Epidemic of suicides in Gazprom

The suicide of the top manager of Gazprom, Alexander Tyulakov, is the second unnatural death in a short time in the top leadership of the country's main "artery".
Тело 61-летнего Александра Тюлякова обнаружили его сожительница и ее бывший муж утром 25 февраля 2022 года. Заместитель генерального директора Единого расчетного центра «Газпрома» (казначейство компании) по корпоративной безопасности был найден в гараже-пристройке к дому. По всем признакам — это было самоубийство.

— На место происшествия мы приехали почти одновременно с полицией, которую вызвали те, кто обнаружил труп, — рассказал «Новой» сотрудник Следственного комитета по Ленобласти, пожелавший остаться неизвестным (имя и фамилия имеются в редакции). — Все, что касается поселка Ленинский, нам сразу докладывают. Лично я видел мужчину в петле, на полу гаража какая-то бумажка лежала. 

Криминалисты уже работали, когда приехали крепкие ребята на трех джипах. Заявили, что они — служба безопасности «Газпрома», оцепили территорию, а нас и большинство полицейских просто выставили за забор дома.

Поселок Ленинский Выборгского района Ленобласти считается эксклюзивной вотчиной топ-менеджмента «Газпрома». По данным портала «47news», еще в 2010 году 40 тыс. кв. метров хвойно-озерной территории стали собственностью некоего Михаила Алексеевича Миллера, которому на тот момент исполнилось всего 14 лет. Позже к этой территории присоединили еще несколько сотен га. В 2019 году, согласно Госреестру, в Ленинском имели жилье Александр Дюков, Юрий Гороха, Павел Николаев, Сергей Куприянов, Михаил Середа, Ольга Драгомирецкая, Анатолий Мариничев, Александр Иванников. Все они — тезки ключевых фигур в структурах «Газпрома».

Сегодня минимальная стоимость дома в Ленинском — $500 тысяч, и речь идет о домах, а не летних шале или «дачных домиках», которые можно купить «всего» за $100–150 тысяч.

Это уже второй с начала года суицид в Ленинском. 30 января нынешнего года сотрудники полиции и СК уже выезжали в этот поселок и тоже на самоубийство. Тело 60-летнего Леонида Шульмана, главы транспортной службы «Газпром Инвест», обнаружили в ванной комнате его собственного дома. На бортике ванны сотрудники СК обнаружили записку. В ней погибший жаловался на невыносимые боли в сломанной ноге (на момент смерти Шульман носил «аппарат Илизарова», предназначенный для сращивания костей). Ногу менеджер сломал в том же поселке во время новогодних каникул.

The body of 61-year-old Alexander Tyulakov was discovered by his cohabitant and her ex-husband on the morning of February 25, 2022. The Deputy General Director of the Unified Settlement Center of Gazprom (the company's treasury) for corporate security was found in an annex garage to the house. By all indications, it was suicide.

“We arrived at the scene almost simultaneously with the police, who were called by those who discovered the corpse,” an employee of the Investigative Committee for the Leningrad Region, who wished to remain anonymous, told Novaya Gazeta. “Everything that concerns the village of Leninsky is immediately reported to us. Personally, I saw a man in a noose, some piece of paper lay on the floor of the garage.

Forensic specialists were already working when strong guys arrived in three jeeps. They declared that they were Gazprom's security service, cordoned off the territory, and we and most of the policemen were simply put outside the fence of the house.

The village of Leninsky in the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region is considered the exclusive domain of the top management of Gazprom. According to the portal "47news", back in 2010, 40 thousand square meters. meters of coniferous-lake territory became the property of a certain Mikhail Alekseevich Miller, who at that time was only 14 years old. Later, several hundred hectares were added to this territory. In 2019, according to the State Register, Alexander Dyukov, Yuri Gorokha, Pavel Nikolaev, Sergey Kupriyanov, Mikhail Sereda, Olga Dragomiretskaya, Anatoly Marinichev, Alexander Ivannikov had housing in Leninskoye. All of them are the namesakes of key figures in the structures of Gazprom.

Today, the minimum cost of a house in Leninsky is $500,000, and we are talking about houses, not summer chalets or "country houses" that can be bought for "only" $100,000-150,000.

This is the second suicide in Leninsky since the beginning of the year. On January 30 of this year, police officers and the Investigative Committee already went to this village and also to commit suicide. The body of 60-year-old Leonid Shulman, head of the Gazprom Invest transport service, was found in the bathroom of his own house. On the side of the bath, the IC staff found a note. In it, the deceased complained of unbearable pain in a broken leg (at the time of his death, Shulman wore the “Ilizarov apparatus”, designed for bone splicing). The manager broke his leg in the same village during the New Year holidays.

The content of the note caused investigators to question its authenticity. It is unlikely that Shulman could not afford high-quality pain medication. But the fact that at the end of 2021 the Gazprom Security Service conducted an inspection in the transport department of its “daughter” suggested that the true causes of suicide may not be related to pain in a broken leg.

The content of Tyulakov's posthumous note has not been disclosed. At the same time, Fontanka.ru reported that on the eve of Tyulakov's death, he was seen badly beaten. Under what circumstances a Gazprom top manager could have been beaten remains a mystery.

The Investigative Committee for the Leningrad Region does not give any comments on the facts of two suicides. Novaya failed to get in touch with representatives of the Gazprom Security Council, who are in charge of investigating these cases. The ERC and Gazprom Invest also did not provide any details. Both companies were advised to contact the press service.

At the central office of Gazprom, they said that they did not have any information, that an investigation was underway. At the same time, we were not even able to obtain photographs of the dead. As one of the employees of the press service of Gazprom admitted, they were removed from the sites "in order to prevent the spread of rumors and to spare the nerves of the relatives and friends of the victims ...".