Khot in Brent

Yuri and Alexey Khotin challenged LUKOIL for control over Bashneft.
Origin source

Some of the non-public representatives of Russian business, father and son Yuri and Alexei Hawtin sights on a share of the oil company "Bashneft". According to Forbes, under the control of the quantity of oil Hawtin assets is today about $ 450-550 million. The capitalization of "Bashneft" is estimated at 465 billion rubles, or $ 6 billion. A quarter of the shares, which should be privatized, will cost about $ 1.5 billion.

Oil interest

The intrigue of the privatization of "Bashneft", undoubtedly present. The fact that "Lukoil" has already stated its claim to participate in the privatization.

But Hawtin not novices in the oil market. They spent a lot of previous transactions in this industry. Among them, for example, the acquisition of the company "Aurora" from ConocoPhillips and "Rosneft" in the amount of about $ 150-200 million, "Negusneft" Leonid Lebedev for $ 150-200 million. In addition, Hawtin began in 2012, the owners of the company "Dulisma" for $ 27 million. A year later, it was acquired and registered in the Isle of Man and Exillon Energy "Irelyakhneft". Who will win in the end?

Kings estate

nottyanye assets - only one of the interests of entrepreneurs Hawtin. At the end of 2014 Hawtin took tenth place in the Forbes «Russian real estate Kings" list. The annual turnover from the lease is estimated at $ 320 million among the properties controlled by Hawtin, few new buildings:. They are buying up buildings and research institutes, repair them, and in a subsequent lease.

But do not give Hawtin and the acquisition of expensive real estate. Last year, Suleiman Kerimov has sold them to shopping mall "Fashion Season" in the hotel "Moscow" next to the Kremlin, who was looking for buyers on a spring. Symbolic objects, which is estimated at $ 350 million.

It is believed that Hawtin control TC "Gorbushkin yard", located next to it the shopping center "Filion", "Technopark synthesis», Orlikov Plaza in Orlikov Lane, River Side at Paveletskaya, Cherry Tower Profsoyuznaya street, BC "China Town" in Lubyanskiy Travel and other sites.

Appetite comes with eating

The rapid rise of the family business took Hawtin in just a few years. It is known that Hawtin engaged in the production of cosmetics and Belarus HOMEChemistry - headed by Yuri Hawtin "Belkosmetiks".

In the mid-90s, they rented a room at the slaughterhouse their territory. Mikoyan and continued to produce household chemicals. In 1998, the plant went bankrupt, and Hawtin bought at auction one of the buildings of the plant.

Further, they say, appetite began to come during the meal. Hawtin often preferred not to wait until the company goes bankrupt. For example, the owner of 65% stake in the Moscow soap factory Mikhail Zavertyaev accidentally learned that the number of shareholders somehow entered Hawtin family.

Appeal to the prosecutor or to no avail: at the next meeting of shareholders representatives Hawtin came accompanied by OMON fighters. Soon Mikhail Zavertyaeva was assassinated.

It was initiated and criminal proceedings, but then stopped the investigation.

"The guys from RUBOP explained to me that they had called Vladimir Pronin, the then head of the Moscow police, and did not give it to investigate a criminal case", - said Mikhail Zavertaev.

The same thing happened with the exponential owner of OOO "Igelsnab" Igorit Stavrulovym. He decided to sell his premises. Buy building on the terms of payment by installments expressed desire Hawtin. However, the payments stopped soon, Stavroula decided to terminate the transaction. And then it turned out that he was no longer the owner of "Igelsnaba". Courts lasted two years, the deal for the sale of the building was eventually invalidated, but to reclaim the building, he still was not able to.

"After the company Hawtin purchased several buildings of the former plant" Synthesis ", the remaining owners are having problems - write" Vedomosti ". - The new owner of the building has restricted access to visitors, I stopped to let vehicles, introduced a paid entry. " After that, the owners of the rest of the building, I think, have been more accommodating.

Lucky borrowers

Money for the purchase of real estate Hawtin obtained from banks, making out loans against their property. Banks in particular were laid out complex "Aurora" (the bank "Globex"), "Ochakovo" (from "Discovery"), "Smirnovsky" (from "Moscowredita "), Villa Rive and" Meadowsweet "(Sberbank), Cherry Tower and" Agat "(from" Alfa-Bank ").

Loans could not be given. But Hawtin, interestingly, got away with it. For example, in 2007 the successful businessmen have taken a loan from Sberbank at 17 billion rubles. But during the crisis, as German Gref said, they went to the meeting and the loan was restructured and prolonged.

A year later, VTB Bank has issued Hawtin structure - the company "Complete Investment" (included in the group of "machinery and equipment") - a loan in the amount of 5.25 billion rubles. A year later, the Bank recorded non-payment of the first, in March 2010 filed a lawsuit to recover the debt, in July 2010, found out about the elimination of "machinery and equipment" and a co-signer on the loan "Mega Group".

In 2011, the debt to VTB Hawtin structures was 6.26 billion rubles. In 2013 the bank was still vainly trying to get their money back.

Whose people?

Such a successful and rapidly promoted business, absolute impunity in raider attacks and even refusing to pay on loans may indicate that hHawtin is not only mysterious people, but also extremely difficult with serious protection and no less reliable support.

But what kind of protection we can only guess. For example, the name of Alexei Khotin and connect with Elena Baturina - wife of Yuri Luzhkov, ex-mayor. The former owner Mikhail MMZ Zavertyaev told that Alex Hawtin said to him, as if acting on behalf of Elena Baturina.

Another version says that at Hawtin may be a high-ranking patron in the person of one of the leaders of the party "Fair Russia" Sergei Mironov. However, Mironov such personal acquaintance flatly denied, claiming that Alex Hawtin only participated in some expert events, which were held in the framework of the Council of Federation.

There is another assumption that the cause of mysterious businessman could be the origin of the capital. For example, what Hawtin could climb on the money some of Belarusian officials.

On the other hand there is a perception in the market: in fact, all the assets do not belong to Hawtin. They only "front" toof some of the security forces. The latter assumption does an incredible luck Hawtin more understandable. And if entrepreneurs would get assets "Bashneft", it will be another proof.