RBC investigation: who finances the construction of new churches in Moscow

Since 2010, Moscow has has a program "200 churches": the Russian Orthodox Church has received 143 plots of land from the city authorities, and 14 new churches have been built. RBC finds out how much it costs and who gives the money.
Origin source
Golden domes

The construction site on the corner of the street and driving Yurlovsky Dezhneva Otradnoe on the border areas and Medvedkovo was filled with people from the early morning. Women in long skirts and headscarves walked arm in arm with a serious bearded men in leather jackets. Near seminal high heels girl in lacy scarves and sunglasses - some stopped to make a selfie. Children from the school district Otradnoe were carrying white balloons in the shape of doves, and students from Medvedkovo - flowers. Boys sporty unfurled the red banner on which gold letters was written: "Your Holiness, the youth of the North-Eastern Administrative District welcomes you!".

Since April 22, 2015 began a prayer of consecration of the temple bookmark Our Lady "Burning Bush".

In the midst of foundation piles installed a temporary scaffold; around noon on the red carpet at him stood the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. He was accompanied by the patriarch Adviser on Construction, curator of the program of building 200 temples and the deputiesal of the State Duma Vladimir Resin, as well as the President of "Transneft" Nikolay Tokarev.

"The dynamically developing life than the rapidly developing scientific and technological advances - the voice of Patriarch Kirill amplified speakers. - The large role in the lives of people playing machines, vending machines and other inanimate systems, the more important for a person to strengthen his spirit to never become a slave to external circumstances, to preserve the God-given freedom, and with that freedom and true human dimension of his life. May the Lord bless the builders, donors and all those who work for the building of God's temple. I would like to express special thanks to Nikolai Tokarev, the head of "Transneft", which, together with its employees on behalf of his organization decided to promote the construction of this holy temple. "

Temple at the estate for 500 parishioners building concern "Krost" ROC permanent contractor for over 20 years, and philanthropist acts "Transneft".

According to Tokarev, the temple will be built before the end of 2016 and will cost the companyand 270 million rubles. "The road to this temple was not quick - he said Tokarev told RBC. - But give the money to build, we decided without hesitation. " The company for many years cooperates with the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as helping to build mosques in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. "Yes, the building of the temple - it is very cheap, - admitted Tokarev. - But at this point the interests of the Russian Orthodox Church and "Transneft" coincide ".

"Transneft" - one of the many structures, on whose money implementing a program for the construction of churches in Moscow. RBC understood as built temples who helps entrepreneurs from the Patriarchate and how much it all costs.


A few days after his enthronement, February 5, 2009, Patriarch Kirill met with then-Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. The meeting discussed the acute shortage of churches in Moscow; Luzhkov promised to build temples so "that there is no such place where the temple of God was not on the walking distance." At that time, the total number of churches and chapels in the diocese of Moscow amounted to 837 (as reported in the RBC Moscow PATRIARH, now there are 945). "If we take the conventional figure, which corresponds to the statistics of baptisms, then to Moscow to reach the average figures for Russia, which is 11 200 people per parish, need 591 Temple" - he lamented the patriarch then. The minimum requirement was estimated at 200 new churches.

A few months after the call of the patriarch, and the mayor was prepared by order of the Moscow government, which regulates the allocation of plots for construction. But it has been signed not Luzhkov: in the end of September 2010 the mayor was dismissed. Order number RP-2367 "On measures for ensuring the selection of land for the design and construction of Orthodox temples in the city of Moscow" was signed at the time Acting Mayor and head of the Moscow construction complex Vladimir Resin. The signature under the document he delivered Oct. 20, 2010, the day before the appointment of the new mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

But Sobyanin does not lose sight of the program. "For historical reasons, the existing temples are located in the city center", - saidin response to questions the mayor RBC. "Go down on Sunday morning in the metro, - calls on the mayor. - You always see people with the Orthodox prayer books in their hands, who are forced to get up before dawn to get to the temple. " At the same time the mayor's office only "helps with the paperwork" (for land plots that are selected together with the prefecture Moscomarchitecture) and holding public hearings "on the appropriateness of building temples" in selecting sites for construction. If citizens consent is obtained, the land resources department approves plots scheme on the cadastral map and draws the right to "religious organization in the land" in the gratuitous use.

