What happened to Skolkovo

Skolkovo Innovation Center was eastablished to show the world the triumph of the Russian science, but in recent years the project had been plagued by failures. Why Medvedev's modernization project stalled, as investigated by RBC reporters.
Origin source
April 18, 2013 Vice-President of the "Skolkovo" Seda Pumpyanskaya went to work. She called a colleague: "In the office, investigators have searched." Pumpyanskaya turned the car and went home, and the next day left the fund.

"The" Skolkovo "was a very positive image in the West, over which we have carefully worked. And the next day it was useless to call at least in London, even in Silicon Valley. About search written all - ended investment ", - says Pumpyanskaya.

Innovation Center "Skolkovo" favorite child, Dmitry Medvedev, was to show the world the triumph of the Russian science and innovation. According to RBC calculations, the project spent almost 75 billion rubles. But after the departure of Medvedev as president of the project pursue failure: validation of auditors and law enforcement agencies, inflation, devaluation of the ruble, the sanctions have radically changed the initial plan. What happens to the "city of the future", found RBC reports.

Fathers and Founders

Federal Law «On the innovation center" Skolkovo "the Russian president Dmitry Medvedev signed 28ntyabrya 2010. Before that potential placements of such a center in the media called Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Obninsk and Dubna. But a piece of land on the west of Moscow, near the intersection of Ring Road and the Minsk highway, chosen for one reason: Medvedev served on the board of trustees of the Moscow "Skolkovo" Management School, founded in 2006 on the money of major Russian businessmen.

"We were against the deployment of the innovation city near our school, because they knew for sure: confusion starts. But the Medvedev liked the place, liked the brand, he insisted, "- said RBC is one of the founders of the School of Management" Skolkovo ".

Next to the school to be built Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skolkovo Tech), Russia's largest industrial park and laboratory. The law provided for the set of preferences for the center: tax and customs benefits, a simplified procedure for accounting, expedited processing of Russian visas for foreigners. On the creation of the innovation city of the federal budget within ten years it was planned to allocate 121.6 billion rubles.

The head of state fund "SkolCovo ", which is engaged in the implementation of the project, became Chairman of the Board of Directors of GC" Renova "Viktor Vekselberg (fourth place in the list of Russian Forbes in 2015, the state - $ 14.2 billion). According to RBC, his candidacy was not the first. "We wanted to appoint a foreigner, but this idea was quickly abandoned in the Kremlin. They began to choose among the domestic business, somehow related to innovation, "- said the source of RBC, a member of the working group on the creation of the fund. In particular, the Fund offered to lead a graduate MIPT and co-owner of the company "Evraz" Alexander Abramov (22th place in the Forbes list, $ 4.5 billion), but he refused, citing a lack of scientific expertise. Press-service of "Eurasia" on request RBC did not answer.

the head of a post offered to the chapter "RUSNANO" Anatoly Chubais, say three sources close to the leadership of "Skolkovo". "The Kremlin said to him, first with" Rosnano "figure it out", - says the interlocutor of RBC in the fund. According to a source in the leadership, "Rosnano", Chubais did not want to lead the fund, but was the founder of the "Skolkovo" the very idea; "Man of the Soviet intelligentsia's warehouse, which is close to the idea of ​​Science City. He first planned to create nanograd with "Rosnano", then I realized that the idea of ​​nano too narrow and can and should be extended. " Press service of the corporation "Rosnano" declined to comment.

The most sought-after candidate was the owner of the holding company Onexim Mikhail Prokhorov (tenth place in the list of Forbes, $ 9.9 billion). "Prokhorov withdrawn, citing his busy schedule, and Vekselberg no longer have a choice", - says businessman familiar with the negotiations. Prokhorov declined to comment.

Factor Ponomarev

The main promoter of the new project was the Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov: usually non-public official gave the newspaper "Vedomosti" was the first big interview about the "Skolkovo". Surkov could not think of innovation city itself, someone had to bring it to him, said his friend, a State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev, claiming that this "someone" was himself.

