Gazprom is back in the top three energy companies in the world

Global Platts published a ranking of 250 largest energy companies in the world. Russian energy companies managed to improve their results as compared to the 2015 ranking. 
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S & P Global Platts published a ranking of 250 of the largest energy companies in the world. Russian energy companies were able to improve their results in comparison rating in 2015.

For 12 consecutive tops the list of the American ExxonMobil, behind her is a South Korean KEPCO and closes the top three "Gazprom", RBK reports. Since 2012, the Russian gas monopoly has left the top three energy companies still remain in the top ten. "Gazprom" was able to return only the top three now, and it is noteworthy that it has improved its position directly on the 40 lines - in the past year in this rating the company took 43 place.

Companies with a total asset value of more than $ 5 billion estimated by four parameters: the net profit, revenue, asset value and the rate of return on invested capital (ROIC). The Russian gas giant due to ruble costs increased significantly Net income - this "Gazprom" indicator was the second receiving boLee $ 16.5 billion in net profit, and giving way to first place ExxonMobil, in which it exceeds $ 16 billion.

The devaluation of the ruble as a whole has helped Russian oil exporters to improve their position in the ranking. For example, the top 10 largest energy companies in the world has got LUKOIL, who took 6th place, with a score of even better than the "Rosneft", which proved to be the line below - LUKOIL's revenue by $ 10 billion more, and is $ 85.45 billion; ROIC just above - 7% and 6%, respectively; although "Rosneft" higher net profit and the value of assets. Also in the top ten for the first time entered the "Surgutneftegaz" - 9th line, it is noteworthy that the company was the second in the world in terms of ROIC - 20%.

On the foreign companies had a strong negative impactof falling oil prices, and most of them are considerably lost ground in the rankings. For example, such giants as Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, CNOOC, PetroChina has not entered the Top-10. ranking authors explain that because of low oil prices the volume of investment in the industry has decreased significantly, began to sell the assets, and some companies have frozen projects and others and did end up bankrupt. At the end of last yearbschaya profit 28 largest energy companies of the world fell by 5.5 times - up to $ 25.73 billion, while in 2014 it amounted to $ 139.34 billion.