In order to collect private donations for the construction of temples on the program "200 churches" in January 2010, the financial and economic management (CFCs) ROC Fund was established to support the construction of churches in Moscow. He enters into a contract with benefactors "On the donation for the construction of" and transfers the money.

Foundation Chairman of the Board- Head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Mark of Yegoryevsk CFCs. Co-Chairs of the Board of Trustees - Patriarch Kirill and Sergei Sobyanin, among the members of the council - German Gref (Sberbank), Vladimir Potanin ( "Interros"), Vladimir Yakunin ( "Russian Railways"), Miller ( "Gazprom"). Who and how to fill this fund?

whose money

The annual budget for the construction of churches in Moscow, Archbishop Mark and Vladimir Resin is estimated at 1 billion rubles. Foundation to support the construction of temples, as stated in its report for 2014 (available on the RBC disposal), collected about half of this amount - 533 million (in 2011 charges were four times less - 122 million). 97% of these revenues in 2014 provided the legal entities referred to in the documents of the Fund.

In the first place - Charitable Foundation revival Staritskogo Holy Dormition Monastery, are listed on the construction of temples 165.7 million rubles. The charter of the fund stated: its founders "are individuals to combine their efforts to achieve the objectives of the fund, based on voluntary contributions of property." Chairman of owlsthat Fund - Viktor Khristenko, former Minister of Industry and Trade, is now chairman of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Among the founders - the spouse Khristenko, head of the Accounting Chamber Tatyana Golikova, said the representative of the RBC Foundation. According Golikova declaration, the total income of their family for the year 2013 amounted to RUR 16 million. In addition to these fund founders are longstanding supporters of ex-minister, his former deputy, now an investment banker Andrei Dementyev, the former head of "Oboronprom" Andrei Reus, as well as the current chairman of the JSC "UAZ" Sergei Preobrazhensky Board (SPARC information).

To take part in the construction of one of the temples Khristenko program offered Patriarch Kirill reads a response to the press service of the Eurasian Economic Commission at the request of RBC. Ex-minister agreed. By the end of 2014 at the Mozhaisk road built a temple, received the status of the patriarchal monastery of Holy Dormition Monastery Staritskogo 300 parishioners.

Among other major donors of the Fund to support the construction of churches - "Yutis" Foundation, affiliated with the groupSing companies Coalco Vasily Anisimov. "Yutis" donated 108 million rubles. (Anisimov to comment for this article refused).

At the last place in the list of major contributors "System" Charitable Foundation (AFC "System") with RUB 16 million. According to the president of CF "System" Tatiana Gvilava fund financing the construction of the temple in honor of St. Hermogenes 200 parishioners at Autumn Street. The first stone was laid in 2012; three years in the construction of the temple BF "system" has invested 50 million rubles. The stone consecration ceremony was attended by the chairman of the "System" Board of Directors Vladimir Yevtushenko.

Half of the budget contributors list directly, asking, according to Mark, "the Patriarch's blessing, but not signing a contract with the Fund and working with the arrival".

Money for the faith

A list of contributors business is very diverse - from the rich and famous to entrepreneurs middling. According to the memoirs of Vladimir Resin, Vladimir Potanin, which occupies the top spot on the Forbes list in 2015 with a fortune of $ 15.4 billion, a few months ago lichI asked the patriarch of "to bless the financing of the construction of the temples." Blessing has been received, and Resin recommend Potanin two addresses under construction. The press service of MMC RBC "Norilsk Nickel" confirmed that "Norilsk Nickel" is building a temple complex dedicated to St. Alexander Nevsky (str. Lobachevskian) 800 parishioners and the Church of All Saints in the Russian Land Shone Forth (the intersection of ul. Novocheremushkinskaya and ul. Garibaldi ) 500 parishioners. According to Archbishop Mark of Yegoryevsk, Potanin has listed the construction of two temples about 70 million rubles. One of the developers of the program in an interview with RBC estimated the total cost of 600 million rubles.