"I was the head of the state program on creation of technology parks, innovation city created in Novosibirsk. In 2008, the beginning of the programAli clouds are gathering, I went to different classrooms - Chubais, Arkady Dvorkovich [at that time - Head of the Presidential Experts Management] Surkov, - says Ponomarev. - Promote the idea: let's make the modernization project. As a result, Chubais persuaded Surkov, the idea came on. "

According to Ponomarev, verification of the Accounting Chamber and searches that took place in "Skolkovo", due to the fact that the deputy himself (he now lives in California and is suing the Fund) organized numerous opposition rallies. Surkov was unavailable for comment. About his role and views on the "Skolkovo" RBC said close to him a political scientist and a former Kremlin official Alexei Chesnakov. Surkov respects Ponomarev and "ready to prove his professionalism and deep knowledge in the field of creation and operation of industrial parks," he says, but his political ideas are always considered "very unprofessional." "Skolkovo" The problems were "somewhat aggravated Ponomarev participation in the project", but not caused by them, and "factor Ponomarev was not exactly critical," emphasizes Chesnakov.

$ 300 million for our Boston

Five years ago in the United States came very representative delegation from Russia, its composition is embodied in the photo hanging in the office of Vice-President for Development Skolkovo Tech Alexei Sitnikov. In front of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, Boston) are First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, Economic Development Minister Elvira Nabiullina, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Sobyanin, the head of "RUSNANO" Anatoly Chubais, deputy head of presidential administration, Vladislav Surkov and presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich. They all wanted to see for a major US Institute of Technology, selected as a model for the Russian counterpart.

"Its starting configuration similar to Skolkovo Tech: the core of the university is the Boston innovation cluster around the offices of patent offices, IT-and biomedical companies, laboratories, venture capital funds. We have built our Boston, where you can study, work, set up companies ", - says Sitnikov. MIT was not just a model, but also a partner Skolkovo Tech and its participation was generously paid.
In October 2011, "Skolkovo" Foundation signed an agreement with the MIT, in which the American Institute was supposed to receive $ 302.5 million: $ 152 million transferred as a grant with the wording "for its own development", another $ 150.5 million - for the help in the creation of Skolkovo Tech. According to information at the disposal of RBC 99-page contract between the MIT and the fund "Skolkovo", the Americans have pledged to participate in the development of the concept of institution, the selection of professors and lecture material, as well as oversee all stages of activities, including training of staff.

Skolkovo Tech Research Council twice voted against cooperation with the MIT, said in a letter sent in 2011 Vekselberg co-chairman of the Board, Nobel laureate Roger Kornberg (copy of the letter is at the RBC). The contract meant "an unreasonable waste of money", he says scientists, professors and Skolkovo Tech could cope on their own. "But the decision on cooperation with MIT was taken against our will," - he complains in the letter Kornberg, who did not respond to a request to RBC.

Contract in force for three years, was extended. according toMete directed MIT in Skolkovo Tech in December 2014, in the past year, Americans have managed services of $ 43.9 million. MIT administration has not responded to a request to RBC. The Russian Institute suggest: expenditures are reasonable and justified.

"Professor - such a nature, he wants to see in a place where it will work, something tangible, - says Alexei Sitnikov. - When at MIT explained that Skolkovo Tech - their joint project with the Russian, then it is a priori means to a decent and friendly place. And it helps our institution from nothing to become something very good. "

In this position inherently inequality, certain molecular biologist, Professor Konstantin Severinov Skolkovo Tech: "We'll give you money, you make us beautiful. It does not happen, we will have to do Institute itself. "

Excessive monumentalism

Nowhere is the desire to "do beautifully," embodied in the architectural part of the innovation city. List of competitive projects hit the imagination of authors: Kazuo Sejima and Rem Koolhaas, Pierre de Meuron and Jean Pistre, David Chipperfield and Stefano Boeri. Russia was represented by two architects - experienced handleFor a driver, bureau "Project Meganom" Yuri Grigoryan and young and ambitious Boris Bernasconi.

