Great Britain once again established Russia's involvement in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal

The OPCW released the first results of the investigation into the "Skripal case".
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) issued a report on the investigation into the poisoning of former Colonel GRU Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia. The OPCW experts "confirmed the findings of the United Kingdom on the composition of the toxic substance" without publicly mentioning its name. The experts did not establish the exact origin of the substance. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, meanwhile, considered the OPCW's findings as yet another proof of involvement in this poisoning of Russia.

Specialists from four independent laboratories selected by the OPCW analyzed samples of blood from Sergei and Yulia Scribles, as well as a substance found in the city of Salisbury at the alleged site of their poisoning. Blood samples were taken and police officer Nick Bailey, who contacted the victims, as a result of which he himself was in hospital with signs of poisoning.

"The results of analyzes of biological samples and environmental samples made by selected OPCW laboratories confirm the UK's conclusions about the chemical substance of toxic action that was used in Salisbury and which severely affected several people," the OPCW said. It is noted that the toxic substance was characterized by a pure composition. "This follows from the almost complete absence of impurities," the organization's report says. However, the name "Rookie" is not publicly mentioned (the formula and the exact name of the substance will be transferred to the countries participating in the investigation). The OPCW report and the country of origin of the substance are not mentioned directly.

Recall that the British authorities believe that the attempt on Sergei Skripal, who was convicted in Russia for espionage for eight years, and then exchanged for Russian agents working in the US, and his daughter Julia was committed using the nerve agent "Novice", developed in USSR. During the investigation, various versions of what happened happened. In particular, it was reported that the poison was in a suitcase that flew to the UK on March 3 to the father of Julia Skripal. Among the carriers of the substance, a shop was also named on a street in Salisbury, where Sergei and Julia Skripali, their car, and a door handle in their house were discovered.

Commenting on the conclusions of the OPCW, Boris Johnson, the British Foreign Minister, said: "In the interests of transparency and because, unlike Russians, there is nothing to hide, we asked the OPCW to publish a resume so that everyone could see it and send a full report to all members of the OPCW, including Russia. " At the same time, he again reiterated London's position: "Only Russia has the means and motives (for the poisoning of the Skrypals .-" Kommersant "), as well as the corresponding experience behind the shoulders." "There can be no doubt what exactly was used," the minister said, referring to the substance under the provisional name "Novice". Mr. Johnson also said that Britain had called for an April 18 meeting of the OPCW's executive committee, which would discuss the next steps in connection with the Salisbury incident.

Sergei Skripal remains in the hospital in serious condition. As for his daughter Julia, then she receives conflicting information. On Wednesday, the Russian embassy in Britain noted: "The British side continues to deny us any information about the whereabouts of Julia, her wishes and real health. There is a line to isolate her from the public, conceal important testimonies and obstruct an objective and independent investigation. " Russian diplomats referred to an article in the tabloid The Sun, where it says that Ms. Skripal "was transferred to a medical facility on some guarded military base for continuing treatment", as well as the material of The Times newspaper that the Russian was transferred to a "well-guarded house in the countryside".

The Russian side is also doubtful about the authenticity of Yulia Skripal's statement, which was made public in writing by Scotland Yard. Ms. Skripal said that she feels better, but does not want to communicate with journalists and her cousin Victoria, who had previously intended to come to the UK, but could not do so because of a visa refusal. "I thank my cousin Victoria for her care for us, but I ask her not to visit me and try to contact me at the moment. Her opinions and statements are neither mine nor my father, "Yulia Skripal noted.

At the Russian embassy in Britain on Thursday night commented on the statement: "If all of the above is true, we can only rejoice over our compatriot. However, given the impossibility of verifying this in practice, the publication of the London Police raises more questions than answers. As before, I would like to make sure that the statement does come from Julia. In this there are great doubts. " According to Russian diplomats, "the text is clearly drawn up in such a way as to support the official statements of the British authorities and at the same time to exclude any possibility of Yulia's contact with the outside world - consuls, journalists, relatives."

After that, in Scotland Yard assured "RIA Novosti" that, "as was indicated, the statement was issued on behalf of Julia Skripal." In additional explanations the interlocutor of the agency did not go into.