Arrested in the US Maria Butina was associated with one of the participants of the Forbes list

A girl arrested in the US on charges of illegally lobbying Russian interests is associated with one of the participants in the Forbes list. Under the description given by the American government, eleven Russian businessmen from Forbes list get.
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Yesterday, the US authorities published a 17-page memorandum on the pre-trial detention of Butina. The document describes the girl's connections with the FSB, collusion with a high-ranking Russian official (presumably the deputy head of the Central Bank, Alexander Torshin) and intimate relations with a 56-year-old influential American - in exchange for the opportunity to live and work in the United States. In this record, the FBI notes one more detail: Butina is well acquainted with the participants of the Russian Forbes list. In the correspondence of the girl a certain "sponsor" is mentioned. The US government does not disclose its name, but describes it as "a well-known Russian businessman with connections in the administration of the Russian president," who regularly travels to the US and has a fortune of $ 1.2 billion for 2018, according to Forbes.

In 2018, eleven businessmen received an estimate of $ 1.2 billion in the Forbes rating, not counting Elena Baturina. Who are these people and how are they related to the US?

Ilya Shumanov, Deputy Director General of Transparency International Russia, in his Telegram channel, suggested that former "senator" Gleb Fetisov, who at the end of 2016 registered in Hollywood the production company Fetisoff Illusion Films Aldamisa Entertainment (abbreviated as FIFA Entertainment), could be the "sponsor" of Butina. The first project will be the film "Maria" with a budget of more than $ 50 million, the investor is billionaire Carlos Slim Elu (number 7 in the global list of Forbes, an assessment of the state - $ 66 billion). In addition, Shumanov pointed out that Fetisov was well acquainted with Alexander Torshin: they worked in one committee in the Sovfed and played golf together. "It's all nonsense," Fetisov's press secretary told The Bell, noting that the businessman has not been in the US for more than five years, since he is under a written undertaking not to leave the place. Indeed, in February this year, the editor-in-chief of the Moscow Komsomolets Pavel Gusev had to personally ask the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, was asked to allow Fetisov to go to the United States to receive the Oscar.

Ziyavudin Magomedov, whose fortune is also estimated at $ 1.2 billion, did not deny himself a visit to the US The last few years (before being in jail on charges of creating organized criminal groups and theft of budget funds), the billionaire is actively building the image of an entrepreneur who is keen on the latest technologies . He flies several times a year to the Silicon Valley and is on the board of directors of the Hyperloop One project, which he invested at least $ 50 million through the Caspian VC fund. On the day of his arrest, Magomedov also planned to leave the United States: in addition to the combat weapons, the businessman during the search was found tickets to Miami. Magomedov also had good acquaintances in power: his former classmate was ex-vice-premier Arkady Dvorkovich.

It seems, however, that, according to the American authorities, all Russian businessmen are somehow close to officials. According to this principle, the "Kremlin list" was allegedly drawn up, which turned out to be a reprint of the rating of Russian dollar billionaires Forbes. In 2018, several newcomers appeared in the list of billionaires - there are no obvious reasons for them in the "Kremlin list". Of these, a state estimate of $ 1.2 billion was received immediately by three. Among them, top manager and co-owner of the titanium giant VSMPO-Avisma Mikhail Shelkov, who is unofficially called the "financier" Sergei Chemezov, the head of Rostekh and Vladimir Putin's friend. The other two are partners and co-owners of the corporation "Technonikol" Sergey Kolesnikov and Igor Rybako. The list of potential sponsors of Maria Butina got another two billionaires, leading the joint business: the brothers Airat and Radik Shaimiev, who own the TAIF holding, which includes chemical and oil and gas enterprises of Tatarstan.

The state of $ 1.2 billion is owned by one incumbent. This Leonid Simanovsky - State Duma deputy last three convocations and ex-partner of the head of Novatek Leonid Mikhelson. His neighbor in the Forbes rating is ex-senator and current head of the LSR group Andrei Molchanov. Closes the list of businessmen with a fortune of $ 1.2 billion people, who have already been banned from entering the United States for more than a year. This is Boris Rotenberg, who fell under US and European sanctions because of his friendship with Vladimir Putin as early as 2014.

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