Discussion of the project were almost a year, eventually accepted the concept of the French AREP Bureau. During its development the French, according to "Vedomosti", received € 195 thousand. "I have the feeling that these people [from the fund" Skolkovo "] decided to spend more money on the world's most expensive architects, and then began to think about whether in this comfortable place to innovate and learn, "- recalls Dutch Urbanist Evert Verhagen their participation in one of the town-planning advice" Skolkovo ".

"Then" we began to think about land issues. Large tracts of the "Skolkovo" is still owned by foreign owners - from the garage co-operatives to the company with unknown owners. "We do not have the budget to purchase private land", - says Anton Yakovenko, general director of the Directorate of the Joint Asset Management and Service Fund "Skolkovo" which is the customer of construction of the future innovation city.

A significant problem is the radio market area along the Minsk highway. On this ground it was planned to build the central entrance to the "Skolkovo". Federal Property Management Agency has tried to court to terminate the lease agreement with the owners of the radio market, which is considered the Chechen businessmen Khalidov structure, but lost. In the fall of 2014 to redeem the earth helped the group BIN family Gutseriev says Yakovenko.

First on the site bought out by a group of BIN, planned to build a building of "Dome" by Japanese architect Yoshitaka Tanase. The construction of the 100-meter height of the steel filaments and glass winter garden inside was supposed to be one of the "Skolkovo" characters. Not far from the "Dome" was supposed to stay in "The Rock", designed by the Dutch bureau OMA Rem Koolhaas, in the form of standing on the edge of a giant cube. The cost of construction of both buildings was estimated at 20-30 billion rubles.

But the fall of 2012 they criticized Vladislav Surkov, who called the building "too monumental." Fund immediately abandoned building, paying fees to architects, saidRBC and several sources in the "Skolkovo". "We decided to change everything, returning to a more utilitarian and mundane solutions", - says Yakovenko.

As a result, the first object of the "Skolkovo" project became Boris Bernasconi - center "Hypercube" urban communication, which initially was not in the general plan of the territory. "Bernasconi came to the meeting gradsoveta and foreign architects put before the fact: the project approved by Medvedev, it will be built in this place," - says one of the participants of the meeting. This was confirmed by several sources familiar with the history of the innovation city.

"Hypercube" was not in the plan, but only because "foreign colleagues forgot to make elementary project in town planning concept," said RBC himself Bernasconi. Before "Skolkovo" he designed several private homes, including house director Fyodor Bondarchuk, and developed the corporate identity of the press center of the Russian government. Also he was one of the authors of the pilot project established in the Russian cities "new culture houses", which were to appear in Pervourlske, Kaluga, and on the island of Russian. He was responsible for the project personally Surkov.

"Hypercube" was erected quickly, but utilities innograda were not ready. Disadvantages decided to turn into advantages: on the surface of the building to install solar panels and the heat of the secured system of geothermal wells. Though not able to solve the problem of sewage, and to complete the construction of a common collector assenizatorskaya waste disposal machine. Open the "Hypercube" personally Dmitry Medvedev arrived in September 2012 (at that time already prime minister).

The stop and search

In April 2013, in the "Skolkovo" officers came Investigative Committee of Russia. Leaders gathered in one room, under the hot hand and got a top manager of Intel's US Dusty Robbins, who arrived in Moscow for talks. At the entrance to the office investigators confiscated his mobile phone and passport. From building the American came in a few hours and went straight to the Sheremetyevo airport. The talks did not take place.

The searches were the result of which began in winter 2013 inspection "Skolkovo & raquo; the auditors of the Accounting Chamber. Checking established: three years on the project of the innovation city budget has been allocated over 55 billion rubles, used less than half, about 24 billion among the audience there were claims to salaries, overstaffing and fund embezzlement of budget funds... In just five years to pay for the labor and administrative needs a little more than 200 employees of the Fund and its "daughters" of 5.6 billion rubles were spent., Said the report "Skolkovo".

Spring testing 2013th seriously affected the activities of the fund. After searching all the world's media wrote about the "Skolkovo" in a negative light, complains Pumpyanskaya, which is responsible for liaising with the international companies.

