The owner of MMK told Putin about the reduction of staff in half

The personnel of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works has reduced by half since 2000, said its main owner Viktor Rashnikov. This is due to conversion and new technologies.
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Over the past five years, the staff of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine (MMK) has decreased by 3 thousand people, and in 2000 -.. Twice, to 18 thousand workers, said its main owner Viktor Rashnikov at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, 29 November.

"Over the past five years we have reduced to three thousand [Employees] directly to [Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel] Mill, and if we take the year 2000, we have decreased almost twice: there were 36 thousand - are now working 18 thousand [people].. "- said Rashnikov (quoted by the Kremlin website).

So "dramatically" reduce plant personnel, according to the businessman, allowed the conversion of new technology and new equipment. In general, the MMK Group personnel decreased by 25% -.. From 60 thousand to 45 thousand employees, he added.

"Productivity [MMK] has doubled, if in tonnes; wages also increased over the past five years and a half times ", - said Rashnikov. According to him, the plant annually produces 1.2 million tonnes of galvanized rolled steel, while in 2002 -. Only 0.1 million tonnes In addition, MMK "closed" all need the metal for the production of large diameter pipes, which are particularly in demand in the major projects of "Gazprom" for the construction of gas pipelines, the businessman said: "today, we do not buy abroad, all the pipes only do ours."

Average wages at MMK on results in 2015 amounted to 51 thousand. Rubles, and in 2016 will be increased by 7%, to 55 thousand. Rubles, Rashnikov said, responding to a question clarifying Putin.

The main owner of MMK said that high performance enables NLMK to implement social policy - to support pensioners, spending money on treatment of workers and schools. According to his estimates, the annual investment of $ 700-800 million (45,44-51,93 billion rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate as of 29 November) the company spends about 1.5 billion rubles. for charity.

Victor Rashnikov owns 87.27% of MMK and occupies 23th place in the ranking of the richest Russian businessmen by Forbes magazine, which estimates his fortune at $ 3.8 billion.