How to make money on friendship with Sergey Chemezov

Vitaly Maschitsky is planning projects with Rostec worth billions of dollars.

Who was interested in platinum in Zimbabwe

In 2007, a platinum project in Africa interested in "Renova" and tried to buy a stake in CDS Ruschrome Mining. But the deal fell through. As claimed, "Novaya Gazeta", the sellers said investor that the government license to mine cost $ 37.5 million, but after a while, "Renova" has found out that in fact the amount was denominated in Zimbabwean dollars. Then for the money in the country can be bought, for example, two bottles of beer. "Renova" abandoned the project because of the high country risk, says a representative of the group Andrew Storch. Against 90-year-old Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his associates in 2002, the EU and the US imposed sanctions, he recalls.

connoisseur estate

Selling assets Maschitsky always kept the property. His VI Holding, according to its own data, manages more than 100 000 sq. m of office and retail real estate in Russia and abroad. Among them - Irkutsk "Shopping Mall" total area of ​​37 000 sq. m, the remaining assets of the entrepreneur "SIDANCO". Leaving & laquo; ST groups "Chigirin, he took the five business centers in Moscow. All are conveniently located, says Elena Skurydina, CBRE's project manager, the management of the property. Opposite the Kremlin, in the high-rise building in Sadovnicheskaya, 3, is the headquarters of the holding. BC "Rinko Plaza" near the station. m "Culture Park" (8500 sq.), the mansions on Dolgorukovskaya, 19 (385 sq.), the last lane (970 sq. m) and Volkov Pereulok. (1011 sq m. rented military attaché of Saudi Arabia).

In 2010, the company acquired Maschitskogo complex "Format" in Mytishchi (12 000 sq. M of office and commercial furniture center of 24 000 sq. M).

I have a group with which I work - bankers primarily: [Boris] Berezovsky, [Alexander] Smolensk, [Sergei] Pugachev and Maschitsky, a number of people ", - said in 1996 in an interview with" Moskovsky Komsomolets "then managing director of President of Russia Pavel Borodin. If the first three do not have to represent, then Maschitskogo knew then only a narrow circle of people. Maschitsky could all agree and achieve their goals. But it avoided the policy and may therefore was nepublinym, says businessman familiar early 1990s. Twenty-odd years later, it remains the same tactics. However, now Maschitsky prefers to work with the State Corporation "Rostec".

Investments at the start

In Moscow, Borodin and Maschitsky come from Yakutia, where he met, recalls Valentine Borodin, the former manager of the president's wife. Borodin at the end of the 1980s. He worked as the mayor of Yakutsk, and Maschitsky, who moved there from his native Irkutsk - chief of "Glavyakutskstroya". "It's almost been the Ministry of Construction in Yakutia. Yakutsk - a small town, so everyone knew each other, we were friends [Borodin]. Such severe Siberian friendship, it lasts a long time, "- said the businessman," Vedomosti ".

In 1993, Borodin went to Moscow, becoming the first manager of the President. Maschitsky had already lived in the capital for several years, although business conducted mainly in his native Irkutsk: his "Sibmix International" supplying wood to China and Japan. Friendship turned into a business cooperation and helped Maschitskomu acquire a spacious office in Moscow. ATIn 1996 his company on a parity basis with the structure of the administration of President (UDP) has created a company "Tsentrinvestservis", which management has made the building of the former State Supply next to the item. m. "Mayakovskaya". Worn building in need of renovation, but money was not UDP, the businessman explained. The house is housed offices Maschitskogo structures. Two years later, "Tsentrinvestservis" spent an additional issue, reduce the proportion of UDP to 23.9%.

In 2000, Borodin has ceased to be the manager of Presidential Affairs, and three years later the UDP through the court demanded to return building. Officials were victorious, the building had to be returned. It was intended from the outset, the court - only return mechanism explains Maschitsky today.