"Potanin - well done: recently asked for a blessing on the construction of temples, transferred money and immediately topped the list of Forbes. So you see, everything is done with the help of God, "- smiling Archbishop. But "Gazprom", although it is part of the Board of Trustees, for the construction of temples of the money does not give, he complained in a conversation with the correspondent of RBC.

Some contributors Preferenceayut remain in the shadows. For example, in the construction of the temple Merciful Saviour in Mitino 500 people, which cost 270 million rubles., 40% of the direct arrival gave the "contributors to the strictest anonymity," said RBC rector Priest Gregory Geronimus. According to RBC three sources familiar with the details of the construction of the temple, took part in the project founder "Yandex" Arkady Volozh. According to the representative of "Yandex", "among relatives and friends Volozh indeed there are those who have been and are parishioners of the church" in fundraising attended by many people, but most Volozh was not among the donors.

The foundation of the temple laid Mitinskoe Arkady Baskaev, former commander of the Moscow Military District and a former State Duma deputy from the "United Russia". Fund "Warriors", which is headed by Baskaev, allocated 10 million rubles. According to the ex-deputy, to give money to the temple asked him to then deputy prefect of the North-Western Federal District Pavel Kozlov: "Because of my department fund sits in the shopping center" Harp ", whose proprietors are my daughters" - atHe dreamed. According to the register, Baskaev Raisa Arkadyevna Baskaev Arkadevna Natalia and Olga Yaremchuk Arkadevna speak of "Alanis", which owns the shopping center "Harp" (an area of ​​9.5 thousand sq. M.), Located on the 73-th km of the Moscow Ring Road.

One of the most generous donors of the program "200 churches" - businessman Mikhail Abramov. The founder and patron of the Museum of Russian Icons, the owner of Plaza Development (specialized in the business centers of category B + in Moscow's industrial zones), Abramov, he said, donated for the construction of two temples about 700 million rubles. He is sure that for a man who does not care how to develop our state, participation in the program - a great honor and luck. Temple, he says, he wanted to build ever: Now his company "Bridge 63" is building a temple for 500 parishioners Brateevo, "has already invested more than 300 million rubles, laid the foundation.". The project was developed by architect Dmitry Barkhin with which the businessman has built office center "Vereyskaya Plaza 2". A new creation Abramov tells with great enthusiasm: "Megamasshtabnaya idea, a grand cathedral." While the temple is not dostroene, Brateevo residents can attend a small wooden chapel, designed by the same Barkhin "conceived as Kizhi, XVII century, the idea was taken from Arkhangelsk" - describes the chapel Abramov. He is sure that the program "200 churches" - a colossal idea of ​​the city authorities, which, unfortunately, now "is not moving as fast as we would like."

The problem, insists Michael, is that "a huge amount of business" instead of "to give money" at the temples, "leaving the country" in some cozy place in Europe. "I believe that the country will cope with external challenges and will be a great powerful state", - the businessman hopes. Abramov himself like the current government is actively supporting the ROC. "I totally agree with everything that is happening today. Of course, I do not like what is happening in the economy ", - explains Abrams.

Not so enterprising entrepreneurs in the program "200 churches" draws its main motor - Vladimir Resin. To do this, he uses extensive contacts acquired over the years sleevesCTBA Moscow construction complex.

