Dmitry Zimin stops financing Dynasty Foundation

The nonprofit organization is unlikely to be able to continue to exist.
Yesterday, the Ministry of Justice has included scientific-educational foundation "Dynasty" Dmitry Zimin and Educational Foundation of the supervisor of the Higher School of Economics (HSE), Yevgeny Yasin "Liberal Mission" in the register of foreign agents. Manual "Dynasty" may announce the dissolution of the organization - the final decision will be taken at a meeting of the Fund on June 8. In the scientific community the Ministry of Justice action caused outrage. Yesterday the deputy Vitaly Zolochevsky of the Liberal Democratic Party has asked the Prosecutor General to determine whether the new concept of unwanted Russian international and foreign organizations, "Transparency International - Russia", the Carnegie Moscow Center, "International Memorial" and Human Right Watch. And Alexander Sidyakin ( "United Russia") asks unscheduled check "Open Russia".

Include in the register of foreign agents Scientific and Educational Foundation "Dynasty", created in 2001, the founder of "VimpelCom" Dmitry Zimin, the Ministry of Justice decided on the basis of a planned, as stated in the official report agencies inspection. Yesterday, the registry was theoretical Science Foundationing and applied research "Liberal Mission" based scientific director of the Higher School of Economics, Yevgeny Yasin. Mister Yasin told "Kommersant" that "never any fund foreign money is not received." "What we attributed - is sponsorship of the Ministry of Justice decision of Dmitry Zimin remains on the conscience of those who carried it seems, in other words they can not work..", - Said Mr. Yassin. According to him, the leadership of "Liberal Mission" "will fight for his name and prove that we are not patriots and nobody's agents." Now in the register 61 NGOs.

The Justice Ministry "Kommersant" were not able to answer the question of what foreign sources funded the activities of the Fund "Dynasty", how much money was received from abroad, and on what projects.

For the first time information on the possible inclusion of "Dynasty" in the Register appeared in early May. Yesterday morning, the journalist Alexander Nevzorov citing its sources told "Echo of Moscow", the fund may terminate the work. In the fund is not confirmed nor denied. Project ManagerFund "Dynasty" Galina Kobteva said "Kommersant" that talk about the possible closure of the fund can only Dmitry Zimin, who is currently abroad. "On June 8 will be a closed meeting of the board of the fund, - said Ms. Kobteva.- It will decide how to continue to work."

In the scientific community have criticized the decision of the Justice Ministry. "Work fund fantastically important for a variety of Russian science and education - said," Kommersant "astrophysicist, a leading researcher at the SAI Sternberg named Sergei Popov.- fund projects cover a wide range of scientific areas, they help researchers to publish non-fiction books in. Some time ago I was working in Russia precisely because it was supported by "Dynasty". " According to Mr. Popov said that the foreign agent status will seriously complicate the work of the Fund with the budget organizations. "Dynasty" supports a large number of "physical institutes, some of which are directly related to the defense industry and space": "If the accounts of budget organizations will receive money from a foreign agent, as this will laughryat inspectors? "

"This is a mistake and a very serious, - said the" Y "member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the most vysokotsitiruemyh Russian scientists, physicist Valeri Rubakov.- Everybody knows that there is a fund for personal money Dmitry Borisovich And it is called agent -. We've this word is quite clear tone. " Mr. Rubakov believes that the recognition of "Dynasty" foreign agent may lead to "disastrous consequences for young researchers, which helps fund a very serious": "The government, instead of supporting this type of activity, on the contrary, only interfere."

Chairman of the Duma Committee for Public Associations Yaroslav Nilov believes that the Ministry of Justice, taking a decision on the inclusion of "Dynasty" and "Liberal mission" in the register of foreign agents, "a well-thought and weighed all the risks." "Any inclusion of NGOs in the register - it infopovod Chances are, if NGOs included in the registry, then the signs of political activity in its activities really are." - Said, "Kommersant", Mr. Nilov. At the same time he recognizes that the verythe notion of "political activities" in the NGO law "vague".

While the Ministry of Justice has ruled with the standards for a long time the current law, the State Duma is trying on a new one. Vitaly Zolochevsky (LDPR) has asked the Prosecutor General to check whether the work of "Transparency International - Russia" falls, the Carnegie Moscow Center, "International Memorial" Human Right Watch and under the concept of junk in the Russian Federation.

