Doctor "take out your eyes" Vladimir Neroev will go unpunished

The loud scandal concerning the loss of sight of patients by the Helmholtz Research Institute in Moscow seems to have been put on the brakes.
The clinic, its head Vladimir Neroev, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the victim's lawyer Oksana Mikhalkina, remain completely silent about the criminal case initiated and the claim of the victims to the eye hospital.

Recall, a gloomy story in one of the oldest Russian ophthalmological clinics occurred in September 2016. Then 11 patients of the clinic received an injection of Avastin, which had lost sight in a couple of days after that. After the incident, the investigators of the Criminal Code opened a criminal case under Part 1 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (rendering services that do not meet the security requirements), Roszdravnadzor and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation also announced their inspections of the Helmholtz Research Institute. And immediately emerged one unpleasant for the leadership of the SRI detail: it turned out that the drug "Avastin" can not be used in ophthalmology.

This was specially warned by the company-developer of the drug - the Swiss Hoffmann-La Roche. As the media have already written, Avastin is an antitumor drug that blocks the growth of blood vessels in tumor cells and suppresses the development of neoplasms. Simply put, this is an anti-cancer agent. However, its use in ophthalmology was unsuccessful, there were cases of complete or partial loss of vision by people (for example, in Canada, and in 2011 in the US). Therefore, now this drug for the treatment of eye diseases has been officially authorized only in a few underdeveloped countries. And for ophthalmologists, "Lucentis" was developed specially. But he has one drawback. It is expensive. One injection costs up to 45 thousand rubles, while "Avastin" costs 10-15 thousand rubles.

Worse, it turned out that Avastin was bought by the doctors of the Helmholtz Research Institute in a private pharmacy, the delivery was courier, and the pharmacy itself was allegedly closed for the fall of 2016. The ends in the water and no one is responsible for anything! In December 2016, the victims announced their intention to go to court with a lawsuit against the clinic, which can be accused of both medical malpractice (it is possible that the drug was infected), and in the use of a non-certified drug.

Since then almost half a year has already passed. There is no official information on the progress of the investigation of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Our request to the lawyer of the victims remained unanswered - Mrs. Mikhalkina did not begin to answer about the status of the case against the Helmholtz Research Institute. The clinic itself instead of an honest answer prefers for money to place laudatory articles about itself in the Internet media.

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