According to a government official knowledgeable in the affairs of "Skolkovo", staff costs have been thoroughly reviewed. "Seriously reduced the number of vice-presidents, has changed the scheme of remuneration of top managers: Now bonuses are linked to KPI and canceled all intra Prize. Now salaries in the "Skolkovo" no space ", - he says. Viktor Vekselberg admitted most narusheny and in comments to Interfax reported, that means "Skolkovo" on the theft of which the investigators said, returned to the fund.

"Vekselberg own money plugged the hole after verification of the Accounting Chamber, that does not stink" - says RBC source close to the leadership of "Skolkovo". The businessman in a conversation with the correspondent of RBC admitted, in the five years he has invested in a fund of $ 100 million of its own funds.

Money from the "Skolkovo"

Resident status of the "Skolkovo" exempt companies from paying income taxes (while revenues will not exceed 1 billion rubles.) And property insurance premiums for employees are reduced from 30 to 14%, and the company receives exemption from import duties on high-tech equipment. Problems with finding the resident did not have: the end of 2011 residents of 332 steel companies, according to the results of 2012 was 793.

"When the conditions have been declared for resident companies, there are many swindlers who promised assistance in obtaining the status of a fee. But they all disappeared when it became clear that there is a serious selection and reIdent can become virtually any company, "- says co-founder of one of the residents of" Skolkovo ".

Applicants for money "Skolkovo" is necessary to find a co-investor: in projects at the stage of research the share of co-financing must be at least 25% of the grant amount. private venture capital funds must invest at least 75% for projects in the finished product is released to the market stage.

Looking projects helped crisis of the late 2000s. "Skolkovo" could finance projects of several Nobel laureates - Kenneth Chien, Roger Kornberg and Bob Langer. "Skolkovo" Fund allocated 150 million rubles. to develop a new cancer vaccine companies "Selecta (RUS)", which finances research Langer. According to the biomedical cluster "Skolkovo" Cyril Kay, about 20% of the total amount of grants received of foreign researchers. Previously, there were more, but now the "Skolkovo" ensures that most of the money remained in Russia, he said.

For four years, "Skolkovo" Foundation; approved 150 grants totaling 9.9 billion rubles., in the first year alone cluster of biomedical technologies has given grants totaling more than 2.5 billion rubles., but only eight companies. The first grant - 395.7 million rubles. - The company has received "M-Power WORLD". It was assumed that the company will create a recycling technology using special bacteria that simultaneously with the processing will produce electricity. Scientific partners "M-Power WORLD" - Japan Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology and the British University of Edinburgh - well knew the then head biomedklastera "Skolkovo" Igor Goryanin. A leader of the "M-Power WORLD" was a colleague at the University of Edinburgh Goryanina Vyacheslav Fedorovich.

In 2014, the new head of biomedklastera Fund "Skolkovo" Cyril Kay acknowledged the report "M-Power WORLD" unsatisfactory and the company stopped funding. The former head of the cluster Goryanin the summer of 2012 left the "Skolkovo" to "family reasons" fund, but the interest in Russian startups not lost - he now heads a venture investment fund Polar Star Capital, created with the participation of Renova Group Viktor Vekselberg. Polar Star Capital is planning to invest in Russian biotech startups. "M-Power WORLD" in 2015 plans to receive about 350 million rubles. investment from Polar Star Capital and Vnesheconombank.

In affiliation grantees with the top management of the Fund drew attention to the Prosecutor General. According to RBC estimates, in 2010-2012 the company affiliated with the structures Vekselberg, we received four grants totaling more than 560 million rubles .: SEC thin-film technologies in the energy sector at the Ioffe Institute. AF Joffe (383.5 million rubles). Engineering and Technology Center UC Rusal (128,6 mln.), OOO "Association of energy and electromobility projects" (46.5 million rubles.) And LLC "Lithium-ion technology at PTI them. AF Ioffe "(1.5 million rubles.). Four grant RUB 51.2 million. the company received "Gazohim-Techno" (46.2 million rubles.) and LLC "New gas technologies - synthesis" (. 5 million rubles), co-owner of which was senior vice president of development and commercialization of "Skolkovo" Alex Beltiukov.