In 2011, the program of construction of new Orthodox churches in Moscow, envisages the construction of 200 churches, hence, the name of the program. However, according to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill, to achieve the average for Russia - 11.2 thousand people at one parish -. In Moscow to build 591 temples. By May 2015 the program 24 temples were built, another 28 are under construction. RBC investigation: who finances the construction of new churches in Moscow

"The phenomenal organizer"

79-year-old long-Resin has official status, but his office is still located in one of the Moscow government buildings in the Nikitsky Lane, next to Vice-Mayor for the construction of Marat Khusnullin. At the end of 2012, Patriarch Kirill offered Resin become an advisor for the construction of a volunteer at the Patriarchate. "The program" 200 churches ", which is the former vice-mayor in charge from the start, clearly has his thoughts: in a spacious office Resin was a place even the layout of one of the cerealsNation and iconic projects of the program - the Temple of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God at 1 thousand parishioners on Michurinsk the prospectus.. Resin willingly show it to his guests.

This temple is the height of 57 m was built with the filing of the inhabitants of the nearby Academy of the Federal Security Service. According to his rector Archpriest Valery Baranov, the initiative came from the leadership of the FSB Academy and students: "From there, turned back to the late Patriarch Alexy, he is blessed." At the stage of collecting the documents the church entered the program "200 churches", which documents the collection scheme is a "centralized" and everything is "in cooperation with the authorities." Construction is scheduled to be completed in the fall; Now rector estimates the spending of 500 million rubles. Of these, 250 million invested general contractor Concern "Krost" (for the program he is building four of the temple), 110 million rubles. identified construction company "Monarch", and the rest were given anonymous donors.

Head of "Monarch" Sergey Hambardzumyan on additional investment asked himself Resin and Victor Ostroukhov head of the Academy of the Federal Security Service (FSB Academy did not respond toAPROSAM RBC). "We built the building of the FSB Academy, and so we asked. Rector collects, draws money to build, we have given, "- says Hambardzumyan. According to him, on the allocation of money, he agreed with pleasure: "I have built a temple on Trifonovskaya, built a temple on the Poklonnaya Hill. Every major company like ours should do it. "

According to Hambardzumyan, "if not for the phenomenal energy of the organizer Vladimir Resin", the program would move much more slowly. I agree with him CEO of the concern "Krost" Alexei Dobashin: thanks requests Resin group has invested in the construction of four churches on the program about 350 million rubles.

At the urging of Resin in the program was the company "Rechnikov Invest" (the construction business group AEON Roman Trotsenko, and the company "Ferro-Story", controlled by co-owners of Evraz Group, Alexander Abramov and Alexander Frolov). Dmitry Starostin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, in the past worked closely with the former head of the capital building. In 2014 "boatman" transferred 50 million rubles. on constructioTVO church of St. Saint Spyridon in Nagatinskiy backwater (just a year and a half the donation of "Rechnikov Invest" amounted to 90 million rubles.). Initially, the construction of the temple was financed VTB Group: according to two RBC sources familiar with the construction, the bank allocated for the construction of 100 million rubles, then the donations stopped (in the press service of VTB Group RBC confirmed his participation in the program, refusing to comment further. ).

"We are building a residential complex on the territory of the Moscow Shipyard, 500 m from the church. Eighteen months ago, Resin asked us for a favor - restores Starostin chronicling events. - Began to talk about specifics, I Resin said, "I am afraid that we will pay the money, and they again will not be enough. As we sit near the construction site, then you will come to us and say: "Give 100 million." And we are more difficult to make than a bank ", - says Starostin. In the end, we agreed: "The Rechnikov Invest" LLC provides the money for completion, but the company itself determines the timing and scope of work, and monitors the quality of the result. Every Nedth Starostin himself went to the construction site - to monitor how things are going at the contractor - the company SMU-2. When it was suggested by Resin, Starostin says, "We sat for a long time, thinking, together with the shareholders." As a result, we decided to give the money. "Because if you do not agree, we will stick to the prefect:" Go, take the money to the temple from where you want to "- explains Starostin!. - And the fact that we took over the temple, it is useful for the project, the future residents of us, including when dealing with the prefecture and manage. We Nagatino build housing complex, the church was not in the plan, but for us it is of course useful in terms of a good cause, and integrated development of the whole territory. Yes, and not spoil the reputation. "

