Bloomberg about the crack in the relationship between Putin and Sechin

Vladimir Putin has adopted a more critical attitude to the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, reports Bloomberg citing sources. Dissatisfaction of the President was caused by the purchase THK-BP and the issue of bonds that accelerated the "weakening of the ruble."
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According to Bloomberg, in Vladimir Putin's relationship and Igor Sechin, who over 20 years has been close to the head of state and has long been a presidential "staring" in the energy sector, "there has been a crack." President became critical of the head of "Rosneft" company, according to two anonymous sources from Bloomberg of advisers head of state.

According to one source said, the main reason for the irritation was the decision Sechin to spend $ 55 billion in 2013 for the purchase of TNK-BP, which, as Bloomberg writes, the state company has made more than w zakreditovannoy compared with competitors. According to the source, Putin mentioned that the merging of "Rosneft" and TNK-BP was not as successful as expected.

Among the other "mistakes" Sechin Bloomberg calls and placing "Rosneft" record for the Russian market volume of commercial papers. In December, "Rosneft" board of directors decided on the placement of 12 issues of exchange bonds for 800 billion rubles. Total December 11, 2014 the state company has placed 14 bond issues for a total of 625 billion rubles., Andm in the collection of applications it only took an hour. As previously wrote RBC, December 12 CBA included "Rosneft" bonds in the Lombard list, and a few days after the placement, 16 December, the euro exchange rate on the Moscow stock exchange soared to 100.74 rubles, the dollar -. To 80.10 rubles.

The agency calls the deal "opaque", "Smoot podstegnuvshey markets and the weakening of the ruble." Source Bloomberg said that the devaluation of the Russian currency provoked Putin's wrath, for which a stable ruble was a matter of pride, said another source.

In addition, as Bloomberg notes, Sechin asked about "direct financial support from the state budget" and "lobbied for the introduction of tax exemptions'.

Bloomberg mentions the report about the alleged impending resignation Sechin that evening of 11 March has posted on his Twitter chief editor of "Nezavisimaya gazeta" Remchukov.

Later Remchukova message was disproved in "Rosneft". A company called this information "theatrical fantasies." Post reporter commented on the Sands: "As soon as spring comes to theNCU as soon as spring starts to smell, sharpening start - someone dreaming resignation Sechin, someone - the resignation of the government, and some days did not see on television by President Putin. "

The agency notes that for the first time, Putin publicly criticized Sechin during their meeting on 4 February, during which the head of "Rosneft" has once again expressed his disagreement with the tax maneuver. In particular, Sechin said that now "Rosneft" is working on the design of the refinery in the Far East, at the same time due to the introduction of the tax maneuver the economy of the project changed. The CEO said that "Rosneft" counting on "the support of regulators." On Putin's objection about the existing benefits Sechin said that "the customs duties on crude oil and petroleum products are compared, it changes the recycling economy." Russian President called Sechin guided not only by the interests of the company, but also the interests of the state.

Putin said that while working in the government Sechin spoke for the tax maneuver, but "as soon joined the company," the pomenyal their opinion. "Where the real Sechin - before or after?" - Wondered Putin.

Presidential press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, and the representative of "Rosneft" refused to comment on the agency relationship Putin and Sechin.

As previously wrote RBC, "Rosneft" was first applied for NWF summer of 2014, asking for 1.5 trillion rubles. Later RBC found that state-owned companies demand increased to 2.4 trillion rubles., But the mayor has sent a request for revision. By January 2015, the ministry received 28 individual applications of only 1.3 trillion rubles. of the NWF. In late February, Energy Minister Alexander Novak confirmed that "Rosneft" can get 300 billion rubles. of the NWF for five projects.

On placing "Rosneft" bonds by 625 billion rubles. in early February, the head of the Central Bank responded Elvira Nabiullina. According to her, the transaction on "Rosneft" was "opaque, she did not understand the market, and it has been an additional factor of volatility in the market." "But still not a major" - he explained Nabiullina. These statements vice president of "Rosneft" Mikhail Leontiev nAZWAI strange and added that the fault lies precisely to destabilize the market outside of "Rosneft".

The activities of Sechin, as well as the salary head of Putin's state-owned publicly asked a big press conference in mid-December. Then he mentioned that he considers Sechin efficient manager, who works "fairly regularly". At the same time, Putin admitted that he did not know the size of the salary Sechin. Leontiev on the same day said that the head of "Rosneft" income known to the Russian tax authorities, so the president will want to know if their size, "do it immediately."

In the summer of 2014 in "Rosneft" refused to disclose the earnings of his head, as well as other senior managers and members of their families, explaining that the information within the prescribed period and to the extent necessary presented to the competent authorities. In December 2014 the government made it mandatory for the top managers of public companies to disclose information about their income on the company's website. In February 2015, the company released data showing that in 2014 12 Sechin and his staff have earned 2.8 billion rubles.but how it is divided between this amount, the company did not disclose.

Igor Sechin to work in "Rosneft" for 12 years held senior positions in the Kremlin and the government. Since 2000 and until 2004, Sechin worked as deputy head of the presidential administration, and from 2004 to 2008 - Assistant to the President of Russia. From 2004 to 2008 (when Putin, after two presidential terms became prime minister) Sechin worked as a deputy prime minister. Of May 2012, he held the position of President and Chairman of the Board of "Rosneft".