Last setup: how Nikolay Tsvetkov left the Forbes list

The banker's wealth does not exceed $200 million, and he is unlikely to return to the list of billionaires.
Origin source
In December 2014, when the ruble plummeted, Nikolai Tsvetkov met with the head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin. Tsvetkov was familiar with the president of Russian Railways for over 10 years and briskly told that he was ready to help state-owned bank to develop business on the basis of its "Uralsib". By that time, the financiers Railways already know that assistance most needed Tsvetkov - Central Bank issued instructions "Uralsib" reserve about 17 billion rubles, to increase the capital and to overestimate assets. "The problems Tsvetkova started talking at the same meeting," - says a former employee of "Uralsib", familiar with the negotiations with the Russian Railways. Tsvetkov immediately wilted and said he was ready to pay 75% of the bank's free if RZD will make money in its capital.
Ontology management

By the time negotiations with the Russian Railways "Uralsib" is not profitable for four years, 2011-2014, the total loss amounted to 18.6 billion rubles under IFRS. Tsvetkov more engaged in a bizarre corporate culture in the bank, and not the actual business. Hundreds of employees attended "placement" - many hours of seminars where looking for aboutlems corporations sometimes for three days a week, and take the test on knowledge of the books by Sergei Naples (alias Sun Light), which is called "Dontsova world esoteric." In addition, the Bank welcomed a healthy diet and weight loss, in a special witch doctor's office, acting on the active points, sank into unconsciousness managers. Human Resources Department in the selection of candidates using numerology. In addition, Tsvetkov actively introduced in the bank ontological management. In the fall of 2013 NTV showed a plot: St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office conducted an audit of the Imperial Porcelain Factory, which belonged to his wife Galina Tsvetkova, where employees complained about the imposition of sectarian principles, and the initiator of the changes called Tsvetkova.

In the strangeness of things happening in the "Uralsib", drew the attention of the president of "LUKOIL" Vagit Alekperov (up to July 2006 he owned a controlling stake of 51%, FC "Uralsib", Tsvetkov was at 49%). All this time Alekperov stayed stake in FC "Uralsib" (7%), but in 2013 he decided to give them to a charity and called ColorPeninsula to the meeting. He urged him to give up enthusiasm for the ontological and other management practices and engage in banking business. "Returned to the bank with a face contorted After meeting with Alekperov Tsvetkov," - says employee of "Uralsib". Mass "constellations" in the bank is no longer carried out, but Tsvetkov remained in the belief that it is surrounded by supporters, without mercantile interests. He believed that the common moral values ​​will increase the bank's capitalization by 20%, staff tell. However, according to IFRS for the 2014 FC "Uralsib" has increased the loss from 1.66 billion to 9.5 billion, more than half of the losses brought the leasing business, the shares of the insurance company "Uralsib", according to KPMG conclusion not worth 19.5 billion rubles, as they assessed the group management. Many customers to withdraw funds from the bank - for the 2014 th and the beginning of 2015 decline in account balances of natural persons and legal entities amounted to 35 billion rubles (30%).
unsuccessful bride

Yakunin denied "Uralsib" in the support, and in the spring of 2015 Tsvetkov agreed with the Central Bank's plan of salvation. The Bank of Russia insisted on bringing new andnvestora and gradual recapitalization of the bank and the formation of adequate reserves (about 20 billion rubles). Then Tsvetkov learned that "Uralsib" is interested in Alfa Bank Mikhail Fridman and partners. Chairman of the Board Alfa Bank, Andrei Sokolov negotiated the reorganization "Uralsib" with DIA and almost bargained 110-120 billion rubles. "Alpha" is known rigid methods of doing business and the ability to work with debtors, and Tsvetkov feared that if the investor will become Alfa Bank, that he and his family will be left without any property, because many of its assets were developed to "Uralsib" loans. According to a source close to the bank, part of the land of the corporation "sign" was bought with the money, "Uralsib". The Bank serves Tsvetkova porcelain factories of his wife, the company "Organic" (produces food products), the producer of rolled lawns "Palisade" and the Kremlin riding school stars, where she worked as a daughter Julia Tsvetkova. "Alpha" would leave Tsvetkov and his family without all the "- suggests the source.

Tsvetkov began hurriedly to look for other options offeredIa fan were sent to major banks and companies. Among the contenders for the "Uralsib" was FK "Opening", "Promsvyazcapital" AFK "System", the IFC Bank, VTB Group, a group of BIN, SMP Bank "Russian capital" and the Moscow Credit Bank (ICB). SMP Bank Arkady Rotenberg in 2014 came under US financial sanctions and used ATM and acquiring network of "Uralsib". In 2015, SMP Bank engaged in sanitation MOSOBLBANK group and to "Uralsib" is not reached.

Then the other candidates have advanced negotiations with the owner of the IBC Roman Avdeev as Tsvetkov, a big fan of yoga. Consultants ICD acquainted with books Sun Light to the same language to negotiate with the owner of "Uralsib". In early July 2015 the ICD received the approval of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the purchase of bank Tsvetkov. But the deal did not materialize. Avdeev has promised to solve all the financial problems of corporations and would like to receive more than 75% of FC "Uralsib" for one ruble, but learning about other troubled assets, requested 93% of the corporation that did not suit Tsvetkov.

What secret Tsvetkov?

It has approx Forbesaudit data out to be "Uralsib", made by one of the bidders for the bank.