Amendments to the "antimagnitsky Act" (known as the "law of Dima Yakovlev") that allow you to suppress the activities of Russia's international and foreign non-governmental organizations recognized by undesirable, Vladimir Putin signed on 23 May. "I want to work in our country organizations active in the interest of the country, rather than threatening its security, defense capability and the constitutional order," - he said "Kommersant" Mr. Zolochevsky.

The organizations have already declared that the rules of the law defined "fuzzy" and allow for "an extended and arbitrary interpretation." "There are no clear legal criteria to junk status on the territory of the Russian Federation" No, they sayreleased yesterday the conclusion of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova, the Commissioner for Human Rights. No in-law, and "the possibility of appealing the decision on the status of the undesirability of the courts," she said.

However, MPs are not only already accepted norms, but also think of new ones. Alexander Sidyakin ( "United Russia") has asked the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika to conduct an extraordinary review and find out how much is related to the legislation, including "On Public Associations", the work of "social movement" Open Russia "." On its face, it follows from the query, "is actively involved in organizing and carrying out political activities" in order to change the state policy, "as well as the formation of public opinion for this purpose." This "Open Russia" is not registered as a social movement and has its formal features, including statute and the regulatory body, and therefore, is not actually restricted by law, including the financing side, said Mr. Sidyakin. After the Prosecutor General's response does not preclude the MP canraise the question of additional legislative regulation of citizens' associations.

Request the Attorney General Mr. Sidyakin sent after the reason for the introduction of "Open Russia" in the register of NGOs - foreign agents found the Ministry of Justice. In a letter dated May 21, Deputy Justice Minister Sergei Gerasimov informed the deputy of the official registration of only two legal entities with the name "Open Russia": in a limited liability company and in the form of inter-regional public organization (IPO). The latter was created in late 2001 with the participation of the shareholders of Yukos. The Ministry of Justice has established that "certain provisions" MOO statutes allow him to "engage in political activity", but information on the participation of the organization in its territory of the Russian Federation on the agency "does not have." In addition, according to the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, in 2012, the organization has received no foreign funding. "It does not continue the activity, but it is not eliminated, the reports shall be in compliance with the law", - explained the "Y" co-founder of MOO "Open Russia" Irina Yassin.

YaroslavNilov emphasizes that many informal associations, to force them to register or to apply sanctions to them is impossible: "Based on what?" Act now "Open Russia" - a "networking social movement", this format is not in the Russian legislation, as well as the requirements for it, explained the "Kommersant" representative "Open Russia" Küllo Pispanen.

What is the Foundation "Dynasty"


The non-profit social investment fund "Dynasty" was created in 2002, the founder of the company "VimpelCom" Dmitry Zimin. The main objectives of the Fund - the development of fundamental science and education, the creation of conditions for the work of scientists, the popularization of science and education. "Dynasty" is more than 20 programs and projects - support of young physicists and mathematicians, support teachers, support gifted students and training of future scientists, festivals of popular science, public lectures of scientists of world renown. Each year, the fund holds 15 public tenders, the results of which are distributed grants and scholarships. With the support and participation of the FundCreate a site for basic science "Elements" and publishing project "Library Fund" Dynasty "", which brought together the world's best-sellers of popular science literature.

The Fund is managed council, headed by State Duma deputy from the "Fair Russia", the founder of the company "Rolf" Sergei Petrov. According to reports, in 2014 the fund has spent 8.4 million rubles., Received from Russian organizations and citizens, and 328.3 million rubles., Received from international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship. In 2015, the planned budget of the programs and projects of the fund - 435 million rubles.

Following a statement by the Ministry of Justice on the Recognition Fund "Dynasty" foreign agent of its founder Dmitry Zimin said that the government ceases nonprofit organzatsii. According to Mr Zimin, the fund is unlikely to be able to continue to exist without money. Most human rights activists criticized the decision of the Ministry of Justice and applicable law "On foreign agents." Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Ella Pamfilova invited "Dynasty" to challenge the decision.

On Tuesday, Dmitry Zimin said that the cease financing fund "Dynasty". "Spend your own money under the name of an unknown to me of a foreign country, I certainly would not - he said" Interfax ".- I stop financing" Dynasty. " My money kept abroad, I will never hide. But Russia has also kept her money abroad. " Answering the question whether the organization of other sources of funding, and whether the "Dynasty" will be able to exist without him, Dmitry Zimin said: "It seems unlikely."

