The widow of banker Puzikov ceased to be accused of his murder

After acquittal, Ekaterina Puzikova became a victim.
The Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation recognized Ekaterina Puzikova as a victim in the case of the murder of her husband, the deputy head of the Samara branch of Rosselkhozbank Dmitry Puzikov. Previously, Ms. Puzikova was twice charged with committing this crime, but in the end she was acquitted.

Catherine Puzikova's lawyer, Andrei Karnomazov, told Kommersant about the CGR's satisfaction of his petition to recognize the woman as a victim in the case of the murder of Dmitry Puzikov, the deputy head of the Samara branch of Rosselkhozbank. "Catherine earlier on her behalf filed a petition for the recognition of her and the minor's son as victims in this case, and the Investigative Committee granted him. The case was sent to the third department of the Investigation Department of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and now it is being investigated, "Andrei Karnomazov said.

The banker died in March 2012 after a party at his house in the village of Kondurchinsky, Krasnoyarsk region of the Samara region. In total, 12 people gathered. The owner of the house and two other guests became ill, and they were hospitalized, and Dmitry Puzikov died in the hospital. In April 2013, the examination found that they were poisoned by thallium.

In the commission of the crime, the wife of the banker, Ekaterina Puzikova, was suspected, she was subsequently charged twice under Art. 105 of the Criminal Code ("Murder"). However, as a result, charges against her were dropped by the Samara Regional Court in October 2017. After that, she started the restaurant business.

Earlier, Andrei Karnomazov stressed in a conversation with Kommersant that the poison with which the banker was poisoned is of key importance in the case. "In science it is a well-known fact that it has no color, no taste, no smell," explained Mr. Karnomazov. The main version of the investigation was the poisoning of Dmitry Puzikov "bitter mashed potatoes", which was cooked and served by his wife. However, according to Andrei Karnomazov, on the plate of traces thallium examination did not find, but they were found on the plates.

According to Andrei Karnomazov, Ekaterina Puzikova will seek to bring to justice those responsible for the death of her husband. "Puzikova repeatedly said that she suspects the cousin Dmitry Sergeevich, because on the clothes and hands of the cousin of the deceased, the thallium content, supposedly poisoned by the banker, was greater than that of the other guests. Also from the very beginning, the cousin of the deceased accused Catherine of the death of the banker and lined up the versions of her guilt, "argues the defender.

The lawyer admitted that the real offender might have had accomplices from among the employees of the Samara branch of Rosselkhozbank. "We think that poisoning is somehow connected with the situation that arose in the bank, where Puzikov fought for the leader's place, and he fought actively, sought the so-called decided in Moscow, drove money there," said Andrei Karnomazov.

Meanwhile, the lawyer of another victim, the mother of the deceased banker, Vyacheslav Tilezhinsky calls the withdrawal of charges from Catherine Puzikova and her recognition as a victim of a "judicial error". "The fact that Ekaterina Puzikova managed to avoid criminal responsibility is a blatant injustice, because she is 100% guilty. She was made a victim in order to create an appearance that, within the framework of the investigation of the case, the law enforcers did not gather new evidence of her guilt and evidence that Ekaterina Puzikova was aware of all events. She poisoned, there is no one else. Her motive is jealousy and material gain: this is indicated by her attempts immediately after her husband's death to challenge the deceased's mother to own the house. I am also sure that the probability that the investigation will prove the involvement of the cousin of Dmitry Puzikov to the crime is zero: the criminal case was investigated for six years, and nothing new can be obtained from it, "the lawyer is convinced.