Due diligence revealed that the number of shares FTRA, real estate investments, leasing company investing heavily overpriced, and given nedoformirovannyh reserves for its reorganization must be 72-82 billion rubles (see. Infographic). "At the bank to withdraw money in villas, yachts and airplanes, and charitable projects. However, in terms of accounting there is no difference, "- says a former employee of" Uralsib ". The audit showed that the subordinated securities by 30 billion rubles would be half paid by the bank, in addition, in 2014 the bank conducted a strange billions of transactions with bills. The representative of "Uralsib" said that information about self-financing of subordinated securities and improper transactions with bills wrong.

As time went on, the investor was not, and the Central Bank gave an extraordinary inspection to figure out how to carry out the execution plan for overcoming the crisis. By this time, Tsvetkov has already invested in the bank more than 20 billion, partially due to the sale of land of the corporation "sign". However, problemss continued to accumulate in the summer of leasing company "Uralsib" has failed to pay VTB Austria loan for $ 60 million. By the end of October 2015 it became clear that to save the bank Tsvetkova no one, reorganization is inevitable, and the Bank of Russia began to select candidates.
The new owner

Central Bank held a competition on November 2, its results were announced at 1 am on 3 November. Alfa-Bank, assessing the skeletons in the "Uralsib" cabinet, did not even apply for pre-selection. At the auction were four participants: VTB24, AFK "System", the IFC and the private person - appeared at the last day of the ex-head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing, businessman Vladimir Kogan. In 2005, he and partner David Traktovenko sold 75% of ICB (St. Petersburg), VTB for $ 577 million Kogan -. Main owner of the company "Neftegazindustriya", which owns the refinery Afipsky. In 2014, revenues "Neftegazindustriya" amounted to 156 billion rubles.

Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Mikhail Sukhov made a Dutch auction, where the winner is the participant who has requested a minimum amount to the stateredita for the reorganization of the bank "Uralsib". Defeated Kogan, DIA will give him credit for 81 billion rubles (67 billion - for 10 years at 0.5% per annum and 14 billion rubles for six years at 6%), the closest competitor to the AFC "System" asked for 100 billion rubles. Kogan was 82%, "Uralsib". Under the loan DIA has been included in the Central Bank of its shares "Neftegazindustriya" and real estate - only 40 billion rubles, he calls sanitation conditions "is not chocolate." Kogan agreement with the Central Bank and the DIA provides the opportunity to increase the loan in case of detection of new distressed assets "Uralsib".

Sukhov after the decision on recovery of "Uralsib" noted that the bank lacks 44 billion rubles in capital. This bank will be able to close the hole in the preparation of the ground, the 10-year loan for refurbishment in the amount of 67 billion rubles at the rate of 0.5% per annum. The economic value of this loan is calculated as the difference between the rate of OFZ (currently 10%) and the rate on the loan DIA, which is included in the income of the bank.

Fifth of November in the central office of "Uralsib" in the street Efremova began large-scale cleaning. New inBank ladelets took office Tsvetkova on the 14th floor and has instructed all over the office to remove from the walls remind you of the old corporate culture - in the trash went for a photo with "constellations", educational posters, a banner with the inscription "Forward - to the spiritual life!".

Kogan promises a new strategy of the bank, it will be engaged in training including his son Efim (owns 24.95% of the St. Petersburg bank BFA). One of the first decisions may be the refusal of the insurance business and the withdrawal from the balance of the loss-making leasing bank.

Even during flowering "Uralsib" trying to optimize business, as the bank did not have enough funds to cover the management and administrative costs. Bank converted seven branches into operational offices, four branches have become additional offices, 64 points and Khabarovsk branch was closed. "Sami representatives of" Uralsib "is not pinned much hope on cost savings. From the reduction of staff costs expected more significant effect, but the reality of his achievement is not obvious, "- says a source at the bank, participate in the competition. As having been explaineds deputy chairman of "Uralsib", and now CEO of the leasing company "Transfin-M" Dmitry Zotov, the new owner of "Uralsib", most likely, will begin to reduce costs with headcount optimization and replacement of top management, in addition, you can reduce the cost of real estate for rent, non-core costs "arrangement."

Kogan hopes to return to the bank in the top 10 and bring its assets at the beginning of 2016 to 500 billion rubles (in November of 2015 they accounted for 348 billion rubles).

Bank need to find new customers and not to lose the old, especially depositors. "Uralsib" lacks large corporate clients, and Kogan have already stated that "Neftegazindustriya" can go to the service in the "Uralsib". "Bank for a long time on a large scale is not credited and underload your business network. They did not have the capital to build the loan portfolio, and they supported standards by reducing the volume of earning assets, "- said Assistant Vice President, Moody's Elena Redko. "Uralsib" - a set of technologies, - says one of the former employees. - The machine is working, andit could serve the corporation. But who would have given their Tsvetkov? It needs someone in their power. " A former official of Peter Kogan has ties at the highest level. He has traveled to meet with the leaders of Tatarstan, Bashkiria and Krasnodar Territory, where "Uralsib" receives a basic income (regional network brings a 60% interest and a 50% fee income). Perhaps Kogan able to negotiate with "Transneft", which significantly reduced the balances in recent years, the accounts of "Uralsib". The board of directors of "Transneft" runs an old friend Kogan, former Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov.

Tsvetkova have left 14% of the shares of the bank, and if Kogan plans "Uralsib" are realized, then the former principal owner is a good pension. According to Forbes, the state Tsvetkov does not exceed $ 200 million (at a maximum of $ 9 billion was in 2009). In the list of billionaires, he is unlikely to return, but perhaps realizes its goal, because once Tsvetkov wanted to live to 130 years.