FSB informer Badri Shengelia was shot in the Leningrad region

The forerunner, who testified against General Mikhail Maksimenko of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the head of the Tambov OPG Vladimir Kumarin, was shot on the move in his car. The killers were traveling by car with Finnish numbers. Why the FSB informant did not have departmental protection is not known.
On Monday in the Leningrad region, businessman Badri Shengelia was shot and witnessed a series of resonant criminal cases. In many respects due to his testimony, the leader of the Tambov organized crime community Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin) and the ex-chief of the head of the Investigation Committee of Russia (MKR) Mikhail Maksimenko were detained and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.

Mercedes, at the wheel of which was Badri Shengelia, was shot from automatic weapons on Novoprioizerskoye highway in a suburb of St. Petersburg. According to preliminary data, the fire was fired from a car that caught up with Mercedes, right on the run. The foreign car, whose driver received several injuries, drove to the side of the road, drove another two dozen meters and stopped. When policemen and doctors arrived at the scene, Badri Shengelia was already dead.

Investigative bodies of the TFR initiated a criminal case on the deliberate murder and illegal circulation of weapons (Article 105 and Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the main version of the investigation, the assassination of Badri Shengelia may be related to the criminal cases on which he was the main witness of the prosecution.

The businessman was repeatedly brought to criminal liability. A native of Georgia, Shengelia moved to St. Petersburg in 1996, where he took up raider seizures. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since the late 1990s his group has been operating throughout the North-West. To date, we know of two sentences of Shengelia, handed down by the City Court of St. Petersburg and the Nevsky District Court under art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud) in 2001 and 2008, respectively. On the first verdict, he was released from punishment for health reasons, and then completely acquitted. When considering the second criminal case of raider capture of a building, the cost of which was 35 million rubles, Shengelia was found guilty and sentenced for active help to the investigation below the lowest limit - two years and nine months in a general regime colony.

Badri Shengelia also provided active assistance to the investigation of Badri's case. Thanks to Badri Shengelia's indications in 2007, businessman Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin) was detained, whom the TFR considers the leader of the Tambov criminal community. Barsukov, in total, was sentenced to 23 years in prison for raiding seizures and murders, and now authority is judged for organizing a criminal community.

In addition, Badri Shengelia testified against the former deputy head of the St. Petersburg UBOP Vladimir Sych, accusing the former militiaman of involvement in raider attacks, committed, according to the witness, by a group of Vladimir Barsukov. Vladimir Sych eventually received a suspended sentence.

This year, Badri Shengelia acted as a witness of the prosecution and the victim in the criminal case of the ex-chief of the main department for interdepartmental cooperation and his own security of the TFR, Mikhail Maksimenko. In April of this year, Colonel Maksimenko, on a set of charges - receiving a bribe of $ 500 thousand for the liberation of the assistant thief in the law of Zakharia Kalashov, the criminal authority of Andrei Kochyukov (Italian) and the remuneration of $ 50 thousand from Shengelia for bringing to justice the policemen who seized his expensive watch, 13 years of colony of strict regime and a fine of 165 million rubles. Recently, the Supreme Court of Russia, having dismissed the complaint of defense of Colonel Maksimenko, left the verdict in force.

Until recently, Badri Shengelia as a valuable witness was under state protection. Employees of the FSB guarded his house, office and accompanied during his trips. Why there was no protection now, while it is not known.