Report on the inclusion of "Dynasty" in the list of foreign agents appeared on the website of Ministry of Justice on 25 May. After some time at Mr Zimin's Facebook page there was a message in which it was said that "Dynasty" Foundation provided financial support ", together with their American friends," many well-known opposition leaders, including Alexei Navalny, Eugene Albats, "prisoners of the Swamp". In addition, the message contained a series of rude remarks about the "Putin regime" and Russia as a whole. Later Dmitry ZimmiHe said the TV channel "Rain" that the page has been hacked: "My Facebook page hacked, wrote me from there some defamatory me crap. I do not know what to do, who to contact to remove it. " At this time a message is deleted.

Yesterday journalist Alexander Nevzorov citing its sources told "Echo of Moscow", the fund may terminate their work, and in the Fund is not confirmed nor denied. "Dynasty" The project manager Galina Kobteva said "Kommersant" that talk about the possible closure of the fund can only Dmitry Zimin, who is currently abroad. "June 8 will be a closed meeting of the board of the fund, - said Ms. Kobteva.- It will decide how to continue to work." This morning, in the "Dynasty" reported that the official position of the Fund at the decision of the Justice Ministry will be formulated at a meeting of the Foundation Council, which is scheduled for June 8. "We can not say that since the beginning of May, since the recognition of the threat to foreign agent of the Fund, employees of" Dynasty "and its founder Dmitry Zimin received hundredsletters with words of support and gratitude ", - stated in the Fund's website.

"We are deeply concerned about the new Russian law"

May 24 The US State Department and the British Foreign Office have criticized the law on including foreign or international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to undesirable, signed on May 23, President of Russia Vladimir Putin. In the foreign policy departments of the two countries fear that it will undermine the work of international human rights organizations in Russia. Earlier, the OSCE demanded that President Vladimir Putin to veto the bill.

Since the announcement of the decision of the Ministry of Justice in support of the "Dynasty" by a number of human rights defenders. According to the head of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights Alexander Brod, the Justice Ministry "not mixed policy-related work of the Fund" to the activities of its founder Dmitry Zimin, supporting a number of opposition politicians. "This confusion seems to me unreasonable, - said Mr. Wade," RIA Novosti ".- The fund implements a very important programs that are not associated with the policy. The fund forand carried out a major niche is in social, educational, scientific and educational activities. As for the Zimin, it seems to me, is his personal right. I myself do not support some opposition politicians, activities and projects which it has financed. But this funding, there was nothing illegal "

"I express my great regret - said human rights commissioner in the Russian Ella Pamfilova.- It is difficult to make a complaint: The Ministry of Justice acts on formal grounds, his task - to obey the law. I can only repeat that the problem is in the imperfection of the law "On foreign agents." I hope that this law will still be updated, especially on the definition of political activity. " Ms. Pamfilova said that the fund is ready to help in the appeal of the decision of the Justice Ministry, to "continue to operate on, did not stop their activities" fund. "For Zimin Foundation can and will fight", - she noted.

Criticism of the Law "On Foreign Agents" support and Alexei Kudrin, "Adding Foundation" Dynasty & rdquo; foreign agents list shows that the law is flawed, "- he wrote in his Twitter.

Co-author of the law on NGOs, Mikhail Starshinov on air "Kommersant FM": «A number of people want to interpret the law, its rules as they see fit, as they feel comfortable. What they are guided here, I find it hard to say, most probably, their worldview standards, rather than the rule of law. I was the deputy of the State Duma is ready for dialogue, albeit converted, would write, if they for some reason do not, let us turn to the official request to the Ministry of Justice, asked to provide us with the motives which prompted it to take a decision. "

The fate of the agent

Over the past four months in Russia recognized foreign agents dozens of non-profit organizations. NGO agents complain that authorities refuse to cooperate with them, and foreign money disappear. "Power" found out, whether there is a chance to survive the Russian non-profit sector.

"Flog me there was no one"

The founder of the company "VimpelCom" and fund "Deeastiya "Dmitry Zimin told about personal Olga Tsipenyuk