At the request of Resin money in the construction of the temple has invested and CJSC "MSM-5." Chairman Obid Yasinov estimates the volume of donations of 270 million rubles .: "Vladimir I. addressed to us, we decided to help, since it is already 25 years working: in Mitino with the help of built in Izmailovo in Kozhukhovo". With the money MSM-5, built a temple for 500 congregants Staroorlovskoy street. Now Resin recommendations for JSC "MSM-5 "Is building a temple in honor of St. Hermogenes street Autumn:" Here we act as contractor, "- explains Yasinov. Financing the construction of the "System" charitable foundation; Yasinova with the words, "in the fund were looking for a contractor, Resin advise us." In terms of benefits order, says Yasin, non-profits, "This order not to earn, and that construction is not stopped."

The first "200 churches" program object, the church Saint Prince Dmitry Donskoy on the North Street, erected the company "Dorinzh-39" (specialized in the construction of roads and road junctions). Her head Haji Gadzhimusaeva quarter of a century ago, he took a job at Gordorstroy is Vladimir Resin. Now Gadzhimusaev helps mosques in his native Dagestan and churches in the Moscow region. Resin, he delivered up to now, and the embedding of 120 million rubles. "Natural thing" was for him to build a temple for 250 parishioners. "I had asked Vladimir Iosifovich" - Haji explains.

There are other major developers, such as the company "Inteko": in its press service RBC reported that "Inteko" at their own expense is solid work on the construction of the frame of the temple of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow in the streets of Sofia Kovalevskaya. The company chose to address the Northern District neighborhood with several objects "Inteko": DSC № 7, the LCD "Grand Park" and "liner" complex. Several temples built at his own expense, "Satori" and SU-155 (company representatives did not respond to questions about RBC).

Resin comfortable to work with old friends. "You know, to get the crop, it is necessary to sow the seeds in the prepared land. I spoke to people who had long known, with whom worked for a long time, and was confident that they will support me. You will note that I asked them at the time when I was no longer in the vertical of the head, "- he explained in an interview with RBC.


In 1985, the head of the Guild of Russian Andrei Anisimov hramozdatelya worked as chief architect of the city of Kogalym and sat in the next room with Sergei Sobyanin - the future mayor of Moscow at that time held the post of Chief of Public Utilities. "I was in Moscow and boxes prefOzil colleagues in Kogalym tea "Fit", which everyone liked at the time, but it was not in the north. We loved to drink tea in my office, he was very comfortable ", - says Anisimov. In Moscow Anisimov returned at the end of 1980: Entry of dismissal in his workbook Sobyanin also signed.

For the program "200 churches", "Andrei Anisimov Workshops" designed three churches. Architects have a question: "Not only the temple to create a project, it must be properly implemented! And here comes the problem: a good builder of modern times does not know the subtleties and features traditional architecture, it does not possess the necessary techniques. It often turns into a standard project "new Russian" construction. " By the conviction Anisimova, his studio project made for the temple of the Beheading of John the Baptist in Brateevo, but the abbot of the temple to pay for the idea of ​​2 million rubles. and changed the project. The temple did not comment on the situation.

"Workshops Andrei Anisimov," recently left the object - a temple on the street. 1st Volskaya in the Moscow area Nekrasovka. The guardian of the temple - of the Criminal Code "Avenue Menedzhment "(specialty - construction and development). "Defaults often make it impossible to continue construction", - explains the architect. "Workshops" were forced to stop work. Rector in Nekrasovka Archpriest Alexei Pshenichnikov confirmed Anisimov duty to 7.6 million rubles. By the conviction Pshenichnikova, "the debt is registered for the arrival" and "Avenue Management" took over the financing of the church "with the generated duty", which has nothing to do. "We pray for the Lord to help pay the debt," - Fr RBC correspondent said. In the UK "Avenue Management" did not respond to questions about the RBC.

