the Federal Security Service


Navalny Foundation found a "FSB general's dacha" on the state border


Alexey Navalny's Foundation discovered that the namesake of the deputy head of the Border Service of Russia owns a dacha in the border area. As clarified by RBC, a man with the same name, as well as the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin and senator from the "United Russia" Valery Vasiliev, are co-owners of the partnership "Lesnaya Lubyanka."

RBC investigation: who settled near the presidential residence in Valdai


Many people from the Putin's antuourage have settled next to the state residence on Lake Valdai in recent years. RBC found out who owns the land in Valdai and who neighbours the President there.

RBC investigation: what came out of the "case of Nemtsov"


Investigators tried twice to present charges in absentia to Ruslan Geremeev, a possible organizer of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, but both times the decision wasn't signed  by the head of the Russian Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin.

Zolotov of the Putin's party


What owns the family which is the closest to the body of the president.

Eight officers of Department B were caught during the bribe provocation


Senior investigators of the MIA became defendants in a criminal case on abuse of power. However, the Basmanny court refused to arrest them.