about the roots

Father, I do not remember: he was arrested for anti-Soviet agitation, he was killed in 1935 in a camp near Novosibirsk, I was two. Uncle, elder brother of his father, shot in 1938. But the grandmother from the father, Vera Nikolayevna Zimin, I remember very well. We lived in her Losinka at the Yaroslavl highway. I have later learned that Zimin there in LOSINOOSTROVSKY was giving, which was nationalized. The grandmother was the maiden name of Guchkov. The most famous ancestor of mine on this side - Alexander Guchkov, a member of the Anglo-Boer War, the head of the party Octobrists. And Nikolai Guchkov was from 1905 to 1912 by the Moscow mayor. Through Zimin among our relatives - businessmen, owners of a textile factory near Orekhovo-Zueva. I, by the way, Gavriil Popov at the time said: "Yeah, Zimin factory - they did the red lobster for the whole of Russia." Nikolai Zimin, the designer of the Moscow water supply system, - also from our family. There was also Sergei Zimin, the creator of "Private Opera". Do you know the building on Spiridonovka, which now house Minis receptionsistry of Foreign Affairs? Called "Morozov mansion." But if you dig, it becomes clear that it is not Morozov and Morozova, and Zinaida Morozova was nee Zimin. That is, it also relates to us. More on Gogol Boulevard mansion ... A lot of things happened. Granny's favorite dish was called "komviderzeen" - a German "come to us again." Pancakes with minced meat. I just realized the age that all these grandmothers were multilingual - origin, education, all obliged. And his mother's relatives, Dokšycy, I do not know. Marriage father and mother was partly misalliance - then it often happened that here these former aristocrats, the oppressed who have all taken away - the factory, villa, house - married girls from different villages. My mother is originally from Vilnius, and the roots, I think, from Belarus - there is a place Dokshitsy.

about childhood

In general, the childhood memories I have little. I remember, as I do not know what fate gave a ride in the car, "Emka". Not long, about 15 minutes, and it was a miracle. I also remember that the earthquake was in Moscow, I then checked - it wasechoes of Carpathian quake, and in our communal apartment in the Big Afanasyevsky chandelier swayed. In this communal apartment often I cry: my mom was temperamental beyond measure, and with neighbors that share was - well, there, who wash the common areas or where to store luggage in the corridors. I have this mother's temperament did not like, I have it even, perhaps embarrassed, though sometimes she was right. The second time my mother got married, probably in the year 1938-1939, m. I reacted to that indifferent - vaguely remember how I was taught to call his dad, not immediately climbed out of me, but then I got used to. You see, the thing: in the communal apartment, even in our two rooms, there were so many people that even the appearance of a new person, in general, did not play a big role. Was I, my mother, her sister, her husband - a nice guy, though, and a drinker, Kulikov ... his name was something I had forgotten - many years have passed. There was also Aunt Lena, the daughter of my grandmother, my aunt, too - she often spent the night with us. Among all his relatives I have, of course, it stands out. It was something different. Her speech was different, you know? tolkfor many years, I realized that it was a question of this old regime intellectuals. "In the quiet waves of the ocean, only the stars shine in the sky, a lone ship rushes, rushing at full sail ..." - this is my Aunt Lena read. In Losinka they were cabinets with these carved doors, and there - that just was not there! I'm somewhere in the 7-8 th grade became an avid photo, and then the radio amateur, and the money I desperately needed - on all sorts of technical tricks. So I quietly dragged a significant part of the library in the second-hand ... Flog me there was no one! Elisee Reclus "Man and Earth", Brockhaus and Efron, Gnedich "Art History", you know, with pictures interlaid tissue paper ... Then many newly bought.

about doctrine

If we talk about education - I have very contrasting thoughts on this subject. What is happening, including in Russia - it's unconditional, all-out offensive of obscurantism. Some call it the KGB Orthodox Middle Ages. In fact, it is ignorance, ignorance outright frightening. And my school took a huge place in my life. Very Mnogim from the fact that I myself a like I owe the school, especially the senior classes. In 7th grade we had a math teacher, Boris Dmitrievich. Preserved living witnesses of how he took by the scruff, and I was so, small format, and thrown out the door. But the slightest complaint - so we liked him. Well slap weighed - so it was the same soldier, spy. And, of course, Sergei Alexeyev Kravchuk, my physics teacher. We wrote the book with him amateur radio "School VHF". Where it all its own, why not these teachers? I was very worried. But the fact is, unfortunately, completely objective global background. In the world - not only in Russia - dangerous processes occur which could be called a relative and absolute savagery. Let me explain what I mean. In school, I was an avid enthusiast. My first camera - "Photocor": 9x12 platelets, "the bird fly," tripod ortohrom Photographing ... was above all the technical and even art - Guess the aperture, shutter speed, depth of field ... is shown at a red light - and why in the red ? And what is smallgranular developer? Now everyone goes to this little box, all snap - and no one knows what going on inside, no one is interested. That is, technological progress has created a situation in which it is not necessary to think, to know, understand - the machine works for you. An insignificant number of smart people serving the whole world, saving the rest of the order of anything to understand. And in my childhood fotolyubitelstvo I made you, like it or not, something to understand in physics, in chemistry. A ham radio? At first there was a homemade receiver, then the word has been "radiogram". The player with the speaker of the RD-10 - expose it to the window, in side streets dancing, and you give them the music means. That's why I have not learned to dance - all the while the other served. But the respect enjoyed! We had to go to the Koptevo market, gain resistors, capacitors, lamps, then sit solder days and nights ... After the war, there was a lot of captured equipment, and repair, nobody knew how, and they called me, boy. The first money went, I was terribly embarrassed to take them.

