Domodedovo Airport disclosed its ownership structure

It has turned up that the largest strategic facility near Moscow is owned by a Cyprus offshore consortium DME Limited, its beneficiaries, Sean Cairns and Jane Peters, are the citizens of the United Kingdom.
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Russian airport "Domodedovo" on the eve of the placement of Eurobonds in the amount of $ 350 million disclosed corporate structure, according to which the registered in Cyprus holding DME Limited owns five offshore companies, managing all airport business, said on Thursday the ITAR-TASS referring to the presentation to investors.

According to the document, the owner of the underlying assets, including real estate and land, is a Cypriot Hacienda Investments Ltd. For another Cypriot company - Verulia Investment Ltd - fixed trademarks and licenses for Sortenia Ventures Ltd (also Cyprus) - finance and accounting. Registered in the British Virgin Islands company Ocean Fest Development SA deals with options for the management and settlement. A company run by Airport Management Company Ltd (Isle of Man) are all 16 companies registered in Russia and engaged in "Domodedovo" airport operations.

A total of five offshore companies accounted for 88% of all DME Limited assets. They have formed a group of 100% EBITDA in the last 12 months.

President Vladimir Putin on July 3 Zayayl that all project participants for the development of the Moscow aviation hub must be in the Russian jurisdiction and their beneficiaries must be known. In response, the September 12 "Domodedovo", the only fully private airport in Moscow aviation hub for the first time to disclose information about its owner, called the owner of the company Dmitry Mason, included in the list of 200 richest Russians according to Forbes. Status Mason earlier, Forbes estimated at $ 1 billion.

Nevertheless, the owners of "Domodedovo" Moscow airport assets are officially British citizens Sean Cairns and Jane Peters, the agency reported in mid-September with reference to the statement on the current status of DME Limited ownership structure of the holding company, uniting the "Domodedovo" assets. The extract is obtained from the database of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Cyprus - in this country registered DME Limited.