Oleg Deripaska tried to heat the PFR

One of the largest Russian NPF Socium, previously associated with Oleg Deripaska’s structures, was again at the center of the scandal.
The Investigative Committee of Russia has opened a criminal case on the attempted fraud. From the Pension Fund of Russia, people were transferred in packs without their knowledge to non-governmental pension organizations. 500 thousand of our compatriots may be affected in this story, whose savings were “suddenly” found in private VTB Pension Fund, NPF Soglasiya, Gazfond PN and NPF Socium. The damage from such actions could amount to billions of rubles.

So far, there are no specific defendants in the case. However, it is noteworthy that the non-governmental pension fund Socium appeared in the above list. After all, a real trail of scandals with pension accumulations of the citizens of our country stretches behind him, multiplied by the reputation of its former owner, the odious oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

Who do we see?

However, why is this the former? Despite the fact that Deripaska seems to have retired from Socium for a long time, his structures do not officially own the assets of the fund. The Moscow Post has information that they are still behind the management of the fund through third parties. So, they may be responsible for possible fraud with the pension accumulations of citizens and their massive "flow" from the Pension Fund of Russia.

Today, Oleg Deripaska’s structures continue to invest in private pension organizations. For example, he is a shareholder of such a large fund as Ingosstrakh Pension, acting as the owner of the parent company Ingosstrakh. And it is very strange that not so long ago, the owners decided to classify the ownership structure of all these assets. This was written by Kommersant.

Why such secrecy? Deripaska and company do not want people to know who and how they manage their insurance premiums and pension savings? But the following circumstance will be able to partially answer this question. The fact is that a member of the board of directors and the general director of Ingosstrakh Pension is a certain Ekaterina Sergeevna Shishkina. What eloquently testifies to the information on the site, which has so far been left in the public domain.

So, as our correspondents managed to find out, by an incredibly strange set of circumstances, she, Ekaterina Sergeyevna Shishkina, since August 2014, has been concurrently the Director General of NPF Sotsium. What a "coincidence", just a multi-station. But nothing that these funds are open competitors of each other in the struggle for people's retirement money? And how does she manage to sit on two chairs?

What does this happen, after a series of scandals with the pension savings of citizens, Oleg Deripaska’s structures seem to “get out” of all the cases related to the “Socium”. But in reality, the oligarch’s ears are still sticking out of them, and they continue through their people the operational and strategic management of his assets?

After all, the appointment and reappointment of Shishkina, which is in “Inogosstrakh”, that in “Socium” could not and cannot take place without the approval of the shareholders or the real beneficiaries of the funds. Apparently, Deripaska clearly does not want to “retire” from the market for managing pension savings of citizens.

And from all this, as they say, "bad smell." It turns out that Deripaska wants to "eat fish and not wash the pan": as if to "get rid" of the scandalous "Socium" by exposing his other pension asset, not involved in the scandals - Ingosstrakh, as a showcase. And at the same time, to remain secret at the helm of both assets, but, apparently, through third parties.

Very convenient: money continues to flow, and reputation risks disappear. At the same time, at the head of both organizations are loyal and absolutely ruled people who follow the instructions from above. Not good.
And even worse, when your fund becomes a defendant in the case of "throwing" the savings of citizens from the PFR without their knowledge, and you also complain about the Russian state, which, they say, provides you with too expensive loans. This is what Deripaska recently said in the context of the fact that his GAZ group significantly increased its borrowings from state banks after falling under Western sanctions. First of all, in Sberbank and VTB. About this and the position of Deripaska wrote the publication of RBC.

Dissolved in the air

Is there any limit to the cynicism and greed of the oligarchs of such a "spill"? And when people already understand that it’s more expensive to transfer their pension savings to such “dealers”. How much do you need to crank up the "muddy" schemes and provoke scandals? In addition to the direct damage that pensioners of Socium can suffer, this discredits the entire pension system of the country.

All this our people already passed in the beginning of the tenth years, when in 2011 the most, perhaps, the most resonant scandal with NPF Socium broke out. Then the investors accused his leadership of embezzlement of savings. Then the situation was even condemned by colleagues in the "retirement" workshop, believing that this is a dark spot on the reputation of the entire professional community.

Thus, Vladimir Kontorovich, the chairman of the coordinating council of the Norilsk Nickel Pension Fund Group, said in an interview with Federal Press: “We are aware of what is happening there. Oleg Deripaska receives $ 4.5 billion from the state and transfers their losses on pensioners. This is a blatant fact, the discredit of the entire pension system. "

Recall, then 451 million rubles “disappeared” from the Fund somewhere. Then the "hostages" of the "skillful" leadership of the Deripaska structures turned out to be pensioners from GAZ, Irkutskenergo and the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station. After that, one of the agents of NPF Sotsium, LLC Vklad-Sibir, filed a lawsuit against the Fund for payment in the amount of 39 million rubles. Considering that he, figuratively speaking, “threw” him on an agent’s reward for attracting new investors.

However, the “Socium” Deripaska refused to pay him - they say, there is absolutely nothing ... And this despite the fact that earlier, in 2009, the fund’s structures announced 451 million rubles in their accounts. However, when the time came for judicial payments, for some reason they did not have this money ... As if they were dissolved in the air.

And the Fund could not explain this in any way. And they found out the fact of lack of funds during the enforcement proceedings opened by the bailiff service. Indeed, again, the management of the Fund did not want to repay the debt voluntarily.

Even then, the Fund was threatened with bankruptcy and liquidation. Having an active service for almost 400 thousand people, many of whom were employees of Bazela companies, he made a debt to them in the amount of 39 million rubles. Just the very money that Vklad-Sibir LLC demanded and finally got through the Higher Arbitration Court. But at that time, the Deripaska Society was “lucky” - they managed to avoid bankruptcy, and gradually the scandal came to naught.

But, as we see, Oleg Deripaska’s desire to “make money” on the pensions of our old people has not gone away. And, apparently, even without their knowledge. Now that the Socium is a defendant in a criminal case initiated by the Investigative Committee, we can only wait for the results of the work of investigators and the court. They should figure out how exactly PFR investors flowed into this and other funds without the consent of the people.

But will the next scandal with the “Socium” make those who voluntarily give their savings to him think? And who will the customers have to blame, except for themselves, if the Fund again suddenly and it is not clear why there will not be money in the accounts?