In the Salisbury tourist Ruslan Boshirov learned Colonel Anatoly Chepigu

Experts Bellingcat noticed the similarity of Ruslan Boshirov, whom the British authorities consider involved in the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal, with Colonel Anatoly Chepiga, awarded in 2014 the title of Hero of Russia.
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Experts of The Insider and the Bellingcat investigative team claim that under the name of Ruslan Boshirov, whom the British authorities consider to be involved in the poisoning of the former GRU officer Sergei Skripil, is hiding the Russian army colonel Anatoly Chepiga, a graduate of the Far Eastern Higher All-Arms Command School (PAROK) and Hero of Russia ( according to the website of the DOSAAF branch in the Amur Region, the rank was given to Colonel Chepig in December 2014 "for the performance of the peacekeeping mission").

The organizers of the investigation found a photograph of a person resembling Boshirova in a group photo, which, in a certificate of history, was accompanied by a story about the participation of school leavers in a military operation in Chechnya. After that, the experts suggested that this person could be Anatoly Vladimirovich Chepiga, mentioned among the PALA graduates as a Hero of the Russian Federation, and conducted a search for a person with such last name, first name and patronymic in the internet-merged databases.

“Some Anatoly Vladimirovich Chepiga was present in the database for 2003. His phone number was indicated, and only the military unit (military unit - RBC) 20662 was indicated as the address - the part number of the 14th brigade of the GRU special forces in Khabarovsk, the report says.

Photos Cepigi in open sources Bellingcat investigators could not be found, which led them to the idea that the Hero of Russia "may be a secret agent of the special services." In the end, the authors of the investigation found a photo of Anatoly Vladimirovich Chepigi in one of the passport databases and compared it with a photograph of Boshirov published by the British police. The similarity, according to the authors of the investigation, turned out to be evident, with the amendment that the photograph from the database was taken in 2003.

The passport application form found in the same database states that Anatoly Chepiga was born in the village of Nikolaevka in the Amur Region, that is, where, according to open sources, Colonel Chepiga was born. In addition, the application for obtaining a passport mentions the place of residence of Chepiga for 2003 - "Mr. Khabarovsk, military unit 20662 ”.

“Based on various independent sources of information for different periods of time, the Bellingcat team was able to confidently conclude that the man whom the British authorities named Ruslan Boshirov is actually Colonel Anatoly Chepiga, a highly-awarded Russian military intelligence officer many times the end of 2014 received the highest state award, ”the Bellingcat report says.

London accuses BOSHIROV and Alexander Petrov of being involved in the poisoning in March 2018 in the British Salisbury of ex-employee of the GRU Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia. According to the British police, Petrov and Boshirov are officers of the Russian special services. Moscow denies any involvement. Sami Petrov and Boshirov in an interview with RT TV announced their innocence, called themselves "medium-sized businessmen" and explained that they went to Salisbury as tourists.