Bloomberg: Kudrin negotiates the return to the post of Minister of Finance

The decision is expected to be made in early 2016, says the agency.
Ex-finance minister, current chairman of the Committee of Civil Initiatives Alexei Kudrin is preparing to return to the government as Minister of Finance and has held a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, according to Bloomberg. According to the agency, the decision on the appointment of Kudrin is expected in early 2016 A spokesman for the prime minister Natalya Timakova confirmed "Vedomosti" that the meeting was held Kudrin and Medvedev, but declined to comment further.

Bloomberg writes citing three sources that took place last week, Kudrin meeting took place at "the most advanced position" since the resignation of Kudrin in 2011, although a formal proposal it has not yet done. "I met with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev last week we discussed the economic issues invitation to go to the civil service was not discussed..", - Kudrin passed through his press service. "It still will not designate", - said the president's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, (quoted by Bloomberg).

The agency notes that the return Kudrto have been well received and business people, and investors, as the ex-minister known commitment to strict budgetary discipline. "On the upper levels of government attempt to return Kudrin reflects the understanding that the Russian economy, which is under the yoke of cheap oil is unlikely to rise in waiting, in spite of all of Putin's assurances that the peak of the crisis behind", - reports Bloomberg words of a senior source. Just yesterday, Kudrin said that the peak of the economic crisis is not passed in Russia. According to him, despite the fact that many experts have argued that "we have reached the bottom", "today we see some further deterioration, which already shows us in November."

On coming back Kudrin to power - albeit in the presidential administration - at the beginning of December wrote ",". "Kudrin is going to engage in reforms", - wrote the publication, according to which among the options for ex-minister - the position of President for Economics Adviser and the establishment of the center under his reforms under the President.

Kudrin resigned as finance minister in September 2011, after a public conflictsand with President Dmitry Medvedev on the issue of defense budget. In 2012, Kudrin founded the Committee of Civil Initiatives and became its chairman.