And in 1999 Maschitskomu had to sue again because of the UDP. Swiss and Italian prosecutors suspect that Borodin and related people have received commissions from Mabetex Mercata and companies for contracts for the reconstruction of the Kremlin. Structure Maschitskogo ABC Trading Establishment was among the firms that received money in the chain of Mabetex: $ 7 million donated her involved in a scandal Zofos Enterprises. These were not kickbacks,and payment for the acquired shares of another company, Maschitsky proved in court. However, he complains, his lawyers have to show every time foreign banks full folder from the successful cases, proving that accusations of foreign prosecutors had no grounds.

Oil tycoon

As Maschitsky assures earned in two years in the wood of money forced him to pay attention to the oil market. Here it can be said to have been waiting. "I came someone from oil and complained that there is no money, nothing to be repaired, production falls. We agreed that we repair all the equipment, and all that is extracted from repaired wells, divided 50/50. They had it convenient - money they did not put oil before we did not get out of these wells, "- says Maschitsky. Who exactly come, he does not remember, noting only that it was the people level "officer or chief engineer NGDU".

In 1992 he created the company Maschitsky "Rosinvestneft", which was engaged in the restoration of the oil wells in the Samotlor field, receiving in return the right to sell oil "NizhnevartovsNaftogaz "(NIS). After three years, the Government has allocated an annual quota of 2 million tonnes of oil NIS in exchange for investments in production. During 15 months' Rosinvestneft "time to invest $ 159 million in repair and restoration of equipment assures Maschitsky. By the time the company entered the top five oil exporters.

In 1995, the government established the Tyumen Oil Company (TNK), and the addition of the NIS, and a year later sold the state-owned stake (91%). Maschitsky participated in the auction, but lost to the alliance "Alfa Group" and "Renova". "I was already 9% of TNK bought them from" Menatep "Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Plus we have a lot invested in the company ", - explains Maschitsky. His package he sold to the winners.

But the industry has not left Maschitsky by buying assets in one of the largest private oil companies at the time - "SIDANCO". Its constituent largest oil refiner in the Far East - the Angarsk Petrochemical Plant (APCC) was among the NIS clients. Things were going badly enterprise, and he owed companies Maschitskogo $ 43 million. Therefore, when the "SIDANCO" offered Maschiwho buy the assets of the Far East - Angarsk, Khabarovsk refinery and 14 sales companies, he immediately agreed. Purchase cost is inexpensive, says the businessman, without naming the exact amount. A few years later he sold ANHK Yukos Khodorkovsky "a few hundred million dollars", and sales companies and the Khabarovsk Oil Refinery - "Alliance" Musa Bazhaev.

Maschitsky money invested in development projects in Moscow, becoming a partner of the brothers Alexander and Shalva Chigirinsky in the "ST Group". "I was an investor and simultaneously responsible for the management and creation of a land bank", - he said, adding that for his money in the city tenders were bought "quite a lot of areas." After the crisis of 1998 he left the "ST Group", taking into account the payment of its share of the five buildings in Moscow. Since then, they added other real estate, and now structures Maschitskogo 100,000 square meters. m (cm. incision).

Following the resignation from the post of Managing Borodin President Maschitsky affairs he moved to St. Petersburg. Here he tried to invest in a movie together with the St. Petersburg actor and producer Alexander Polyakov and breakfastNima project development with the son of the director of the Federal Security Service Yevgeny Murov Andrew. But the studio went bankrupt, and development companies have been eliminated.

Bet on aluminum

At the same time engaged in Maschitsky and aluminum business. This happened, according to him, almost by accident: in 1997, his wife Irina at a charity party in London was at the same table with Ella Krasner, wife of Alexander Krasner, director general trader Marc Rich Investment, which was part of a group of the same name of Marc Rich. Following the wives and husbands met.

In November 1998, Krasner, by then retired from the Marc Rich, suddenly came to Maschitskomu and Alexander Chigirinsky office Mayakovskaya and asked for help in the return of $ 2 million stolen from him, he transferred the money for the supply of aluminum bankrupt state company "Non-ferrous metals and alloys ", owned by the non-ferrous metal Mtsensk, but got nothing. But Krasner was silent about the fact that on this day of his assets have been frozen by a London court at the suit of Marc Rich Investment. Former employer is suspected of several menepriation in the multimillion theft. From Krasner trader demanded exactly $ 2 million.