Eight churches in the program "200 churches" built project architect Andrew Obolensky, head of the design studio number 12 "2-Mosproyekt Posokhin name." According to him, the program is in a difficult situation: "It all started on such an emotional lift, and now the crisis, many investors refuse. There are unfinished church, which is not in the money. "

One of these churches - Churchon the corner of ul. Bazhov and Malachite, a blessing on the construction of which gave the Patriarch himself, whose grandfather was born in Mordovia. The project investor is Interregional Public Organization "Mordovian fraternity", stated on the program website. Collected 10 million rubles. It is not enough. According to the representative of Mordovia under President Viktor Chindyaskina, fraternity Resin asked about the annual postponement of the crisis, then the "fundraiser will continue."

The road to the temple

The program is really difficult times confirms Archbishop Mark. The members of the board of trustees of a little help: ".. At first, all passed the initial payment in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, in this case come to an end for many." A joint program with the Bank of Moscow (line of "The Gift of the shrine" cards:.. While shopping for 2 thousand rubles bank will transfer 30 rubles to the Foundation to support the construction of temples.) Has collected, according to the bank statements, a total of about 190 thousand rubles.. A member of the Board of Trustees of the head of Sberbank German Gref, the affiliate program does not offer, Mark said.

However, Uween Resin, there is no such case that the temple was never completed: "Believe me, everything is built, just more slowly than we would like."

There is another difficulty - the allocation of plots for construction: residents, according to Mark, 'sometimes protest against construction in their area. " Archbishop believes that these people are intimidated, "They do not realize that in the place designated by the temple, the temple can be built only and nothing else. There is a flower garden will be Sunday school, youth will be somewhere to meet. " "At first the parishioners themselves treated in the ROC with a request to build, and only then allocate land, - says Vladimir Resin. - But we know, there Chernomyrdin: like the best, it turned out as always. " He also acknowledges that there are "at odds with the public." In the five years of the program, there were 27 areas where originally wanted to build temples and then canceled. "We are with the people are not at war," - says Resin.

Often against the construction of new churches are the municipal deputies. "We were going to build a church on the four sites - inremembers Elena Rusakova, member of Gagarin district. - Our residents quickly organized: 2 thousand signatures collected for two nights, then were even charges and re-treatment.. At one of the sites near the Boulevard street youth, the fight lasted six months: were clashes with the supporters of the local residents of the Church, in the Gagarin district visited Orthodox activist Kirill Frolov with the Cossacks, in response to residents wrote letters to Putin and the Patriarch of the prosecutor's office. "

Patriarch Infantry

"The project area for the construction of the church in honor of the" Burning Bush "did for approval by the city council twice, - explains the deputy district Otradnoe Michael Velmakin. - Initially we were sent for approval of land on which the temple was located on 0.7 hectares, but we sent for approval a plan in which the temple is already occupied 2 hectares of land - at the expense of the Sunday school and services. " All members of the municipal council, except Velmakina spoke for site approval: the protocol was applied "separate opinion", which was recommended to reduce the territory "with 2 ha0.7 ha. "

The temple, whose construction is financed by "Transneft", is being built on 2 hectares: six months before the beginning of the construction active residents collected demonstrations against the construction of Orthodox prayers organized in his support.

This church supports social movement "Soroka": more than a year ago, he founded the father of nine children, the owner of the logistics company and, according to him, the composer Andrei Kormuhina and master of sports of international class in boxing Vladimir Nosov. In the "Soroka" Kormuhina lists, there are athletes, and writers, and artists, and journalists. There are on the move and football fans: for example, participation in organizing events "Orthodoxy Life" takes a well-known football fan of "Spartacus" Basil (Killer) Stepanov. According to media reports, he has collaborated with the movement "Walking Together", led by Vasily Yakimenko. Stepanov Yakimenko and did not respond to questions about the RBC. Kormuhina himself as a fan of "Spartacus."

