RBC investigation: who and how earned on the Vostochny cosmodrome

Eight of the 23 objects of Vostochny won't be finished by the first start-up in December 2015. RBC is studying why Vostochny has become the most expensive spaceport in the world.
Origin source
- When you finish the work? - 50-meter tower maintenance is necessary to ask questions cosmodrome Vostochny launch facility loudly that the wind did not have time to carry out the words of the endless taiga around.

- The idea is that Spetsstroy had yet to finish, and then start Roskosmos ... - meets Denis engineer Roscosmos. These words caught up with us guard slaps Denis stomach. He looks around nervously, and the conversation ends.

10 minutes later we get down from the tower of silence.

Construction under the personal supervision

East, perhaps the most secret and important building in Russia. The secret presidential decree on the establishment of the cosmodrome was signed in November 2007.

The main competitor in the choice of location was the port city of Sovetskaya Gavan in the Khabarovsk Territory, but in a couple of weeks prior to the commission of departure there was an earthquake, and after the conversion competitor twice lost the money because of the seismic, remembers the events of 2007, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics (RACT) Andrew, son of John.

The result stopped on Uglegorsk in the Amur region: only 6 degrees north Baykoncheers, comfortable field falling spent stages, a lot of sunny days and the nearby highway Chita - Khabarovsk and Transsiberian. Finally, there was a part of the Soviet rocket and then launch site free, with which the new Russia had to run a few light missiles. The decision was political, remember the experts was working on a project - to provide space launches to its own territory. "No matter how good relations with Kazakhstan, but its policy dictates," - says the president of the Moscow space club Sergei Zhukov.

Construction began in 2011. "From the beginning, the work was done randomly, haphazardly, - said in late 2014 the then head of Roscosmos Oleg Ostapenko. "Design and construction documents was delayed for two years," - confirmed in conversation with RBC's first deputy head Oleksandr Spetsstroy Zagorulko. When the estimate still came, it turned out that prescription prices twice lower than those that have already suffered Spetsstroy. As a result, money is spent more than a given, and to report on the work performed does not work, explained the situation Zagorulko.

« For the main objects documentation existed for a long time, they [Spetsstroy] nothing held - objection in conversation with RBC General Designer Igor Barmin spaceport. However, he does not deny the problem: "It is long-suffering building. Initially we expected to build a complex for an entirely different missile - "Rus-M". However, the government refused it in favor of "Soyuz-2", which required re-design and conduct prolong period of time. "

Space Construction Chronicle

By the autumn of 2013 the situation became critical, the backlog in a number of objects has reached 18 months. In the summer of 2013 he was dismissed by the head of Spetsstroy, followed by the general director of "Dalspetsstroya" and the head of the Russian Federal Space Agency. Since then, the management of Roskosmos managed to change again, and "Dalspetsstroya" and all three times. They began to look for the guilty: the results of mass inspections initiated more than 20 criminal cases.

"Today we saw from the helicopter: a row of houses has already been laid, and above them are already working. How much is there, eight houses? And to be 40! - Scolded builders arrived in Septemberyabre 2014 Baikonur Vladimir Putin.

Soon there was a special commission within the government on the Eastern General management transferred from the Russian Space Agency Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. "Now I'll be here every month to inspect the progress of work" - promised the politician. In July Rogozin visited the construction site in the 43rd time.

"The subject has intensified due to the acute geopolitical situation [in the midst of crisis Ukrainian] and persistence of the Rogozin - says a major federal official - he went to the first party and said that there is stealing." Putin drew attention to it, because it believes the Far East, "the theme of personal control." Rogozin deals with the problem on a daily basis and regular written and oral reports on the situation to the president, said RBC's press secretary Dmitry Peskov. "The President has the situation under control," - he said.

Spaceport East - one of the most important buildings of the country, which the president outlined a national project. Work in the area of ​​the Closed Uglegorsk in the Amur region in full swing, as the first launch of the rocket with aosmodroma to be held in December 2015, and want to show it to Putin. Nevertheless around East does not stop the corruption scandals and the discontent of the workers. RBC watched with my own eyes, and who builds a future space harbor Russia.

