Google does not filter

Roskomnadzor wants to fine it for the fact that the search engine is not connected to the monitoring system of blocked sites in Russia.
 Roskomnadzor will fine Google search engine for non-compliance with Russian legislation, the service said. Google declined to comment

Google had to connect to the federal state information system (FGIS) containing a list of banned Internet resources within 30 days, and within three days the system should start filtering the search results. According to the law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, search engines are obliged to exclude Internet resources permanently blocked in Russia from search results, Roskomnadzor reminds.

The penalty is appointed by the court. The representative of Roskomnadzor said that the agency intends to go to court in the near future.

Under the law on anonymizers, which entered into force in November 2017, search engines are obliged to connect to the State Geological Survey, where all banned sites in Russia are collected, in order to block such resources in time. Similar penalties apply to hosting providers or individuals hosting anonymizers and VPN services on the network, if they do not provide Roskomnadzor with information about their owners on time.

Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, which allow you to penalize search engines for issuing links to prohibited sites, entered into force in the summer. The penalty for issuing links to sites blocked by the court, according to the law, is 3,000–5,000 rubles. for citizens, 30 000–50 000 rubles. - for officials and 500 000-700 000 rubles. - for legal entities.

Roskomnadzor sent a request to Google to connect to the federal state information system, the service said, but the Internet company did not fulfill the regulator’s requirement.