"Our movement began when the church began attacks: Pussy Riot, photos patriarch hours. We realized that this Planƈ This attack on the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church, and the laity must take up the protection of Mother Church, as they say here, the priests zazhralis ", - says Kormuhina.

Tactics movement its founder, describes the term "hybrid warfare": "We believe that the Holy Patriarch - the second person after the President. He sometimes calls us "our guards." The amounts of FSO staff to protect it, when one wants to touch it and take the blessing, it is clearly not enough, so we - "traffic police volunteers' guard the Patriarch during his appearances at crowded events. The movement counts Kormuhina, several thousand people, 10 thousand. Subscribers in the group of "VKontakte". Members of the movement go "at a public hearing in those areas" where the plan to build a temple. "People will say to us:" Guys, we are hearing and council deputies, come support. " Write in a personal, we translate into the public space, tightens the children from the areas where they should build a temple "- says Kormuhina.

Merge program

Soon the cooperation of the ROC and the city isastey may strengthen: in late April at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Support of Moscow churches, Patriarch Kirill offered to merge into one program "200 churches" with urban counterparts, which are allocated budget funds for restoration and restoration of churches. The purpose of association - to optimize the work in all directions and from one center to coordinate the recovery, restoration and construction of new churches, says RBC Deacon Alexander Volkov, Patriarch Kirill spokesman. He is convinced: "The Church and the Moscow authorities do not opportunistic in the project, and the work which is supported by the people."

In practical terms, the union will look like. By the program "200 churches", most likely, will add the city of the federal target program "Culture of Russia" (total budget financing for 2015 -. 4.4 billion rubles), two sources told RBC familiar with the details of the association. Apart from the "Culture of Russia", in a single program, and will include "a small but popular" restoration program of the Moscow government, said in aSobyanin response to a request to RBC. According to the Moscow Heritage Committee in 2015 for the restoration of 14 monuments of church architecture will allocate grants of up to 200 million rubles.

To develop the concept of the joint program entrusted to Archbishop Mark of Yegoryevsk and Vladimir Resin. Financing, explains the Archbishop, it will be: the restoration and recovery of the city of Moscow churches will be conducted at the expense of state aid and the implementation of the program "200 churches" - as before, on private donations. For the name of the program now you can vote on the website "active citizen" is leading "golden-domed Moscow".

After the adoption of a new concept in the updated program will get the object to which the authorities are treated with special reverence - Moscow diocesan house with Prince Vladimir Church. This is one of the places where the summer will hold anniversary celebrations, dedicated to the memory of St. Vladimir - Baptist of Rus. Jubilee pays special attention to President Putin: according to the budget program "Culture of Russia", the restoration of the CathedralALT Diocesan house is planned to allocate 20 million rubles. This amount is mentioned in the disposal of the Government on September 2, 2014 "On holding of events dedicated to the memory of St. Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir - Baptist of Rus', signed by Prime Minister Medvedev. Prior to that, according to RBC's source close to the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, the restoration of the destroyed building of the diocesan house 500 million rubles. donated billionaire Arkady Rotenberg, 100 million rubles. - Businessman Vasily Anisimov, 80 million rubles. He gave the head of the investment company "Aton" Yevgeny Yuryev (donors did not respond to questions about RBC).

On July 6 scheduled consecration of Prince Vladimir Church, in November will be held the grand opening, to which, according to RBC's source in the Russian Orthodox Church leadership, invited Vladimir Putin. "The government supports the restoration of temples, this is very good - is confident the pro-rector of St. Tikhon Humanitarian University Elena Markova. - This year is dedicated to the memory of St. Prince Vladimir, and the main people that remarkable - Vladimir Putin and Patriarch of Moscow Vladimir Resinirill that prior to the adoption of monasticism also was named Vladimir. "