How much spent on Baikonur

100 billion rubles. - As the state has allocated to the launch site from 2011 to 2014. Another 40 billion rubles. Spetsstroy it has been listed since the beginning of 2015-th. In May, the agency has requested another 20 billion rubles. Duma of the relevant amendments to the budget already adopted in first reading.

RBC figured out what the money went. The total amount of 96 state contracts for the cosmodrome East concluded with 2011 - 161.3 billion rubles. adjusted, from the data procurement site. To create space rocket complex "Soyuz-2" took 94.4 billion rubles on providing the infrastructure -.. 60.8 billion rubles on the work on "Angara" - 6.1 billion rubles.

General Contractor appointed President Spetsstroy, which attracted the construction of its two companies - "Dalspetsstroy" and "Spetsstroytehnologii". According to State Committeentraktam them until 2015 envisages allocation of 109.3 billion rubles. of these 161 billion rubles.

Another 38.5 billion rubles. for the manufacture and installation of the equipment received Roscosmos structure - Center for operation of ground-based space infrastructure (FSUE "TsENKI"). 5.2 billion rubles. - General designer of "Ipromashprom" (99.9% of the shares of the co-owner of Uniastrum Bank Gagik Zakarian).

More than 88 billion rubles., Or 80% of the intended Spetsstroy funds went to the purchase by private subcontractors and suppliers. Who will eventually get the money spaceport?

Who builds a spaceport

To determine the largest subcontractors and suppliers of building the East, RBC learned related to the procurement of the cosmodrome structures Spetsstroy ( "Dalspetsstroya", "Spetsstroytehnology", "Spetsstroyservisa" Main road construction and management of airports, etc.) Worth more than 10 million rubles. (See. "As we thought"). From September 2012 to June 15, 2015 such purchases "Dalspetsstroy" posted 50.5 billion rubles. (Taking into account the order of less than 10 million rubles -. 56.2 billion rubles.), "Cetsstroytehnologii "- 35.2 billion rubles. Already as a sub-held accommodation as "Spetsstroyservis" - 3.4 billion rubles, State roads and airfields (SU ATS.) - 4.7 billion rubles.

Enterprises Spetsstroy conducted purchases on 223-th law, which regulates the procurement of state-owned companies. Procedures for the 223-th law of the least transparent, as customers increasingly use purchases from a single supplier, explains the vice-rector of HSE Alexander Shamrin. This type of procurement involves the conclusion of a contract without competitive procedures and "is the most opaque and corrupt dangerous because of the large influence of the subjective decisions of a particular official of the customer," adds the expert.

According to RBC estimates, 76% of purchases on the spaceport "Dalspetsstroy" spent with a single supplier, and this level has reached 80% in the past year and a half. The "Spetsstroytehnology 'share purchases with a single supplier is also high - 60%, in SU ATS at Special - 86%, the" Spetsstroyservisa "- 75%.

"Considering the complexity and uniqueness of the products, designsvschiki in the name of the specific documents laying plant or supplier ", - explains the high level of purchases out of the competition, Alexander Zagorulko.

.However, This situation can speak about the fact that orders are sent "friendly" contractors Shamrin said. Frequently bought without competition is not the most unique products. For example, April 28, 2015 "Dalspetsstroy" signed a contract for 500 million rubles. for delivery of cement and other building materials with a single supplier - "DV-Cement". According to SPARK, a firm controlled by the LLC "Activ Park", which in turn belongs to Vladimir Pushkarev - brother of the mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. At the time of publication in the company did not respond to a request to RBC. "Finance" magazine estimated Pushkarev in 2011 to 9.1 billion rubles.

Selected subcontractors

In early June, the Belarusian riot police stopped in the center of Minsk, "Mercedes", fully glued Swarovski rhinestones. The driver was a 40-year-old CEO of a number of construction firms and ex-Assistant State Duma deputy Ivan Chopozov. Strange, but inless conspicuous car Chopozov hiding from the criminal investigation department: in Russian businessman suspected of embezzling 4 million rubles. on building East.

Who is behind the largest subcontractors East?