Chigirinsky with Maschitskim promised to negotiate with external control "Non-ferrous Metal" for the return of the money. All of the plant's assets were put into a new company "Mtsensk Aluminum", which in late 1999 gave Krasner on account of debt. Then the major shareholders also Chigirinsky steel structure of the plant and Maschitskogo. As a result, Maschitsky Krasner and sold shares in the factory Chigirinsky and Krasner was able to return the debt Marc Rich, tells Maschitsky.

After that, his collaboration with Maschitskim expanded. A native of Irkutsk did not know how to build a business in the West, and did not speak in English, so Krasner became its conductor. He chose and managed and invested Maschitsky. The first experiment was a failure. First, the partners have lost up to $ 6 million for the purchase of two IT-companies. Then a familiar Krasner, a former trader Stefan Arnsvald said that the Romanian Government on the request of the World Bank is preparing to privatize the aluminum smelters in the country.

Maschitsky with Krasner decided to participate in the privatization of the Alumina RefineryAlro Slatina. But the necessary money they did not have, so the partners decided to go the gradual buying up shares from private shareholders. His Russian roots are hidden: in talks to acquire the shares initially led the American Marc International Corp, and later - her "daughter", English Marco Acquisitions Ltd, mentioned in the documents of the London court. We belong to both structures, of course, and Maschitskomu Krasner. They spent two years negotiating with Romanian officials, bankers and shareholders in companies. By 2000, the goal has been achieved: Maschitsky and his partner collected almost 42% of the shares. And when the businessman sold oil assets, bought in a privatization tender for 10% stake in Alro Slatina. Following partners have acquired an alumina refinery Alum Tulcea and the plant on output of Alprom aluminum, combining them into Vimetco holding.

Krasner argued that helped Maschitskomu become a partner of "Gazprom". Their Romanian company Conef in 2002 became the supplier of gas to the country. According Maschitskogo, with "Gazprom", he began to work at the request of "Turkish friends" - the officials with whom he met, supplying Turkey with aluminum Romaniantheir factories. They were asked to fill the pipe "Blue Stream", which is then operated at 30% capacity, set the same price for all consumers, lists businessman. The case has gone. Prior to 2007, it passed through Conef 5 billion cubic meters. meters of gas, and in 2007 the company signed with "Gazprom" a contract for delivery in 2010-2030. 42 billion cubic meters. meters of gas.

In 2004, Krasner and Maschitsky dispersed. Krasner claimed to be 20% in Vimetco, but Maschitsky insisted that the partner had to invest in the project's own funds. London Court in 2005 rejected Krasner in claims for a share in Vimetco.

A year later changed Maschitsky 15% stake Vimetco a small aluminum production in China and began to build a holding company in the country. Investment in the project, according to him, were $ 3.3 billion, of which more than a third were his own money.

And this summer, the co-owner's wife became another Vimetco Maschitskogo - Michael Shlosberg. Her Castle Investment Fund Ltd has received 25% of the company in exchange for a debt restructuring. History has evolved since. Maschitsky could not repay a loan of $ 200 million, taken in 2010 to repay debt Vimetco, it follows from the London court. businessman Mr.e suit holding's capitalization on the London Stock Exchange. Vimetco held an IPO in 2007, but its market capitalization has fallen by 30 times to $ 66 million since the crisis. Although it is only one China "daughter" on the Shanghai Stock Exchange was valued at $ 1.7 billion. Maschitsky wanted to delist in London to stay in Hong Kong , but it was required to withdraw the shares from the pledge to the banks. Businessman asked Shlosberg loan of $ 200 million for two years at 24% per annum.