In early 2013, the Accounting Chamber has reviewed the Fund "Skolkovo & raquo ;, in May 2013 Beltiukov was suspended from work in connection with the criminal case of excessive fees for lectures deputy Ilya Ponomarev. In 2014 Beltiukov moved to California, where he is engaged in the launch of several start-ups.

"Stolypin project"

After inspection of the Accounts Chamber and law enforcement agencies tranches for the construction of the federal budget were frozen, RBC said three sources familiar with the situation, and the problem was resolved only in the autumn of 2013. The Ministry of Finance established a fund for clear performance indicators and translated into quarterly funding.


"The Ministry of Finance said that" Skolkovo "- the second project in Russia, which is controlled by the Ministry of Finance directly. The first was the construction of railways under Stolypin. With the Ministry of Finance is not easy to communicate, they are rigidly are monitoring expenses and income ", - says Anton Yakovenko. According to RBC reports, at the end of last year, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin a letter asking the president to remove from the control order to strengthen counterA fund for the "Skolkovo" and return to the normal scheme of financing. A spokesman for the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, told RBC that has no information on the matter.

Besides the "Hypercube" in the innovation city opened one more complex - a community center "Technopark". 2016 will build electric substation "Medvedev" skolkovtsy call it the most modern in the world. According to RBC three sources familiar with the details of the project, it got its name in honor of the current prime minister.

Because of problems with money and designers of their building has not got, and the Skolkovo University. He had to move to its own campus in September 2014, but the opening was moved to 2016. While Skolkovo Tech leases audience at the Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo", according to RBC sources, for $ 700 per 1 sq. m per year, and conducts laboratory classes in the partner universities - MSU and MIPT.

dream University

Skolkovo Tech was to be funded, including from the special endowment: Dmitry Medvedev on the order of 2011 by about 1%gram of investment development of state companies were sent to the Endowment Fund of support and development of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology.

According to Arkady Dvorkovich, in three years the fund had collected 30 billion rubles, but not coped with the task:. Skolkovo Tech according to the report, in March 2013, has managed to attract just 3 billion 944 million rubles, excluding the contributions of individuals..

In the first place on the contributions - 'Rosneftegas "has sent 1.9 billion rubles. JSC "Russian Railways" has allocated 280 million, "Rosatom" - 210 million, "Rostec" limited 9 million among the "minority" of contributors -. Notoriety of "Slavyanka", controlling assets of the Ministry of Defence, has invested 970 thousand rubles.. However, in June 2013. Medvedev Putin canceled an order for compulsory contributions, saying that the company may do so on a voluntary basis.

Volunteers little. The press service of "Rosneft" RBC did not answer the question of contributory cash Skolkovo Tech. The representative of "Rostec" Ekaterina Baranova said that the corporation "does not keep any cooperation with" Skolkovo "onpart of scientific research. " In the "Slavyanka" RBC said that the current management of the company is not considering a voluntary contribution to the endowment.

Now Skolkovo Tech more than 200 undergraduate and graduate students receiving graduate education. According to sources RBC, the average scholarship - 40 thousand rubles.. per month. Training is conducted in several programs: IT, biomedicine, energy, space technology.

The Skolkovo Tech students live

Skolkovo Tech students are no different from their peers from universities "old-fashioned". Classes are held in classrooms leased from "namesake" - School of Management "Skolkovo". The groups - 20-30 students.

The head of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ilya Dubinsky readily lists his favorite student projects: a system of sensors Dream bimmer, allowing to block the projection beam on the lecture screen - so that the lecturer's face did not hit a blinding light; thin-film lithium-ion batteries; phone application that allows you to track the bus from the metro station "Slavic boulevard » to Skolkovo. The professor Ivan Oseledets Skolkovo Tech has two Internet project: platform "Reading Room" to make recommendations on books and articles for registered users, and a compilation of profiles of social networking celebrities called "Bestiary".