RBC has analyzed the activities of non-governmental 112 suppliers and subcontractors with contracts of more than 100 million rubles. Among the main indicators we have chosen the adequacy of fixed assets, the ratio of revenue from the launch site with the same income, the offshore control, the amount of the arbitration claims, criminal proceedings (see. "As we thought"). These and other criteria to help understand whether the company in good faith or is of questionable activities, explains lead researcher CEMI Ruslan Dzarasov: "If the company is not engaged especially in business, is not acquired goodwill, suddenly receives a large volume of the contracts, it may be suspicious ".

Among the 40 surveyed companies have little or no own buildings, machinery and equipment: the share of non-current assets in the balance sheet have less than 5%. with 18 such firms main activity declared namemanufacturing and construction.

In Spetsstroy shrug: this is the law: "The main criterion for purchase is the price. But the solvency criterion was removed, that is currently on the market can get any company and having a license to the minimum price and win the auction ", - complains Zagorulko.

However, even "Spetsstroytehnology" of their capacity was very low: the share of non-current assets in the balance sheet was only 0.2% in 2013. As a result - contracts with the Russian Space Agency almost completely transferred "Spetsstroytehom" subcontracting.

15 out of 112 companies from offshore companies controlled by or recorded on the nominee. So, one of the largest subcontractors - Company "Stroytransgaz-M" - is 52% controlled by JSC "GH", which in turn belongs to STG Holdings Ltd (Cyprus) to 94.55%. The structure, which is traditionally attributed to the sphere of interests of the Volga Group Gennady Timchenko, a friend of President of the St. Petersburg, won two major contracts. The first relates to the construction of command-measuring points (according to the public procurement website, 4.5 billion rubles .; according to the representative toMpano sum after state examination amounted to 1.1 billion rubles) and complex storage components of rocket fuel (MCT) (5.6 billion rubles -.. the contract was terminated at the end of last year).

Another major sub-contractor - OOO "FNK Engineering". Until November 24, 2014 the company owned JSC "UK" FNA Group ". "The shareholders of JSC" UK "FNA Group" to 17 December 2011 are Paul Shtyrlyaev and Vadim Dadyka, from 2 March 2012, the shareholders entered Arkady Kulikov, "- said General Director of" FNK Engineering "Vadim Dadyka. According to the register, the founders of ZAO "UK" FNA Group "were two offshore firms: Quantum Systems Group (British Virgin Islands) - 76%, and Kledding Global (British Virgin Islands) - 24%.

JSC "Dalmostostroy" controlled through offshore companies for the benefit of the Minister for "open government" Michael Abyzova. JSC "Bureyagesstroy" also until recently belonged Abyzov. The "Dalmostostroy" and "Bureyagesstroy" largest negative balance of arbitration claims: banks require 10.1 and 8.9 billion rubles. respectively.
Lawsuits against OAO "Amurmetal" reached 3.8 billion rubles., And the company is already in the process of liquidation. Owned and controlled by VEB is also through offshore companies - Amurmetal Holding Ltd (Cyprus).

Among the largest debtors (by 1.9-2.0 bln.) Also allocated LLC "VIP Stroyengineering" (raises housing) and CJSC "Pacific bridge-building company" (TMK, building tunnels). These companies were in the center of the scandal of unpaid wages to workers. The debts to the builders of 96 million rubles. TMK explained non-earmarked spending of its former head Victor Grebneva on expensive yachts, apartments and private house. Against Grebneva brought a criminal case, but he was later released on bail of 1 million rubles., While in custody went to the new head of the company Igor Nesterenko. At the end of last year, TMK owned businessmen Gennady Fine and Sergey Popok, from the data SPARK.

Shareholders of «VIP Stroyengineering" - LLC "Tsentrstroy" and LLC "Nomo-Invest" Gleb Degtyareva. Degtyarev and his children - have already been mentioned in the media in the case of embezzlement of 700 million rubles. reconstruction of AZLK. On the phone 'VIP-Stroynzhiniring "no one answers.

It is also a criminal case of embezzlement filed against the leadership of "Ideal". This company "Dalspetsstroy" chosen as the sole contractor in late 2014. The total amount of contracts - 1.2 billion rubles. (10 times the company's revenue for the year 2013). Part of the work "Ideal" handed subsubcontractors "Firm" Building industry-C. " However, "Building industry-C" owes its workers more than 14 million rubles. The builders of this firm were forced at the end of March 2015 the first strike and then strike. Chapter "Stroyindustrii-S" Sergey Terentyev is now suspected of non-payment of wages and non-targeted embezzlement of 48 million rubles.

