Investigative Committee took for the gills glamorous Ksenia Sokolov

Investigators are investigating a criminal case on the excess of mid-term duty in the fund "Just Aid to Dr. Lisa." This may end with the planting of the head of the fund Xenia Sokolova.
Origin source
In Moscow, investigators opened a criminal investigation into the abuse of official powers (part 1 of Article 201 of the Criminal Code) in the fund "A Just Aid to Doctor Lisa." As a source in law enforcement agencies told the Moscow agency, the circumstances of the case are connected with the conclusion of contracts between the fund and two lawyers.

"According to the investigation, in July 2017 the organization signed a contract with lawyer Anna Agranovich to provide legal services. At the same time, in 2015, the fund entered into a similar contact with human rights defender Alexander Kulikovsky. As a result, the fund was damaged in the amount of 1.79 million rubles. On this fact, the SSG of the UK in Moscow instituted criminal proceedings, "the source told the publication.

According to the terms of the contract, Kulikovsky was to provide legal advice to the trustees of the fund, including helping with letters, appeals, petitions and applications to law enforcement agencies, courts and public authorities.

With the lawyer Agranovich, the foundation concluded a similar contract, according to which the girl was to receive 180 thousand rubles a month. The fund also paid Agranovich a remuneration of $ 356,000 in June.

As a result, according to the estimates of the investigators, Anna Agranovich received about 1.79 million rubles from the fund "A Just Aid to Doctor Lisa". In the same amount, the siloviki assess the damage inflicted on the fund.

Earlier, our publication reported that the Board of Trustees of the Foundation "Fair Assistance to Doctor Lisa" recommended that the general meeting of the members of the organization terminate the powers of the current board of directors and the president of the organization Ksenia Sokolova, who headed the charitable foundation after Elizabeth Glinka's death in a plane crash in 2016. The new president of the fund, as Kommersant wrote, may be Tatyana Konstantinova, the current executive director of the Foundation for the Support of Deafblind People "Connection".

The decision to change the management of "Just Aid to Lisa Glinka" is due to the fact that the Board of Trustees in April 2018 gave the Fund's management a number of recommendations on the work (prepare a work plan and budget for 2018 and make a report on the work for 2017, , hold a meeting of the members of the organization, take action to participate in competitions for grants to the President of the Russian Federation), which were not executed.

Let's add, some time after the death of Elizabeth Glinka in the fund "Fair Help" there was a conflict. In particular, a member of the board of the foundation, Natalia Avilova, sent an appeal to the Board of Trustees of the fund, pointing out the shortcomings of the organization's work. As a result, Avilova decided to create another fund named after Elizabeth Glinka "Doctor Lisa". In February of this year, a corresponding package of documents for registration of the fund was submitted to the Ministry of Justice.

Against the glamorous journalist Ksenia Sokolova criminal case
IA "Ruspress"

1,79 million damage was inflicted on the foundation of the fund "Just Aid for Doctor Lisa" by Ksenia Sokolova, having fictitiously employed lawyer Anna Agranovich. Agency Ruspres earlier drew attention to the fact that, having replaced the deceased Elizaveta Glinka, Sokolova increased her salary by 6 times, and the expenses for legal services of the fund exceeded the costs of medical care. Ex-columnist GQ and ex-glavred Esquire explains the embezzlement by saying that "brains are more expensive than hands", and plainly says that she came to the fund "not in order to live worse."

As the "Znak" informs, in Moscow investigators opened a criminal case on the abuse of official powers (Part 1 of Article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in the fund "Just Aid to Doctor Lisa". As a source in law enforcement agencies said, the circumstances of the case are connected with the conclusion of contracts between the fund and two lawyers. "According to the investigation, in July 2017 the organization signed a contract with lawyer Anna Agranovich to provide legal services. At the same time, in 2015, the fund entered into a similar contact with human rights defender Alexander Kulikovsky. As a result, the fund was damaged in the amount of 1.79 million rubles. On this fact, the SSG of the UK in Moscow instituted criminal proceedings, "the source told the publication.

According to the terms of the contract, Kulikovsky was to provide legal advice to the trustees of the fund, including helping with letters, appeals, petitions and applications to law enforcement agencies, courts and public authorities.

With the lawyer Agranovich Fund concluded a similar contract, according to which the girl was to receive 180 thousand rubles a month. The fund also paid Agranovich a remuneration of 356 thousand for June.

As a result, according to the estimates of the investigators, Anna Agranovich received about 1.79 million rubles from the fund "A Just Aid to Doctor Lisa". In the same amount, the siloviki assess the damage inflicted on the fund.

Earlier the Board of Trustees of the Foundation "Just Aid to Dr. Lisa" recommended that the general meeting of the members of the organization terminate the powers of the current board of directors and the president of the organization Ksenia Sokolova, who headed the charitable foundation after Elizabeth Glinka's death in a plane crash in 2016. The new president of the fund, as Kommersant wrote, may be Tatyana Konstantinova, the current executive director of the Foundation for the Support of Deafblind People "Connection".

The decision to change the management of "Just Aid to Lisa Glinka" is due to the fact that the Board of Trustees in April 2018 gave the Fund's management a number of recommendations on the work (prepare a work plan and budget for 2018 and make a report on the work for 2017, , hold a meeting of the members of the organization, take action to participate in competitions for grants to the President of the Russian Federation), which were not executed.

Let's add, some time after the death of Elizabeth Glinka in the fund "Fair Help" there was a conflict. In particular, a member of the board of the foundation, Natalia Avilova, sent an appeal to the Board of Trustees of the fund, pointing out the shortcomings of the organization's work. As a result, Avilova decided to create another fund named after Elizabeth Glinka "Doctor Lisa". In February of this year, a corresponding package of documents for registration of the fund was submitted to the Ministry of Justice.