British analysts have estimated the costs of the Russian operation in Syria

Russian operation in Syria costs $2.4 million per day at a conservative estimate, calculated the British IHS Jane's Analytical Center. In reality, however, this figure could be twice as high as they claim.
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The fact that the operation of Russian Air Space Forces (VKS) in Syria, Moscow can cost up to $ 4 million a day, according to IHS Jane's estimates of the British think tank made to The Moscow Times.

The analysts' estimates suggest that starting from 30 September (the beginning of the Russian operations in Syria), Moscow has spent $ 80 million to $ 115 million. This includes the cost of the bombing, engineering services, infrastructure and personnel.

In comparison with the Russian defense budget of 3.1 trillion rubles. for the current year ($ 50 billion), the above figure appears small, the newspaper notes. However, analysts warn that the conflict in Syria could drag on for years, and the cost may increase in the event of possible losses from the Russian side.

The IHS Jane's estimates suggest that the operation of military aircraft worth $ 12 thousand per hour, a military helicopter -. $ 3 thousand per hour.. Given the current intensity of air strikes that inflicts Russia, Russian planes are in the sky, an average of 90 minutes, helicopters - about 30 minutes. Thus, according to analysts' estimates, Moscow spends every 24 hours on eqpluatatsiyu aircraft of approximately $ 710 thousand., for approximately $ 750 thousand. spent a day on ammunition.

Russian troops in Syria cost Moscow about $ 440 thousand. Per day, says the calculations IHS Jane's. The contents of the ships in the Mediterranean Sea is an additional $ 200 thousand. In logistics, the collection of information, communications and other similar expenses Moscow spends another $ 250 thousand. per day.

"This means that the minimum cost to the Russian operation in Syria amounted to $ 2.4 million per day", - concludes the publication. However, the real value of Russian operations in Syria may be about twice as high, according to a leading analyst of IHS Jane's Ben Moores.

According to the publication, the center estimates do not include the costs of launching cruise missiles against targets in Syria from the Caspian Sea. According to analysts' estimates, the launch of one such missile costs $ 1.2 million.

At the same time, analysts note that until now the Russian operation in Syria along without loss. "In the case of human losses Russia will strengthen its participation in the operation, and the loss of airplanes or helicopters will cost tens of millions of dollars", - the newspaper writes.

The newspaper also refers to the cost of the downed drone last week Turkey. According to the assessment IHS Jane's, drone loss cost to the owner at $ 240 thousand.

Operation Russian air and space forces in Syria started on 30 September. Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that the operation has a strictly defined framework (the bombing is only terrorist groups), and is limited in time ( "for the duration of the Syrian army offensive against the terrorists").

Earlier RBC a source close to the presidential administration, compared the potential financial costs of the operation in Syria, with the major teachings of the Far East. In a similar statement, and the former Minister of Finance of Russia, head of the Committee of Civil Initiatives Alexei Kudrin. "I would call these actions enhanced the long-term exercise, because the involved only air force contingent serving. This is not a costly operation. It is much cheaper than that associated with the Eastern Ukraine ", - Kudrin RBC said in early October at the Sochi Economic Forum.