In 25 sub-sum contracts for the spaceport is more than 4 times the revenue for the year prior to their imprisonment, that is, these companies get rich is on the East, leading the previously modest activity. Eight of these firms less than five years, many have also noted in the scandals. Leaders in excess Steel Ltd. "Stroykonstruktsiya C" (2 thousand. Times), LLC "Building Alliance" (391 times), OOO "DV & Car Dealerraquo; (124 times), Ltd. SF "Quarter" (87 times), OOO "SK CFD Lubyanka" (50 times), and others.

Revenue "Construction Alliance" has grown from 9.7 million rubles. in 2012 to RUB 460.4 million. three years later. In the years 2013-2014 the company received a contract from the three "Spetsstroytehnology" at 3.8 billion rubles. The owner of the company Andrei Anisimov owns 26% of LLC "Neorud". Until the end of May 2015 a further 36% of LLC "Neorud" also belonged to Sergei Ziganshin, the former interim head "Spetsstroytehnology", from the data SPARK. By phone RBC "Neorud" said employees' STROYALYANS ". In response to a request to connect to Ziganshin secretary gave the phone from the capital office manager, saying that "they were all sitting in Moscow." Office Manager confirmed that the company carries out contracts for the spaceport, but said that the phone Ziganshin she is not authorized to grant.

There are other examples where you can judge the communication with the employees of subcontractors Eastern Spetsstroy. The general director of OOO "SDM" (179 mln.) Mikhail Filippov - a former employee of "Dalspetsstroya". Close subcontractor at Baikonur - ZAO"AMD", received in October last year, contracting by 1.9 billion rubles. This firm to October 2012 led by a former general director of State building roads and airfields during "Spetsstroy" Boris Kondrat.

Another subcontractor - CJSC "distributed power" - received contracts for the spaceport at 150 million rubles. General Director of "distributed energy" Sergei Lebedev is co-owner of OOO "NGK", together with the former head of the Directorate for the construction of roads and airfields during Spetsstroy and former State Duma deputy from the "United Russia" Nikolay Ashlapovym. The NGK declined to comment, and call "distributed power" has not been answered.

"It happens sometimes that we are working with some organization, and suddenly they have an employee there, who used to work with us" - responds to this Zagorulko. According to him, this is not welcome, but Spetsstroy forced to put up with it, since there is no contradiction to the law.

Another part of the subcontractors associated with the government. Thus, the head of «Transsignalstroi" from 2012 to September 2014 was Konstantin mute- Former State Duma deputy from the "United Russia". During this period the company has received orders for the spaceport at 923 million rubles. However, it did not save her from the problems: net income fell from 21 million in 2012 to minus 454 million rubles. in 2014, and it entered the observation. He speaks of "Transsignalstroi" network of offshore companies.

The owner of another major subcontractor - TD "Uralkran" (contracts for 125 million rubles.) - Is Sergey Kravchuk, a member of the "United Russia" and the deputy of the Duma of the Chelyabinsk region. CEO and co-owner of "SMU-15" (2,2 bln.) Was Alexander Gorbunov, the former founder of the "Young Guard of United Russia" in St. Petersburg.

One of the "youngest" of subcontractors, LLC "Stroymonolit-14», in August and October 2014 without a tender received from enterprises Spetsstroy orders ET at 656 million rubles. The owner and general director of the company Oleg Schurov appeared, and his deputy - Sergei Mordovets. The deputy head Alexander Spetsstroy Mordovets RBC confirmed that it was his brother. In addition, the company with the same name of "Stroymonolit-14", already recognized bankRoth, among the former owners have not only Schurov but Elena Tabakova - former president pro-Kremlin movement "Young Russia".

Finally, some contractors are closely linked with the security and military structures, including those related to the space industry.

CEO and co-owner of "Elektroprofi" (contracts for 229 million rubles.) Proved to be a major reserve Victor Havilah, who served in the Engineering and Space Academy and at Baikonur.

