Deficit-ridden Ingushetia

One of the most troubled regions of the Caucasus, the Ingush Republic, saw a "big political victory": the reconciliation of 60 local clans. 
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But there is not only the subject of a feud, as in the Middle Ages, but also unprecedented corruption, Islamic fundamentalism and banditry.

"In any scale reconciliation has replaced hostility - is already a success. However, what has been achieved in five years - is, of course, a lot of Ingushetia, the more it is a lot, if we remember that 60 clans made up of thousands and thousands of citizens of the republic. Thus it was possible to establish relations and youth, and the elderly, and restore the old love to play the wedding. For example, there was a case when a week after the reconciliation between the two clans man and woman are married. That is, they are waiting for this reconciliation to start a family, and without it they would not have happened - see what could have been a tragedy for people, "- he told reporters the head of the region, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov.

But for the small victories and the lives of thousands of members of clans, between which is now peace and harmony, it is a systemic crisis of public administration of the Republic.

Ingushetia - a real "hot spot" in which the attacks occur every month. Experts speak of "a tribute to the militants" with ArtRhone officials. As deputy head of the "implementation of the Agency's social and political initiatives" Iles Tatiev supervising the North Caucasian Federal District, does not exclude that some officials of the Republic of Ingushetia, the bandits could really pay for his security.

For 2012 in Ingushetia revealed violations and embezzlement totaling nearly 400 million rubles, of course, such amounts could not get round government officials - the republic is one of the poorest regions. In the last five years in the region had been stolen about 20 billion rubles (for comparison, the annual budget of Ingushetia, a little more than 11 billion rubles).

The most interesting thing is that the corruption involved and relatives Yunus-bek Bamatgireevicha. In 2011 he was arrested for stealing from villagers Dolakovo 5 million rubles a cousin of the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov Ruslan. Another relative of President Yevkurov - Uwais, was also swept up in doubtful activities. Uwais Yevkurov extorted money from the bank, "Essid." The idea was that the Ingush president's brotherTII demanded 20 million rubles from the bank manager. Extortion began after Uwais, rumored to be rigged attack on collectors bank, which carries more than 40 million rudders. These funds were cashed funds intended for the purchase of a building in Nazran IRKB opposite to the Ministry of Health.

The situation in the Caucasus and the conflict heats Yevkurov with the most powerful man in the Caucasus - Ramzan Kadyrov, who has repeatedly said that Grozny has documents confirming belonging to the Republic of the Sunzha and Malgobek districts of Ingushetia partially. The conflict severely situation in the region.

Accounting Chamber during the reign of Yevkurov irregularities were detected in the work of Ministry of Education of the Republic in the amount of 172 million, in the sphere of youth policy amounted to theft of 30 million rubles in the housing sector 370 million in the industrial sector amounted to 245 million violations. According Vseingushskogo civil council Dawood Garakoeva member within the framework of the federal target program in Ingushetia under Yevkurovve invested 32 billion rubles, and mastered only 14, where the other is not clear.

Note that Ingushetia budget in 2014 to 84% is made up of federal subsidies, while the deficit of 10.9%. Mr. Yevkurov, in power since 2008 (!). And besides allegations of productive activity for reconciliation "blood feuds" committee no positive changes have occurred. When the current government in Ingushetia is not only impossible to speak about the performance of "May decrees", but also about any stability. Yunus-Bek Bamatgireevich professional military (commanded throw Pristina Russian paratroopers), but as a manager, Mr. Yevkurov is hardly better, his predecessor, Murat Zyazikov, and relatives of both implicated in several corruption scandals.