about friendship

I can not say the world is no manas well, which I would say that I hate him. Well, except for some actors in our country, which I do not like. You know, all the amazing thing - like bragging, but I will say. My neighbor, a friendly circle - not from school years, but close enough - a circle vympelkomovtsev. It took 20 years from the time when established "VimpelCom", now there is not a single old employee. Well, of course ... Although there is not quite natural. Comes a new leader, makes for a team - there ... So, we met until recently - the old staff. By the way, some of them I fired, but the amazing thing: all totally all - we have 15 people there at the meetings - dates back to work in the "VimpelCom" as the brightest years of his life. Listen, I do not have enemies, it seems. It's a miracle. No enemies. I created a big business on the Forbes list was ... Somehow I had not thought about it. Probably because I was leaving on time. Yes, this is important - on time, leave on time.

About love

We live together 50 years, but on this subject I will not say. And you do not provoke me. sweatth that if other stages - school there, institute, profession, and all that - I can say something special, his, something about his personal life, I am afraid, I will say so commonplace expressions that it is better not to do so. I can only say that, even in those years, in 20 years, starting when all sorts of ... seething blood, I was fascinated by radio engineering, then was the institution, the thesis ... In general, my family life, including the life of Maya, It has always been an interesting, stormy, but a little bit in the background. And I feel guilty for it. So I was involved in all of its business, that now regrets. No, it was like a fairy tale, joint trips, hiking on skis, then-se. But I had to pay more attention to.

about success

My success ... (Sighs.) I do all of my work has always liked. And exciting. Well, not right now, in my old age, now there is a charity, is another matter. And the "Beeline", "VimpelCom" - these were the ten fantastic years. Such a sweet hard labor day and night. Guys, we can do everything! Damn ... it was so ... amazing. I look at pictures - Exchange, my God! Russian flags, "Beeline" on Wall Street! A nervy call on your mobile phone! .. fantastic ... fantastic! I worked in the military-industrial complex in front of this 30 years, and suddenly here's this breakthrough, the free market. Oh ... It's such a ... such a passion, incredible! Excitement, yes - this condition for success, everything else is transitory. Then came another step entirely conscious - charity, "Dynasty" fund. Not that success, rational activity. Money earned - nice. Now, nice to give. And the "Beeline" and "VimpelCom" - it was ... God knows, with what can not be compared.

about freedom

Of course, I went on the swamp, and the Manege. Now we contract - go to "Rain" TV channel. You see, I, apparently, a patriot in the sense that no one country for me is not so embarrassing, both for my own. Painfully, painfully ashamed. Many years ago - I was young, he worked in RTI - occurred in August of '68. And our tanks in Czechoslovakia crushed the remnants of my Komsomol illusions. I realized that we have in the power of the bandits - bandits, led the country. How do you say ... we almost cried. Adult manEven drank a little ... It was a terrible end to all hopes, since no illusions was not. It seemed at times: Well now, just a little more - and we will become a normal country. It did not happen yet. It has not yet received. Although that's just today ... (Laughs.) In fact, the release of Khodorkovsky - is some kind of a plus sign on the scale of social optimism. Which is almost gone.

about God

Believer Is? No no! One hundred percent atheist. I think there is faith, and have knowledge of. And to some extent, they largely antagonists. The opinion that faith promotes morality - is an outright lie. Morality contribute to other things, including knowledge. Culture as a whole contributes to morality. And the commandment of the Ten Commandments, and the builders of communism, they are, by the way, about one and the same. I just want to say that the concept of "good" or "bad" is largely genetically inherent in man. For example, when the mother is ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the child - a physiology. When you see sirogo and miserable and drag hand to help, it's genetics actually.e need to believe and discuss the concept of creation of the world, to give alms. Pay attention to the crime statistics: America - deeply believing country, Russia - Orthodox country. And least of all killings of thousands of people - in the Nordic countries, where there is almost no faith. That is, the greater the religiosity, the more crimes. Therefore, what is happening to me deeply disgusting.

