year's premisesYali format Christmas events, and instead of the usual holiday for all its employees carry out activities with a clear rational purpose: for example, charity balls or top management meetings with journalists. In addition, this year, many to cut costs, employees are buying tickets to different views - it is much cheaper than spending your own event, tells Shumovich.

December 19 ONF experts found 14 purchases worth 50.1 million rubles. companies with state-owned and state-owned enterprises to carry out corporate Christmas. A year ago, various departments, regional governments and state-owned companies have announced 59 purchases of Christmas to 495 million rubles. But once at the beginning of December 2013, President Vladimir Putin advised government customers celebrate their own expense and government canceled half of the New Year competitions for 250 million rubles., Calculated the ONF. This year, the authorities recalled that public money is not worth it to spend on entertainment. Author of the last reminders of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on December 10, said in an interview with Russian television channels, hthen any corporative state structures are possible only at the expense of their employees: "If people do want to meet, drink a glass of champagne, something to eat from the Russian products, it is very easy to do. We are most likely members of the government of skins and go to a restaurant. " Answering the question of who will collect the money from the Ministers for a hike in a restaurant, Medvedev remarked with a smile: "I'm not the cashier is not going to, I think, there will be people" (quoted by TASS).

Nevertheless, the agency organizing holidays, do not lose heart: according to their data, public customers almost the same as last year. Although they are and commercial customers become more economical (about the situation on the corporate events market - cm incision.). If earlier their budgets each year grew by 10-20%, but now everything is no more than the level of last year, says the manager of one of the event-agencies. Why is the market participants did not record such a sharp decline in budgets, which saw the ONF? "Now through the site to catch goskorporativy procurement difficult, because the direct services in organization of New Year holidays, few the requestingcates - says the source "Vedomosti". - Every day I get a newsletter with information on tenders and see that state clients have become often order a "conference and training", a coffee break or a seminar for the New Year instead of the usual "corporate event". State companies draw up a corporate public relations services, training, market research, transferred holidays for employees in November or January, and called them "the anniversary of the company," or tied to the professional holiday, the employee continues to another communications company. And some remembered about the scheme, who worked in the early 90s: if employees of state agencies at the end of the year were discharged special bonuses that were not issued on the hands, and went to a New Year banquet costs, says another market participant.

"Vedomosti" looked at what can and can not learn about the procurement of the New Year corporate parties.

Who was left without a holiday

Failures of already planned New Year celebrations have this year. For example, the governor of St. Petersha Georgy Poltavchenko canceled New Year reception of the city administration because of the difficult economic situation. On the organization of the reception was allocated 3 million rubles., Reports TASS. Do not administer this year's corporate and Railways, told "Vedomosti" representative of the company. "In the" Rosneft "it to hold a corporate celebration of the New Year did not go. It will not. The Company does not consider it possible to spend their funds for such activities, - he told "Vedomosti" representative of the company. - Let me remind you that last year the company carried out its corporate at the expense of employees themselves. But the decision was made to refuse from this format. "

The representative of "Rosatom" Sergey Novikov said that the corporate parties canceled since 2012, VTB and VEB, as well as last year, are not going to spend the New Year holiday, said their representatives. The representative of "Rosoboronexport" Vyacheslav Davidenko said that all the six years that he worked in the company was not corporate, employees of individual departments at their own expense celebrate in a cafe. Employees of "ALROSA", that xotyat celebrate the New Year, are thrown off on holiday themselves, said an employee of the Moscow representation of the company. In its press service does not comment on this.

"Mosenergo" plans to spend 8.9 million rubles. eight trees for the children of employees, and VTB - about 6.4 million per tree on 1,500 children in January, but both the purchase canceled.

"My daughter" of "Gazprom" - "Gazprom gaznadzor" canceled one of the most expensive purchases of Christmas. She was willing to pay more than 17 million rubles. for the holiday for its employees.