The order for 756 million rubles. for the supply of crushed stone and sand "Spetsstroyservis" May 21, 2015 without a tender handed individual businessman Alexander Vasiliev. This amount easily pulls on record -. 12 thousand for other purchases of 2015 with the participation of the SP could not find a more successful businessman. "I have a low price goods, logistics is calculated, so I'm in the middle of the cosmodrome", - the businessman said in an interview with RBC. Vasiliev was listed one of the owners of "Amur club of hunters and fishermen," among other owners who have also co-founder of the Far Eastern Branch of the Defence Committee and inPC Vladimir Belyaev, co-founder of "Veterans prosecutors Amur region" Sergey Mansurov and others came from law enforcement agencies.

There are other oddities in the selection of subcontractors and suppliers.

We previously mentioned the company "Stroykonstruktsiya C" in 2012 almost had no revenues or assets, as it was spelled in a residential high-rise building near Moscow village Small Vyazemy. Nevertheless, the competition commission "Spetsstroyservisa" chose the company as the sole supplier of 12 th. Tons of metal for the "Soyuz-2" technical complex of the carrier rocket in the amount of 946 million rubles. According to SPARC, the company is 99% owned by itself and another 1% belongs to the director Lyudmila Kharitonov. Judging by the fact that Kharitonov is the director of another company at 91, it is only the nominal owner. More interesting are the former co-owners of "construction elements" Sergei Galkin Sergei Sgibnev. Both were founders of the Rostov branch of the "Academy of Security, Defence and Law Enforcement" (ABOP), the president of which worked a former officer of the KGB-FSB and the former head of military counter-revolutionaryprospecting Strategic Missile Forces Viktor Shevchenko. In 2008 ABOP was abolished by the Supreme Court for handing out fake awards, diplomas and certificates.

In general, it appears that at least 18 companies out of 112 have a direct or indirect relation to the authorities, law enforcement bodies, as well as former or current employees Spetsstroy. At least 29 companies with a total volume of contracts for 32 billion rubles. have two or more signs of suspicious activity.

Where did the money

Already only released episodes suggest a wide variety of corruption schemes in the construction of the Eastern.

1. overestimation. According to the Chamber, the cost of construction of the spaceport via the unjustified use of individual indices have been deliberately inflated by 18%.

2. Fictitious job. Even the chief designer guide of "Ipromashprom" Investigative Committee suspects in attracting fictitious companies to perform virtual work on the design.

3. Purchases of materials at inflated prices. Arrested the former head of "Dalspetsstroya"Yuri Hrizmana consequence suspects in cement purchase, tubes and tires for significantly inflated prices through controlled company. Hrizman said that it was advantageous to work with a proven supplier (the son and close friend) "for economic reasons". According to investigators, Hrizman together with accomplices stole 1.8 billion rubles.

4. overvaluation works. "Spetsstroytehnologii" concluded with "VIP Stroyengineering" contracts for 3.8 billion rubles. for the construction of housing in Uglegorsk. The cost of 1 sq. meters of housing was set at 31 thousand. rub. "VIP Stroyengineering" gave work subcontracted CJSC "SSR" and LLC "SC" Town "is already on the 16-19 th. Rub. for 1 sq. m, that is, cost overruns of more than 60%.

5. Failure to comply with orders. A typical pattern: "In October 2014, the customer has concluded a contract with a contractor for the construction of roads and paid an advance of 300 million rubles. The contractor for the construction of objects is not started and the money has not returned ", - reports the Amur control the Interior Ministry. "Stroykonstruktsiya C" mentioned earlier also failed to comply with the order and now by the court should 393 million rubles., Cleduet data from SPARK.

6. unreasonably high salaries of top managers. Distinguished former head of "Dalspetsstroya" Dmitry Savin, who hath made to his wife a monthly salary of 800 thousand. Rub.

Most space launch site in the world

Cost East consistently growing all the years of construction. In 2007, the construction of the entire spaceport was estimated at 130 billion rubles., Says Andrew, son of John, then defended the creation of the East. Roscosmos later estimated the construction to 400 billion rubles, "Spetsstroy." -. 300 billion rubles, and in the end of 2011, the space agency has submitted to the government estimates have 493 billion rubles.

How exactly will spend the first and second stage of the cosmodrome, Roskosmos has not yet spoken. In Spetsstroy believe that the main cost is yet to come. "The second phase will be much harder than the first, since the missile of another class, and increasingly complex," - said RBC Mordovets.

