NPP "Start" left the Russian generals without toys

The Ministry of Defense demanded an advance back and will sue the plant, which previously often disrupted military orders.
Ekaterinburg NPP "Start", which is a part of the Holding "Technodinamics" of the state corporation "Rostekh", is compelled in courts to "fight off" from numerous statements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on payment of penalties for the broken state contracts. Multimillion penalties were touched upon both orders for loading machines for S-300 air defense systems, as well as for new development projects commissioned by engineers of the state enterprise. Only in 2018 the company had to return to the budget more than hundreds of millions of rubles. The military department transferred this money as an advance for the development of some kind of universal multi-position facility, which was supposed to work on four types of weapons carriers. Engineers-designers had to admit that the task of the Defense Ministry is impossible in principle, but the advance for development was not returned within five years.

JSC "SPE" Start "them. AI Yaskin "(part of the company" Technodynamics "GC" Rostekh ") will pay a large penalty for failure to supply charging machines for S-300 surface-to-air missile systems. The state contract with the contractor was signed in 2014. The vehicles were transferred to the military with a delay of 77 days.

Under the terms of the contract, the company exhibited a penalty in the amount of 19.9 million rubles, but the Moscow Arbitration Court decided to reduce its size, since it found it unlawful to charge interest on the total value of the contract. The NPP "Start" was ordered to pay fines taking into account the cost of only overdue obligations. As a result, the amount of recovery was reduced to 3.6 million rubles.

"Currently, the penalty for this contract is paid in full. At the same time, the deadline for the order of 2014 was determined by the deficit of the production capacities of the enterprise formed at that time, with a steady annual growth of the GOZ starting from 2011, "explained in the parent company" Tekhnodinamika ".

Earlier, "Pravda UrFO" in detail told that in 2016 the company also did not finish the execution of the GOZ in a timely manner. The enterprise did not have time to complete the assembly of prototypes, according to which NPP "Start" acted as the co-executor of the contract together with the concern of the East-Kazakhstan region Almaz-Antey. Then the representatives of "Rosteha" were forced to remove the CEO of the "Start" Vladimir Tretyakov. The company was able to supply special products only in March 2017.

In early 2017, the general director of "Technodynamics" Igor Nasenkov announced the construction of new production workshops, so that more complaints about the terms of execution of the GOZ did not arise. In the middle of 2018, workshops will be commissioned to assemble transport and transport-loading machines for the Tor, Buk, S-300 and S-400 surface-to-air missile systems.

The press service of "Technodinamics" Pravda UrFO "told that following the results of 2017, the state defense order was executed without any observations within the deadlines. "This year the enterprise also goes strictly according to the established schedule. At the same time, the renewal of production capacities within the framework of the FTP, which will be completed at the plant in 2018, will allow NPP Start to continue successfully fulfill its obligations, and develop new competencies in production, including civilian products, "the company.

Meanwhile, at the present time, the "granddaughter" of "Rostecha" is facing a bigger penalty. Lawyers of the Ministry of Defense demanded the return of 113 million rubles in advance to the budget of the advance payment listed in fulfillment of the state contract dated September 4, 2013. The military demands to break the agreement that was not implemented, and also to make an inventory and provide the department with documentation.

According to "Pravda UrFO", it is about ordering new developmental designs. The engineers of the NPP "Start" worked on what specific subject, they did not specify in the company, however they stated that the technical task for the ROC was recognized unfulfilled as early as in 2013. "The unused advance payment has already been returned to the customer," the press service of "Tekhnodinamika" stressed. However, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has not withdrawn its claim yet. The hearing on the merits is scheduled for May 24.

Earlier, the military already had claims to "Start" on this order for R & D. At the end of last year, representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation demanded to pay more than 4 million rubles from the company for non-compliance with the terms of the contract, as well as 45 million rubles as interest for using the advance.

According to the materials of the court, from 2013 to 2015 the company was to develop a multipurpose installation (MAPU-79) in a universal version. The military expected that they would use it on four types of carriers, but during the work it became clear that it was technically impossible to achieve such a result. NPP "Start" was ready to execute the contract with the change of the technical assignment, with a decrease in the number of installation carriers, but in the Ministry of Defense TZ decided not to change and terminated the contract.

As a result, in March this year the court decided to meet the demands of the ministry in part. In recovery of the penalty was refused, since the contract was not completed due to the decision of the Defense Ministry not to make changes to the terms of reference. At the same time, the judge ordered the plant to return to the budget the interest for using the advance. The amount of payments was nevertheless adjusted to 17 million rubles. The management of SPE "Start", nevertheless, expects to withdraw from the payment of interest for the use of the advance 113 million rubles. In late April, an appeal was lodged against the decision of the Moscow arbitration. Consideration of the application is scheduled for May 28.