Roskomnadzor began blocking Google

Google allows the Telegram messenger to use its IP addresses to bypass the lock, explained in Roskomnadzor. In this regard, Roskomnadzor has entered a number of IP-addresses of Google into the register of prohibited information.
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Google has not met the requirements of Roscomnadzor and allows the Telegram messenger to work through their IP-addresses, the agency said.

"In this regard, Roskomnadzor has included in the register of banned information a number of IP-addresses of Google, which are used by Telegram to carry out activities in the Russian Federation," - said in a statement published in Facebook Roskomnadzor. The

Earlier in Goolge said that application developers will no longer be able to use the company's domain to bypass locks. At the same time, the company explained that the changes in the network architecture of the company had long been planned.

Earlier on April 18, the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov said that Telegram began to use new IP-addresses, receiving them from cloud services Amazon Web Setrvices and Google Cloud. Due to the fact that the messenger changed addresses very quickly, the agency had to block them with whole pools. As a result, non-Telegram sites were blocked, but they also used Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud addresses. In particular, the online learning school of English language Skyeng and the messenger Viber were experiencing problems with access.

In total, according to Zharov, in the course of attempts to stop the work of Telegram in Russia, telecom operators blocked 18 subnets of Amazon and Google.

On the night of April 22, users of the network began to complain massively about the inaccessibility of the main page of the Google search engine in Russia. In the press service of Google, RBC answered that they know about this problem and are looking for ways to solve it.

Operators of communication have started execution of the decision of court about blocking Telegram in Russia on April, 16th. Previously, the Tagansky District Court of Moscow decided to block the service because it refused to hand over the keys to the FSB to decrypt the users' correspondence.

On April 19, experts from Analytic Analytic Company SimilarWeb reported that on the first day of blocking Telegram in Russia its usage did not decrease, but, on the contrary, it grew by 27% when comparing Monday to Monday.

As of April 22, Telegram was unable to block the work in Russia, users continue to use the messenger, many of whom do this without using special programs to bypass the locks.

Google commented on the problems with access to its services in Russia

The press service of Google said that they know about the complaints of Russian users on the inaccessibility of certain services and are studying this problem.

"We know about reports that some users in Russia do not have access to some Google services; we understand these messages, "- said the representative of the press service of Google.

As an independent expert (formerly Yandex employee) Vladimir Ivanov told RBC, can have many addresses. "This is done for various reasons, for example, for a more even load balancing," he said. Blocking part of the addresses will cause the site to work intermittently. "In principle, they have automation for this case, as far as I know. They see that certain addresses are blocked, and they transfer the service to other addresses, "Ivanov explained. He suggested that blocking IP addresses by Google itself, rather than its cloud service, could mean that Roskomnadzor is trying to prevent the delivery of push messages.

According to the head of Diphost Philip Kulin, at the moment due to the blocking of Telegram in the register, about 18 million IP-addresses have been entered. In particular, address blocks belonging to the cloud services of Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and others were blocked.

As Roskomnadzor representative earlier said, the actions of the agency to block the subnets of these companies are accompanied by correspondence with the administration. "When Telegram changes its IP addresses to others that do not belong to Amazon and Google, they will be excluded from unloading to telecom operators. Roskomnadzor constantly monitors the situation, "the representative of the service explained.

In addition to user complaints about problems with the work of Google in Russia, and monitored the site According to him, the main problems arose in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Izhevsk and Krasnoyarsk.

Earlier, The Verge reported that Google has disabled the ability to bypass locks through its domain. It was about the ban by the company of dummy domains, which allowed to mask the blocked domain name by the domain of another service.

Earlier, Roskomnadzor reported on the blocking of millions of domain names in the Google and Amazon networks, to which the telegram messenger has migrated, the decision to block which the agency began to execute on April 16. As of April 22, many users of the program report that Telegram operates in Russia even without using programs to bypass locks.