But the planned costs for the first phase of 161 billion rubles. do cosmodrome one of the most expensive in the world.

Even if we consider only the cost of space rocket complex "oyuz-2 "excluding housing, roads and other infrastructure, it will be 94.3 billion rubles. the amount is $ 1.9 billion, according to the average for the past year and a half rate (about 50 rubles. per dollar).

Creating a spaceport for the middle class missile costs about $ 700 million, says RBC General Director of "Sea Launch" Sergei Gugkaev with reference to the results of the research company. Complex for the "Soyuz-ST" at Kourou with the creation of missiles cost $ 840 million (hereinafter - in the prices of 2015), the Chinese Cosmodrome Venchan - at $ 820 million, Japanese tanegashima two launch complex - at $ 960 million, and is located on Guiana spaceport ELA-3 complex for the "Ariane-5" heavy missiles -. $ 1.2 billion company Space X is going to build its own cosmodrome and all for $ 100 million.

As can be seen, the space rocket complex "Soyuz-2" on the East was 2.3 times more expensive than its counterpart on the Kura and 60% above even the upper limit of the cost of comparable spaceports.

"We have launched a more universal than it was on the Kura. More intense and unified technical complex - responds to this Mordovets. & mdash; And we need to compare the conditions in the Amur region and the conditions in which almost 300 days of sunshine a year. Construction there is no frost and earthquake-resistant, as we have. All lightweight. "

- The first thing you see, visiting the construction site - a toilet. This figure throughout construction. If the toilet shit - means and building shit, - says welder 6th discharge from Valery "Dalspetsstroya" more than a year working on the launch site. (At the launch pad is being built East - a wooden shed, the pungent smell of which extends for tens of meters.) - See, already scared to come into it. And it is here alone for the entire launch pad.

- What is your salary?

- 24 thousand per month -. To pay a little, but not Spetsstroy salary delays, - recognizes the work.

- And how many heads gets?

- 100-120 thousand rubles.. exits, foreman and from above.

With supply blockage. For whom do leggings, do not understand, - complains welder with 30 years of "Dalspetsstroya".
- What's wrong with them?

- Finger great to be on the side and then just hand cashWe lived on, and the pattern made and sewn. And now puts his hand, and you do not bend your fingers inside. Like a frog standing: legs apart, and all.

Paradoxically, at a very high cost estimate for the construction of the Eastern workers for several months complaining about the poor working conditions, wage arrears or non-payment.

Living in trailers builders of 4-8 people, continues the story dalspetsstroevets "Shower is, but here as have time. Find him hot water - Daily pomoesh ... 250 RUR Add to food. I went to eat - did not go, do not lose a lot ... "

"Dear Vladimir Putin We want to work with. 4 months without a salary. Rescue workers, "- these words are written on April 14 gigantic letters on the roofs of temporary housing, were visible from the aircraft. Unearmarked spending hardest hit it is for ordinary builders.

After the scandalous publications in the media Ministry of Labor revealed debts of subcontractors salary of 150 million rubles. The prosecutor's office discovered more than 1.6 thousand. Violations of labor law, dozens of criminal cases filed. In May, part of the debt is still covered, but the protests contOlzhay still. June 22 strike started 82 builder ZAO "AMD", have not been paid for three months.

strict execution

"How tired of this mess!" - This phrase we met Igor Barmina on the industrial base is being built spaceport. The warehouse building, the organizers decided to hold Kosmofest - meeting of students with the guidance of the space industry. In the hangar it was very cold, and young people periodically ran out to bask in the sun. But the main concern designer general, possibly in another.

The rocket "Soyuz-2" should fly from the East December 25, 2015. View it should arrive by the president. "The first phase of launch site will be ready in a year", - promised to July 1 last year, Rogozin. RBC Correspondent visited Baikonur exactly six months before the president, to be sure, it is possible whether to finish construction on time. It turned out that almost a third of the objects of the first stage of the cosmodrome will not have time to build is not something that by July, but altogether this year.

