The general director of "Power Machines" was detained for disclosure of state secrets

Roman Filippov, General Director of Power Machines, was detained in St. Petersburg by officers of the Federal Security Service. The date and circumstances of the detention are not yet specified.
Origin source
According to sources of the "Fontanka", the reason for the interest of law enforcement agencies to the top manager was the suspicion of disclosure of state secrets. The FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region said that on July 13 there will be no comments on this issue. The press service of Power Machines has not yet responded to the request of our publication.

Information about the detention of Roman Filippov came amid a scandal surrounding the supply of Siemens turbines to the Crimea under the European sanctions. The SGT5-2000E turbines, as Fontanka pointed out, are produced by the St. Petersburg company Siemens Technologies Gas Turbine (STGT), a joint venture between Siemens and Power Machines.

German and Russian companies in 2011 signed an agreement on the establishment of a joint venture to produce and service large gas turbines. The company is called "Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies" (STGT), 65% of it belongs to Siemens, 35% - to "Power Machines". It is located in Gorelovo on Siemens street. The most popular products are the SGT5-2000E and SGT5-4000F turbines.

Earlier STGT together with the company "Technopromexport" (TPE) became a defendant in the suit of Siemens, it was filed on July 10. At the same time, the German company addressed all claims to Tekhpromexport, STGT was involved as a party involved in the previously concluded contract. TPE purchased four sets of gas turbines SGT5-2000E for power facilities in Taman. At least two of them were taken to the Crimea, despite the EU sanctions prohibiting doing so. Siemens said that it intends to get the products back to the Krasnodar Territory.

There is no official confirmation of the connection between Filippov's arrest and the scandal of the supply of turbines to the Crimea.

Roman Filippov became general director of Power Machines in 2015. He enters the nearest circle of Alexei Mordashov, the owner of Severstal. Mordashov owns Power Machines, he heads the Board of Directors. Filippov has been working with Mordashov since 1997. From 2013 to 2015 was the Director for Economics of OAO Severstal.