A VEB still planned holiday, but not for the staff and for pensioners - members of the council of veterans of the state corporation. The company "Center of the Colosseum", which won the competition for the organization of celebrations, was 5.6 million rubles. a banquet for 350 pensioners in the banquet hall "Catherine Palace" Cultural Center of the Armed Forces -.. ie, the cost per person is 16 000 rubles. For comparison: MGTS company owned structures of AFK "System", this year is going to spend on the corporate 7.8 million rubles. - A little more than 3000 rubles. per person. For the moneyCOMP ANIES ordered entertaining event for the movie Ryazanov's "Carnival Night" with the modest refreshments. For example, coffee, according to the terms of reference, it is assumed only soluble.

Who was left without a holiday

Judging by the public procurement of information and the companies themselves, many close to the state structure under confined to the New Year concert. Thus, when the MFA GlavUpDK Russia for 1.9 million rubles. ordered to control the employees hour concert with the participation of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and Natalia Podolskaya. Information about ordering catering services in public procurement no.

Employees of the Bank of Moscow to celebrate New Year in Moscow International House of Music (Moscow International House) at its own expense. Moskvyi Bank in late November, has concluded an agreement to hold the Moscow International House of RUR 2.27 million. concert Folk Dance Ensemble Igor Moiseyev - This event took place last Friday. The cost is much less than in 2013, and to compensate the bank employees, reported the Bank press service.

"Rostec" two years in a row does not hold corporate events, but his staff were invited to a benefittory concert film and theater actors in the House of the actor, told the representative of the corporation. The event was attended by sponsored groups that supported the corporation in the course of this year, he said.

Field Celebration

"Fun celebrated the coming New Year," - wrote in the social networks of the Savings Bank employees in Moscow and placed photos with corporate party, which was held on December 13 at the club Arena Moscow. Judging by the photos and reports, the first on the festival was amateur competition: sberovtsy as in the popular TV show "One to One", copy of Russian and foreign music. Prepare them for the professionals: makeup artists, choreographers, etc. Now the employees vote on a special website, which number more like them - for example, Lady Gaga or Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin... Amateur is not limited to: after the twins were real singer Pelagia. According to the price-list of the concert agency "123 show" Pelagia performance in a group of five people with the live sound will cost 25 000 in. e.

Understand using public procurement website astoil this holiday, it is impossible. While in October the Moscow Bank of Sberbank posted online a tender for the New Year corporate party for employees of 32 million rubles., Which is 1.6 times more than the cost of the same event in 2013, the competition was not held due to lack of applications. Information about other similar purchases for the needs of this bank is not.

Sberbank's press service told "Vedomosti" that it was an event for corporate clients of Sberbank of the block. This is the standard format of work. Its main goal - to increase customer loyalty. Press Service adds that the central office of the bank's corporate party did not hold. A department can decide how they will celebrate the New Year, and on each employee by the decision of the board lies in the amount of 500 rubles.

But according to the procurement, "daughters" of the bank and its branches were ready to exceed this amount. For example, "Sberbank Leasing" was willing to pay for New Year's corporate in the 250 to 5 million rubles, the winner -. LLC "RA" Portal "has promised to hold a celebration for the 4.3 million That is, the costs per employee were to exceed 17,000 rubles.. This eLalo corporate, according to a study ONF, one of the most expensive.

Regional banks Sberbank announced the procurement of services in general for the New Year holidays from a single supplier: so he did, for example, the East-Siberian bank ordered a banquet for your machine for 1.6 million rubles, the North Caucasian Bank (winner of "Forest Glade". promised for 1.35 million rubles. hold a banquet at 800-1000 man with fire show). Abakan and the Novosibirsk branch of the East-Siberian bank allocated for the celebration 2.1 million rubles, Tambov branch -. 800 000 rubles, the head office for the Krasnodar Territory -. 0.7 million rubles. for the banquet. Interestingly, the last purchase took place on the classification as "Services of libraries, archives, and museums, and other similar cultural and educational institutions."