"The first phase consists of 23 objects. A number of facilities to address the customer will give up in 2016 ofy, including due to the lack of conclusion of state examination ", - told RBC Mordovets. In total we are talking about the transfer of objects in eight contracts, confirmed to the press service Spetsstroy. Some of them still do not have documents with the estimates and the full funding adds Deputy Spetsstroy.

Among the transferred facilities -. Business center, airport, the complex storage components of rocket fuel (MCT), etc. Only in May, we began to build a weather station and a complex operation falling areas. The residential buildings will be built from 12 to 40, however, have time to equip not all: "Our task - to the city this year instead of 1.2 thousand people.. It's a crew to prepare for the launch of the carrier rocket and the staff, "- said Mordovets. Earlier it was planned that by the end of 2015, Uglegorsk population will grow by 12 thousand. Man.

"Because there will be built chemical laboratory, chemical analysis, some operations will be conducted in the premises at the launch complex - complains RBC Barmin. - In violation of naturally standard technology, but without loss of qualityand conduct these operations. " Not willing to be and communication system: the original will have to use part of the movable means, said general designer.

Major efforts are now focused on the so-called start-up minimum - that without which in December will not be held ceremonial launch of the "Union." Minimum consists of 11 objects, their value contracts -. 110.7 billion rubles, estimated RBC. Ready "starting minimum" in mid-June - 83%, said Mordovets.

"Everyone thought that in 2015 - is there somewhere. It turned out that he's "- ironically about these statistics is one of the initiators of the construction of a giant, son of John Andrew.

"Decree identified time frame for completion of the first stage, which are subject to strict execution", - said RBC's press-service of the Russian Space Agency on the possibility of transferring the first start. However, if the transfer is complete thirds of construction sites in the first stage of a violation of a secret decree of the president? The press service of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin did not respond to a request to RBC.

"Something all pabut to build. We are the optimists, we construct - not discouraged worker "Dalspetsstroya". - It's not that. The fact is, what efforts it all and by whom. "

As we Cchitaetsya

1. To determine the main contractor building the spaceport via SPARK Marketing we found published on January 1, 2011 to June 15, 2015 the relevant contracts of Roscosmos, PKU "Directorate Vostochny cosmodrome and the Federal Medical-Biological Agency.

2. Next, we considered the purchase of a number of enterprises subject to "Spetsstroy" ( "Dalspetsstroy", "Spetsstroytehnologii", "Spetsstroyservis" State ATS etc.), As well as the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TsENKI". The data were only available for the period from September 2012. Among them were selected 5 th. Larger procurement of 10 million rubles., Which together cover 90% of the total population. Then, according to the description and documentation for each of these purchases was tested belonging to the construction of the cosmodrome Vostochny (only 1.2 thousand. Procurement) and sets the sub-contractor and supplier.

3. The credit went to: a) the amount of purchases from a single supplier, b)Ummah, declared the winner of trading procedure, c) the amount declared by the participants of trading procedure, with which the Commission recommended to conclude the contract. Duplication is possible and the canceled and failed purchases, in which all participants considered inappropriate requirements are not taken into account. Total purchases 640 was taken into account, the amount of them were brought to determine the major subcontractors.

4. Further details were studied 112 non-state performance of subcontractors, whose total amount of contracts for the spaceport in excess of 100 million rubles. As evidence of questionable activities dealing with the following: 1) insufficient own capacity (the share of non-current assets in the balance sheet of the company is less than 5%, while the core of the company announced the production or construction activities); 2) the firm grew rich mainly due to the East (the total amount of contracts for the spaceport in 4 or more times higher than the company's revenues in the year preceding the conclusion of such contracts); 3) The company is on the stage of bankruptcy or liquidation of either the total amount of the arbitration claims against it by 100 million rubles. pre-exceeds the amount of counter-claims; 4) The company primarily from offshore companies controlled by or recorded in the mass of proprietors; 5) that the company's representatives were involved in criminal cases of non-payment of wages, embezzlement, etc..

How much are the spaceports

RBC learned how much it costs spaceports for orbital space launches around the world, built over the past 20 years. The cost of such a complex and unique object as the launch site, can be very different depending on the missiles, participation in the manned program and what is created in addition to the "starting minimum". The value affecting the technological, political, geographical and other factors. However, even at a conservative estimate of the East is one of the most expensive in the world spaceports.