All students Skolkovo Tech go on short-term internships in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - many are hoping to stay there. "In Skolkovo Tech rarely come to it, to go to another country - objection Dubinsky. - But if you go, you want to stay there. " In this way went Ekaterina Kotenko-Lengold: graduate of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, who has studied innovation in the HSE, three years ago I came to Skolkovo Tech receives the third degree. "Basic science we have a strong, but the commercialization need to learn," - said 26-year-old kitten. At MIT, she went twice, but the American university paid for accommodation only for the first time. "Just then the dollar rose, so that parents had to support me", - she said. But in America, it all came together successfully: Kotenko-Lengold and her workmate Alexander Kudryashov receivedYali part in the competition for the best innovative project called "100K" with a grand prize of $ 100 thousand.

The project Image Airy, with which they managed to take the prize and get the money to patent the idea, Kate describes as follows: "It's like booking.com, only with Remote Sensing: We came up with a system in which every person - whether it be an agronomist, a developer, anyone - can buy any desired picture of the desired land, made a companion. " The main focus of the company, she clarifies, in the sale of related services such as data processing and consulting.

"When I started, I thought that this applies to the Russian market, but some things are easier to start there, and then go here" - explains Kotenko-Lengold. According to her, the project received $ 40 thousand from the accelerator FRII, and the product of the two largest players are interested in the Russian market. "Skaneks" and "Sovzond". In February 2015 Kotenko transferred the project of the American company Astro Digital, which goes to work. "I know that in the country everything changed, but the world is still open, so that part of the work I do there, andsome part of - here, "- said Kotenko. Frontiers in space there, she adds.

The staffing of 56 professors, but only a fifth of the points in the summary of Skolkovo Tech as the only place of work. The remaining retained positions in other universities. According to the rector Skolkovo Tech American Edward Crawley, a "global practice", as well as the fact that up to ten Skolkovo Tech professors work at remote locations. "If the university is not their own teaching core, the university itself is simply no" - categorical professor of economics at the HSE Konstantin Sonin.

According to RBC sources, the average earnings of Skolkovo Tech professor for several years is 800 thousand. Rub. per month. Under the old rate - a substantial sum. "If the US professor receives $ 150 thousand a year, we have to pay more to attract at Skolkovo Tech, in Russia, otherwise no one will come." - Admits Professor Konstantin Severinov.

"Even if the funding will remain the same, due to the increasing value of the dollar becomes more difficult to work, - said Professor Skolkovo Tech, etc.rector of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ilya Dubinsky. - Directly sanctions we do not hit, but indirectly -. Quite noticeably "

In July 2014 in the Boston Business Journal published an edition column FBI employee Lucy Ziobro. Its essence was to ensure that the true reason for the interest of Russian venture investors - to have access to American technology. Exactly for this reason, he believes Ziobro, and a contract was signed between the Skolkovo Tech and MIT.

Edward Crowley sees no reason to comment on Ziobro column. He is sure that by the end of the year the staff of the Institute filled up with 20 new professors. However, there is more the reverse process.

Once over the Donbas was hit by a Boeing 777, left the head of the Russian Skolkovo Tech Center for stem cell research, the Dutch oncologist Anton Berns. According to RBC two sources close to the administration of the Institute, professor associated with the departure of the plane crash: in the plane flew his colleagues from the Netherlands. Burns declined to comment, saying that Skolkovo Tech left "for personal reasons". In the near future in the University of South Carolina Vernettsya director of the Center for Composite Materials Skolkovo Tech, Professor Zafer Gyurdal, said Crowley.

"Miracles do not happen"

In December 2014 as head of the Board of Trustees of Skolkovo Tech left Vladislav Surkov. "You can not steer the university, which was created in partnership with an American university, when you yourself are under US sanctions", - the interlocutor of RBC in the fund "Skolkovo". Reasons for leaving are really connected with the sanctions, confirms Alex Chesnakov: Surkov has decided to leave "in order to avoid possible complications for the project, which is directly linked to the United States."

"While the project involved Surkov, he developed the program and moved. Besides him she did not need anyone right now ", - said Ilya Ponomarev. According Chesnakova detail Surkov for the "Skolkovo" should not be, but hoped that it will be maintained and be successful and his ultimate goal - "the hegemony of the creative class in Russia" - is reached. "The project is unlikely to be closed, most likely," Skolkovo "will lose the status of a national project and will be one in a series of Russian projects", - Reasoninga government official.