"Everything is as usual, modestly. The small concert in the conference room "- so speaks of corporate parties" Gazprom "company spokesman. Data about the competition to host the event in the PPL no. But there is information about orders "daughters" of the gas concern. According to the ONF, one of them, of St. Petersburgurgskoe OOO "Gazprom export" has become a leader in the general ranking of the generosity of state-owned companies on the costs per participant. The company has planned to hold a "traditional annual corporate event with the participation of foreign partners" for 7.3 million rubles. up to 350 people -.. ie, the rate of 20 000 rubles. per participant. With this money will be organized a banquet with hot and cold, separately operating bar and musical entertainment.

Another "daughter" - OJSC "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Nizhny Novgorod." - Announced a tender for the development of the concept of the New Year event worth 4.1 million rubles, found ONF. The celebration is planned presence of 250 people, of each party organizers are ready to shell out 16 400 rubles. From the service provider is required by 26 December to write the event script, pick a platform and develop a program for the evening, on the other details of the customer is silent. "Vedomosti" to find information about these purchases could not, as well as to find out whether these festivals take place.

But it turned out that, for example, "Gazprom Transgaz Surgut», «Gazprom tansgaz Stavropol "and" Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar "place orders for banquets for the year ahead, not to allocate a separate New Year's menu. Now these companies are open request for proposals for 2015 at 19 million, 13 million and 3 million rubles. respectively. The documentation allocated an indicative list of activities and related costs. For example, "Gazprom Transgaz Surgut» plans to spend the New Year, March 8, and an employee of the gas industry day about 4.5 million rubles. Judging by the menu presented in the tender documentation, the company expects employees to treat such dishes as "Philo with tiger shrimp", "Grilled Beef", "Dorada with tiger shrimp" and "Pineapple carpaccio with creamy ice cream." In catering this year, "Gazprom Transgaz Surgut», according to the public procurement, was willing to spend more - 22 million rubles.

Branches of "RusHydro" also place orders for corporate events once a year in advance. Thus, the Moscow "Energy Retail Company" RusHydro "in May - June, conducted the procurement of services" for the organizationmeetings, seminars, corporate events (non-teaching) sessions collegiate governing bodies "by RUR 5.33 million. Events assumed banquets, receptions and dinners, cultural program with the participation of DJ and music band. Just a "SPARK-Marketing" was found about six orders of structures "RusHydro" on the festive corporate events totaling about 19 million rubles. of 2014

One of the marketing companies held in this year in the corporate "Izvestiya Hall", told "Vedomosti" employee "Izvestiya Hall" and the manager of one of the event-agencies. "This is not our party, in the" RusHydro "corporate party in the usual sense of this year, as in the past, is not planned," - says a spokesperson Elena Vishnjakova company. "But we have to" Multimedia Art Museum "exhibition" People of the world ". It is financed from the budget for PR. By the end of the exhibition, all employees will be able to go there with a pass, and not for money. And just on Monday there will be an event with rewarding employees. Rewardingfunded from the personnel budget. "

Expenditure on state-owned corporate parties can be optimized, centralized procurement, the project manager enters into ONF "for fair procurement" Anton Guetta. "Centralisation will eliminate the wasteful discord that we see in this case as an example of regional" daughters "of" Gazprom "and the Savings Bank, despite the fact that the head offices of state corporations in this year such purchases do not carry out" - are his words in the message ONF.

Corporate events for the state account will inevitably remain, hoping employees event-agencies. Of course, state clients - clients are sophisticated, they have more requirements for the registration of documents and statements, and in general they are characterized by high vulnerability, says one of the managers. He recalls a case where the state bank has fined the organizer of the festival for several bulbs in one of the rented premises is amber, which is associated with competing commercial bank. Nevertheless, these are large structures with significant budgets. For them, corporate parties - as an important tool upgradedI employee loyalty, as well as for private entities, and the rejection of the holiday - it is a signal that the employer has a problem, explains one of the communications agency's top managers. Gosmenedzhery understand that completely abandoning the celebrations, they run the risk of losing valuable employees, so find an opportunity to please the team agrees the source "Vedomosti" in another agency.