Manager of Shuvalov's assets spoke about the apartments on Kotelnicheskaya

The manager of assets of Deputy Prime Minister. Igor Shuvalov. talked about the purpose of the apartments bought in the high-rise on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, and revealed the details of management of the official's trust. 
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"The idea was to make a unique object. And how to do more with it - this is the second question. If suddenly there is a quality buyer, you have to sell. Obviously, in the case of the object of combining apartments will be sold at a significant premium. It's an investment, "- said Sergey Kotlyarenko, asset manager Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, in an interview with the RNS.

Shopping, he said, he committed himself to the purpose of resale in the interest of the trustee. On the question of whether the object to be reflected in the declaration of the vice-premier, Kotlyarenko replied: "Only if he buys it or begin to use." In this case the lawyer noted that the apartment can go to the ownership of the Shuvalov family, if "we have successfully set up, join and obtain the consent of tenants."

On the question of whether asset management is organized by Igor Shuvalov, on a "blind trust", the asset manager replied in the affirmative. "This is an American design that looks and essentially involves the complete removal of the owner of the management process and even information. In Russia, Mr.and control of the level of trust does not occur in the legal plane. Another thing is that in fact our client can follow the rules of "blind trust." However, under Russian law, we are obliged to transfer the customer accounts. Although it is clear that in such cases no one reads. Nevertheless, regulatory requirements oblige us to do so "- said Kotlyarenko.

According to him, in addition to the profit and loss statement, Deputy Prime Minister also receives and "decoding portfolio." On the question of whether "about the impending deal," the official knows and whether the impact on investment decisions, Kotlyarenko said, "You mean that the person holding such office is aware of upcoming important public decisions and share insider? There is no such". He added that investment strategy with Shuvalov, selected in such a way that the "absolute extent eliminates the conflict of interests."

Under the direction of Kotlyarenko now is 30 billion rubles., He said. Asked whether all this money is money deputy prime minister, the asset manager said: "I do notOf course, Igor and his family not only to our customers. " The number of clients Kotlyarenko, he said, - "tens" of people.

Kotlyarenko also stressed that they have not learned to Shuvalov, but he took it to work. "It was in 1995, I was in the third year. He graduated in 1992 or in 1991. We have an age difference of nearly 10 years ", - said the asset manager.

Speaking about the publication of the founder of the Fund's fight against corruption Alexei Navalny, Kotlyarenko stressed that, as it seems, "Certain authors personal experience of human hostility and jealousy" to some of his customers.

On the acquisition of apartments in high-rise building on the waterfront Tinkers Navalny told the 4th of July. He noted that we are talking about ten apartments purchased Kotlyarenko, whom he called a longtime business partner of Deputy Prime Minister. In 2014, the asset manager bought five apartments in 2015 - four in May 2016 - one more, opposition leader wrote.

According to RBC, citing data from the Unified State Register of statements, Kotlyarenko owns 11 apartments in this house in two apartments, he had his ownom in previous years. All apartments are located on the 14th floor and are adjacent to each other. According to estimates of bulk, the total area of ​​apartments is more than 700 square meters. m, and the total cost - 600 million rubles. According to the oppositionist, Kotlyarenko bought an apartment for the Deputy Prime Minister "for the money Shuvalov."

"We do not comment on the specific case, but in general the practice of real estate can be purchased as part of the investment managers of asset management strategy", - he said then RBC representative Sergei Kotlyarenko.

The representative of the Deputy Prime Minister was limited to commentary that the assets of the vice-prime minister and his family are in a fiduciary capacity. "All the information about the funds and property of the first vice-prime minister and his family openly declared and presented in the prescribed manner by the Russian tax and supervisory authorities", - he said.