Schlossberg $ 100 million gave himself, and another $ 100 million borrowed from his friend, Ukrainian businessman Vitaly Hayduk. Money Maschitsky not returned so far, and now Haiduk requires millions in a London court with Shlosberg. Schlossberg refuses, citing including the fact that he is suing Maschitskim. But from the same materials of the court it implies that signed the share transfer agreement in June this year and Shlosberg Maschitskogo structure in Castle Investment Fund Company. Maschitsky showed "Vedomosti" original extract, which indicates that the shares have already been transferred to the new owner. Haiduk told the court that considers the deal Shlosberg attempt to transfer assets out of the company.

In this case Vimetco yetwere adjusted: in 2013 she received a $ 150 million loss on revenue of $ 2.2 billion, its liabilities are estimated at $ 4.6 billion.

Investments in friendship

But the most large-scale projects Maschitsky leads since 2009 with the State Corporation "Rostec". With its general director Sergei Chemezov, "we're friends since his youth in Irkutsk, from the street, so to speak," says Maschitsky: "Together smoked, went to dances, like all teenagers. We are friends for life. " Maschitsky and Chemezov "really familiar with the youth", said the press service of the response, "Rostec" to "Vedomosti".

In 2009, "Rostec" for the sale and rental of all non-core property of the companies established a "daughter" "RT - building technologies", which is the permanent chairman of the board of directors became Maschitsky. The holding company owns 30 million square meters. meters of real estate, and more than 400 000 ha of land. In 2012-2013. the planned volume offered for sale of real estate (243 buildings in the Moscow area of ​​more than 600 000 sq. m), the company entered the top five along with the Russian Federal Property Fund, Department of the Moscow Property and the Ministry of Defense. Information on the results sales company has not yet announced.

Maschitsky - Independent Director "RT - building technologies", the press service of "Rostec". State corporation creates a new system of corporate governance. The purpose of the reform - "enhance the efficiency and investment attractiveness of holding companies and other organizations," "Rostec".

In 2010, when "Rostec" have decided to include the production of cement, top managers Maschitskogo companies included in the Board of Directors Russian cement company established a state corporation with "Siberian cement" Oleg Sharykina. Maschitsky says it is already out of the deal. The same is said and press office "Rostec".

In May 2011, "Rostec" interested Buryat deposits of jade, which account for 90% of proven reserves of semi-precious stones, valued in China. A year later, its structure was licensed to a small portion of the field, and to the main sections of the owners - family and tribal Evenk community "Dylacha" frequent inspection. According to the results of checks the license of the community in 2013 and withdrew temporarily transferred to the Trans-Baikal mining company controlled by "Rostec". Maschitsky heads and its board of directors.

In 2011, VI Holding Maschitskogo received the right to develop 65 hectares in Tushino, near the newly opened stadium "Spartak". Investments into the project are estimated at $ 2 billion. In 2013, the vice president of "Lukoil", co-owner of "Spartacus" Leonid Fedun told RBC that for now "Wee holding real estate development" is Maschitskogo "Rostec". With "Rostec" negotiations for the construction of the business center, which could become the new headquarters for the corporation, says Maschitsky. Press service of the State Corporation has confirmed only that "the project passes the necessary corporate procedures."

But the biggest plans for cooperation with "Rostec" the businessman still not in Russia and far beyond its borders. In August 2014, the Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe African mining Chidakva Walter said that VI Holding Maschitskogo "Rostec" and VEB to invest $ 1.6 billion in development mestorozhdeplatinum Darvendeyl tions in the valley - the second largest in the world reserves. This is only the first phase, the total investment in the project will exceed $ 3 billion, says Maschitsky. He and his partners owned share in Ruschrome Mining this year - a joint venture with the Zimbabwean government that owns the license for the deposit. Each participant of 50%. The license will be re-arranged for the company "Afromet", its owners, and will be "Rostec" with the VEB.

"Rostec" interested to develop cooperation with African countries. So when asked to participate in the development of a platinum mine, "weighed all the risks and to take a positive decision," the press service of the state corporation. The "Rostec" have strong businesses that are ready to export its technology and establish joint ventures with foreign partners, says the press-service. However, "to talk about any other projects is premature."