Deripaska said he had not asked Congress for immunity in exchange for testimony

The oligarch called this information false.
Businessman Oleg Deripaska denied allegations of the New York Times that he asked for immunity for the transfer to the US Congress of "data on the interference" of Russia in the US election, it follows from the message of the holding "Basic Element" owned by the businessman.

Deripaska stressed that an article in the New York Times of May 27 entitled "The Russian seeks immunity to help in Congressional hearings" is true only in certain moments, and in fact is false and Misleading.

"The only truth in this article is the fact that I really want to" help "democratically elected committees of the US Congress, acting on behalf of the American people, to establish the truth," the businessman said.

The "story" narrated by the NYT is that I allegedly have information about Russia's interference in the US elections, but I am not ready to provide them before I am guaranteed immunity. Both of these statements are untrue and are an absolute lie, "Deripaska said.

According to the entrepreneur, he has evidence that shows directly about the opposite. The businessman also clarified that representatives of the intelligence committees in both the House of Representatives and the Senate contacted his lawyer in Washington, and not vice versa.

Deripaska added that immunity was never a condition for providing them with relevant information and documents, despite the spread of disinformation "credulous American media."

"Stopping the spread of calumny and other attacks on me by anonymous representatives of the US government is a condition for my participation and assistance," he concluded.

The NYT article claimed that in exchange for giving testimony, Deripaska requested full immunity. According to sources in the Congress, its members "rejected" the proposal "out of concern that the agreement on immunity pose difficulties for FBI investigators." At the same time, the newspaper did not give any evidence to these allegations.

Earlier, US special services accused Russia of hacking computers of the National Committee of the Democratic Party of the United States. On this basis, they came to the conclusion about "Russian interference" in the elections. Investigation on this issue is carried out by the FBI and both chambers of the congress. Moscow has repeatedly refuted these charges, calling them "absolutely unsubstantiated."