In the poisoning of Sergei Skripal found a Russian trace

The Prime Minister of Great Britain, Theresa May, considers the authorities of the Russian Federation either involved in the assassination attempt or having lost control over their chemical weapons.
British Prime Minister Teresa May told the members of the country's parliament about the interim results of an investigation into the poisoning in Salisbury of the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal on 5 March, as well as his daughter Julia. Russia's involvement in this incident is "very likely," May said.

According to the Prime Minister, the analysis of various services "working 24 hours a day," showed that the poisoning of Skripal and her daughter used a nerve agent binary agent, developed in the USSR under the code "Novice". "It became obvious that Mr. Skripal and his daughter were poisoned with a military nerve agent belonging to a type developed in Russia," she said.

In this regard, there are two possibilities, continued May: either it was a "direct action of the Russian state", or Russia "lost control" over its chemical weapons stockpiles. The Prime Minister said that the Russian Ambassador to London had been summoned to give relevant explanations. According to her, in a conversation with the Russian ambassador, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson demanded, among other things, "an immediate and complete disclosure" of the "Newbie" program of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

Britain expects them by the evening of Tuesday, March 13, and will then decide on their reaction, Teresa May said. "If the explanations prove unsatisfactory, we will have reason to believe that this action constitutes an illegal use of force by the Russian Federation against the United Kingdom," Teresa May said.

Therese May demanded explanations from Russia because of the poisoning of Skripal
RBC, 12.03.2018

According to the British Prime Minister, the former GRU officer Sergei Skripal was poisoned by a nerve agent developed by Russia. She stated the "high probability" of Moscow's responsibility for the incident.

Russia with "high probability" is responsible for poisoning the former intelligence officer GRU Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury. This was stated in the parliament by the British Prime Minister Teresa May, the broadcast of her speech was conducted by CBS. Deciphering the speech of the premier leads The Guardian.

According to her, Skrypal was poisoned by the Russian nerve agent developed by Russia, belonging to the group of substances "Novice". The definition of the substance involved "the world's leading experts from the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory" (agency under the British Ministry of Defense), added May.

"The government came to the conclusion that it is highly likely that Russia is responsible for actions against Sergei and Yulia Skripal," the prime minister stressed.

The poisoning of Skripal was either a "direct" action by Russia, or Moscow lost control over a "catastrophic potential" substance, said May.

As the British prime minister said, on the evening of March 12 the British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson called the Russian ambassador to give explanations about how the nerve agent turned out to be in Salisbury and was used against the former Russian intelligence agent. She noted that Johnson demanded that the Ambassador "immediately provide information about the program" Newcomer "of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons." London is waiting for a response from Russia until the evening of Tuesday, March 13.