The shipwreck of Bulgaria cannot be justified

The court found guilty the defendants accused of death of 122 persons.
Kazan Moscow court convicted all the defendants in the criminal case of the collapse of the ship "Bulgaria", which occurred in 2011 that killed 122 people. Reading the verdict will take a few days, the sentences will be announced later.

Before the trial, as has often been said before, "b", brought former subtenant diesel-electric "Bulgaria", the director of "Agrorechtur" Svetlana Inyakin, senior expert of the Kama area Russian River Register Yakov Ivashov, chief mate "Bulgaria" Ramil Khametov, ex -nachalnik Kazan linear control department of the Volga Rostransnadzora Timergaziev Irek and his subordinate chief state inspector Vladislav Semenov.

Depending on the role of each of the defendants, the prosecutor sought to admit they have been guilty of committing crimes under Art. 238 of the Criminal Code (services that do not meet the security requirements of the life and health of consumers), Art. 263 of the Criminal Code (violation of the rules of safety of operation of inland waterway transport), Art. 143 of the Criminal Code (violation of safety rules) and Art. 285Of the Criminal Code (abuse of power).

Already at the beginning of the sentence, it became clear that he would be guilty. In particular, the chairman pointed out that the defendants "committed crimes on imprudence entailed flooding in the waters of the Kuibyshev Reservoir of the Volga River diesel electric ship" Bulgaria "and the death of 122 passengers and crew."

During the meeting, the state prosecution reminded the circumstances of the accused committed the crimes. So, in March 2011, the general director of LLC "Argorechtur" Svetlana Inyakin entered into a sublease agreement "Bulgaria" and began to engage in passenger traffic, while on the ship, on the MRS version, "regularly broke down key units and components" and she it I knew, but "failed to ensure safety of operation" diesel-electric.

According to the case file, a subtenant, "using its friendly relations", made to employees of the supervisory authorities have issued documents on the operation of "Bulgaria", as well as the issued certificate, required to obtain the license for transportation. One suchdocuments was Vladislav Semenov and his head Irek Timergaziev did not control its operation. Yakov Ivashov did not examine the ship, and the first mate Ramil Khametov "voluntarily" left him in a shipwreck, not becoming to rescue passengers.

PE, we recall, was at the Kuibyshev reservoir July 10, 2011. During the tourist flight Kazan-Bolgar-Kazan ship caught in a storm, it fell on the starboard side and sank typing water through the open windows, which had to be battened down.

In the debate the prosecutor suggested to sentence Svetlana Inyakin in 14 years and 6 months, and Irek Timergazievu Vladislav Semenov - 8 years, 7 years Ivashovu- Jacob and Ramil Hametova - 6 years and 10 months.

Why Svetlana Inyakin asked to let her go on amnesty

At the beginning of 2014 in Kazan in the trial about the death of 122 people as a result of the collapse of the diesel-electric "Bulgaria" scandal. The main person involved - a subtenant ship Svetlana Inyakin said the request for the application of amnesty to her, held in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution, under theOtori she could easily fall within a number of provisions. According to the victims, if Inyakin released, they do not see the point "in this months-long trial."