about fear

I almost do not mind anything. (. Sighs) It would not be desirable for the country to continue to continue to roll down an inclined - what is happening now, both economically and morally. And this slide, if you will, devalues ​​including what I did in this life. I'm afraid at the same time hope that the full collapse did not happen. Although this hope does not yet have any objective reason.

about money

I'd love to earn money and spend no less pleased. When I am given a significant part - almost all - in "Dynasty," the experienced pleasure. I can buy anything you want. I do not want to have any yachts, they are not meneeded, and everything else - I'm ready. Recently, for example, I was one of his grandchildren, even great-grandchildren, Mauritius, in the tropics. Now here - it's all nonsense - food on skiing. My God, what am I doing, where am I ?! Crazy. And I do not think about money. Of course, they are a measure of success and a guarantee of freedom in this sense - that I want, I do.

about children

I have enough of Boris joyful feeling. At one time there were fears - as something very much, he became interested in motorcycles. But no, that being said, it is our people. I understood his feelings, emotions, speech - it is now in the Foundation Board of the "Dynasty". I, of course, in his childhood were different expectations, I tried something for the education to do. The first, of course, this reading - he has always lived in an atmosphere of books. My attempts to involve him in all sorts of amateurism such technical, failed - well, other times, it is understandable. What the hell nowadays amateur radio? It is ridiculous to think. Then he stared at it for auto-moto, helicopters are now some ... He is a master of sports, it appears, he has become what I later learned all. On the bike? No, not of motorcyclesClu ... Rally! At the rally, it is even worse. And I'm pleased to say that I for it sometimes happens even so ... proudly.

Three words about yourself

In recent years, my behavior is determined by two things: laziness and ambition, and the two - in incredible amounts. Because of laziness and ambition I have done everything to "Dynasty" fund was eternal. Created control, which is not associated with the frailty of human existence: I shall die - the system will remain. From me there is little that depends on: the process is in itself, and I am pleased to observe. Laziness and ambition. And, of course, passion. I'm a gambler, of course, people. Excitement! Guys, all mogem!

Pros and cons

"Surrounding Dmitry Zimin may seem eccentric Or." Scoop "Scared after all the realities of the Russian ogosudarstvlyaemogo capitalism and runaway retired Motivation to Dmitry Borisovich understand difficult -. Too we are not accustomed to the situation, when a person gets a real pleasure not from the amount in the bank account and from the ideas, communication with peers and their own affairs. "

Irina Yasin, ekonomisie, publicist


"One came to me with the notorious Mr Zimin cell phone This idea was then, this is something we could simply shuganut as the next crazy, however we do it, hyped project -.!. And there was" VimpelCom ".. . at some point it became clear that the project comes to a standstill, that the frequency of unpromising. it was decided to get out of "VimpelCom" and MTS to buy. "

Vladimir Yevtushenko, chairman of AFK "System" Board of Directors, 2000

Dmitry Zimin


The founder of the company "VimpelCom" and the fund "Dynasty." Born April 28, 1933 in Moscow. In 1957 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, specialty "radio engineering" and became an engineer in problem laboratory at the Department of transmitting devices MAI.

Since 1962, Dmitry Zimin worked in Radio-Technical Institute named after Academician AL Mintz (RTI): head of the laboratory, then was head of the department, later - Director of the Centre for the development of electronic equipment, zamglavnogDesign ground radar. Author of over 100 scientific works and inventions. For his work "Scanning microwave antenna system", co-authored, he was awarded the prize named after AS Popov, USSR Academy of Sciences (1965). In 1984, he defended his doctoral dissertation.

In 1991, a group of experts Zimin RTI created enterprise "KB Impuls", is engaged in the development and production of satellite and cable television. In 1992, he founded and headed by Joint Stock Company "VimpelCom", which provides cellular services ( "Beeline" network). In 2001, he resigned as general director and became honorary president of the company.

In 2002, he founded Zimin "Dynasty" Foundation, whose mission - support for Russian fundamental science and education. He is also the founder of the award "Illuminator" (awarded with th 2008). For charity was awarded the Andrew Carnegie Medal (2013).

Dmitry Zimin - Academician of the International Academy of Communications, member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the HSE. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1993), Prize "Business Olympus" (2001), awarded the mdalyu "Symbol of Science" (2008).

He is married and has a son.