Dmitry Medvedev did not agree with that outlook. "Because of sanctions stalled many international programs, but recent developments in the Russian economy only confirm that modernization and withdrawal from dependence on raw materials needed. Fund "Skolkovo" Medvedev assured, this is a real project, "- wrote RBC spokesman for Prime Minister Natalia Timakova.

The Board of Trustees after the departure of Surkov led Arkady Dvorkovich: the project, he said, RBC, developed in accordance with the plans, "becoming one of the central points of the development of new technologies and their commercialization in Russia." Viktor Vekselberg assured that the "Skolkovo" bypassed economic upheavals: "everything will be this year, as before." But Dvorkovich admitted RBC: discusses the reduction of budget expenditures for the "Skolkovo" on 2 billion rubles. (In 2015 the project was supposed to receive from the state budget 21 billion).

This is not the final amount of sequestration: The Ministry of Finance needs to cut spending on "Skolkovo" in the current year for another 20-40%. Against this stands the Economic Development Ministry, supervising are innovativeprogram, told RBC two sources in the financial and economic bloc of the government. By insisting on the reduction of the "Skolkovo" budget, the Ministry of Finance for some reason, does not require a reduction of the cost of other programs to support innovation, perplexed source of RBC in the Ministry of Economic Development.

"Miracles do not happen, the budget will be optimized. We have identified as priorities Skolkovo Tech campus and technology park ", - says Anton Yakovenko. To complete the construction of these facilities by the end of the year, "Skolkovo" are willing to postpone the construction of other facilities, such as residential neighborhoods.

Big hopes

"Skolkovo" could save private money, but investors are cautious. Total fund raised 82 billion rubles. extra investment, but this amount is included and 10.5 billion invested by the state of the Federal Grid Company in the construction of three substations. Or 2.6 billion rubles., Invested in the construction of the community center "Technopark" near Moscow company "Stroyinnovatsii" offshore chain of ownership which leads to Volzhskaya HPP, a member of the IES Kholding, which is a major shareholder Vekselberg. The businessman has also invested 2 billion rubles. in the construction of the research center "Renova Lab", which will house for the "Skolkovo" residents of experimental laboratory.

Projects of other private investors are far from complete. BIN group structure build transportation hub and business center "Galeria" (total cost of the projects -. 11.2 billion rubles), Alisher Usmanov - business center "Matryoshka" (2.6 billion rubles, the architect -. Bernasconi), Sergey Generalov - international aviation Academy (700 mln.).

A widely publicized the construction of research centers of the Russian corporations - Transmashholding, "Tatneft", Sberbank, TMK, Dauria Aerospace - has not yet begun. "The issue of funding. Such projects nobody would build for their money, and with borrowed is now difficult, "- says Anton Yakovenko.

Management "Skolkovo" is looking for other ways to breathe new life into the project. One idea - the creation of a new trend in the fund: agribusiness clusterspa. "This is now the hot topic in the context of import substitution and increase the efficiency of agricultural industry", - said Victor Vekselberg. Creation of agricultural cluster is discussed by the Government confirms Dvorkovich.

The "Skolkovo" may also transfer project innovative medical cluster, which is planned to be created on the capital budget money. "This issue is being worked with the Moscow government. In December, the land has been allocated for the construction of facilities, there is a selection of a foreign company, which will prepare the concept of the new center ", - told RBC executive director of the biomedical technology cluster" Skolkovo "Cyril Kai.

But the most unexpected scenario - innograda cooperation with the scientific and technological Valley State University. At the end of February, according to RBC sources in the Russian government and the leadership of "Skolkovo", the Fund held a meeting of representatives of two innovative projects, which lasted more than three hours. "We do similar things, a lot can tell each other", - commented on SOURCEto the fund. At the meeting were vice-rectors of Moscow State University and the developers of the valley of the concept of "Innopraktika" including Catherine Tikhonov. "Ask the right questions, was completely in the subject," - said the participant of the meeting.

Reliably assess the prospects of combining two favorite projects Russian presidents is impossible. The office of vice-rector of Moscow State University Tatiana Kortava habitually abstained from comment.