New fights around the "Tyumen Rublyovka"

The residents of a local villace accuse the officials of blackmailing and trying to sell the land to businessmen.
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Residents Perevalovskogo settlement of the Tyumen region in an open letter addressed to the Deputy Governor Evgeny Zabolotny to protect them from the action of the local authorities. According to the authors of the messages, they were forced to act the news that in the plans of settlement administration - sale of land around the local lake for commercial construction.

Lake Zubarevskomu - about 300 years, and even more - as well as the village. Five years ago, the pond began to grow shallow - there are rumors that someone specially dug the pipe through which it is filled - the case was, but did not find the perpetrators. The boundaries of the lake at first declined to natural (from letters of the authors has a map of 1948, confirming that the lake is not artificial, as the state, local authorities). Last year Zubarevskoe dried up almost completely. In the village of wells left water - water the gardens there was nothing. Many here - the native villagers, garden for them - a means of livelihood. Talking about the fauna is not necessary - the inhabitants of lakes and forests can be lost if you have not died.

Residents of this question is verycare - many individually wrote many letters to different authorities. In January 2014 came the reply from the Main Directorate of the construction of the Tyumen region, the lake must be cleaned at the expense of the regional budget until 2015. "But we did not have time to rejoice, - authors of the letter write, - authorities" painted "in the general plan of the lake in a reduced size, and the area around it decided to give permission granted for individual housing construction."

Residents - against, says the initiative group. The reason for dissatisfaction is understandable: some machines are leaving with difficulty, especially in winter, because of the thumb and unpeeled track and people just move down the road from one pocket to the other snow. "Once we built in the heart of the village is not enough! - Resent the authors of the letter. - In the village there is no shop, to the elderly, walking to the store for bread, could sit and rest. There is no one that is not the playground, and even a sandbox, swings, slides - about a comfortable place to rest and say nothing. Therefore, the lake and the forest (which is already half built up - do not know, legitimately or not) for residents - all. & nbsp; and if they give permission granted, even walk to nowhere - it is not a joke: all around in private land and the owner is not allowed to walk in his fields. "

It is especially outrageous, activists say that for five or six years, the head of administration in the camera says that the lake and the forest will be saved and the camera - do what he wants. "All right round the earth was not - but we have in the village with all the construction side, the huge -" Zubarev Hills "," Moscow "," Zubarevskie expanses "system - do not want a bunch of land sold - but our authorities are not enough."

Recall the question with the land around Tyumen is so acute that the controversy because of her even lead to murder. For example, in the village of Kamenka was recently brutally tortured to death Valery Kalugin, owner of major holdings. According to one version, the killer tried to get him to rewrite the part of the customers belonging Kalugin land. Partly because of this story Perevalova residents are looking forward to law enforcement response to the statements of the local authorities. According to the villagers, his words gov't pocketReva people do not climb.

"At the public hearing on the change in the master plan he was a scandal - says one of the residents Perevalova. - Publicly owner of 40 hectares of land has accused the head of the administration of Eduard Egunova extortion had 19 hectares of land. Himself Egunova to "publichke" was not. "

According to the speaker, head of blackmailing his withdrawal of lands, which are now the owner located in the boundaries of settlements on inter-settlement territories. And then - good-bye to sell plots for private farming (LPH).

"At the beginning of the public hearing, Alexander Mata, head Perevalovskogo settlement, he gave a speech that the settlement should be rational use of land and obtain from them the most revenue in the form of tax - continues our interlocutor. - The people replied: is the land within the boundaries of the village, the tax on it more than ten times than outside, even if one category of land. Showered with questions - as is now the owner pays to the village coffers? 140 thousand rubles a year? And will pay? 5 thousand rublesLei? Where logic? "Well, to lose," - said Mataev illogical. "

At the same meeting, Deputy Egunova Aleksey Zhilin, say present, generally advised owners to save more money to buy land in the Perevalovo instead of building plans for the development of their areas.

In an interview with Deputy Governor Yevgeny Zabolotny he said he did not remember such treatment, but in general aware of the problem. "We were sent documents Perevalovo, they have not yet agreed, - said Deputy Governor. - Not enough material, we have given the refusal. I will look again more carefully, that there is a situation. "