FSO staff is obliged to get rid of property abroad

Ministry of Justice approved the order, which obliges the employees of the Federal Protective Service to get rid of foreign property until October 1.
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Russian Ministry of Justice approved the order of the head of the Federal Protection Service (FSO), which ensures the safety of the country's leadership to ban civilian employees and military personnel have property abroad. If someone from the staff or management of the FSO possession of the property is now, he will have to get rid of it before October 1, 2015. In the case where an employee has registered FSO assets abroad after the order comes into force, he is given a year of his alienation. In case of default order officer FSO waiting for dismissal.

Order of the head of the FSO Yevgeny Murov № 168 "On the timing of the adoption of measures for the disposal of property, the ownership of which is registered outside the Russian Federation" approved by the Ministry of Justice of Russia. Under this order, military and civilian employees of the FSO having property abroad must get rid of it before October 1, 2015. If employees have received an inheritance abroad after the order comes into force, they are given one year to resolve all formalities for his exclusion.
If these terms FSO employees are not willing or notcan get rid of foreign assets, they must notify a report of its special management or personnel service. The authorities, in turn, should make a proposal to the Director of FSO on the future of an employee who has not got rid of the foreign property.

FSO employees who have assets abroad, ordered to report it to the personnel department, and provide evidence that it has been alienated. This information will be entered into a private matter FSO employees.

FSO was not the first office in Russia, which ordered the employees to get rid of foreign assets. In February 2012, a similar order was signed by the head of service of the Russian FSB Alexander Bortnikov. Under this order, "military and civilian FSB personnel who have property, ownership of which is registered outside the Russian Federation, unless it is due to the decision of problems of operational activity, in writing, report to Chief Executive Officer, who has the right to issue orders on staff, on the existence of such a propertiedETS within one month after the entry into force of this Order. "By 1 December 2012, all employees of the Federal Security Service (FSB), which had assets abroad had to get rid of him. These restrictions do not affect security officers working in other countries, but when they return home, they also had to get rid of him for a year. In the case of inheritance abroad FSB officer and was given a year to its alienation.

Recall that the FSB in 2011 even restricted travel of their employees abroad. In a similar ban FSO appeared last year on the background of the events in Ukraine. Security officers have banned travel to 108 countries of the world with which the United States signed an agreement on mutual extradition. Thus, the FSO staff can attend only 27 states. Earlier it was reported that the United States imposed sanctions against a number of high-ranking Russian officials and security forces, including against the Director of the FSO Yevgeny Murov.

The FSO "Izvestia" press center declined to comment on the order to the property of employees abroad.

According tolovam experts, so the Russian special services minimize the risks associated with provocations and recruitment of the employees counterintelligence other countries.

- The security services can not afford to take risks. Hazards may not be, but there are clear rules of the game under which such restrictions are permitted, - he told "Izvestiya" SVR Major General retired Yuri Kobaladze. - If an employee has a home abroad, it does not mean that it will recruit, but a definite clue to Western intelligence agencies appears.

He also explained that the property intelligence personnel abroad is not only a legacy from relatives. Sometimes they themselves are buying real estate in other countries or other assets.

The sameis said and former FSB officer, chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee Kirill Kabanov.

- Even during his KGB head Yuri Andropov banned employees to have a house, so they are not distracted from the service, - he told "Izvestiya" Kabanov. - Now, if intelligence officer has property or Propertyimost abroad, he first thinks about the material side, because he needs to build a house there, and to keep it. And this is a currency, and the salary will not be enough. If you have a home abroad, the employee is already thinking of a residence permit in the country. If the conditions of life and standard of living in another country is better, it can fully serve the Russian? In addition, the property abroad - it's compromising, and the ability to recruit foreign intelligence services.

It is unknown how many employees of the FSO have property abroad. According to the declaration of income FSO director Yevgeny Murov, his deputies and members of their families in 2014, they have no foreign assets.