Starting it all over again

What brought the replacement of Vladimir Yakunin with Oleg Belozerov for the customers?  
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More than a year as Oleg Belozerov headed JSC "Russian Railways". Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in announcing the appointment, said Oleg Belozerova the need for radical change in the holding. difficult goal was set before a new top manager - to give a new chance for the development of loss-making companies, on the contents of which the State had to spend more money. How to cope with this task the new head of Russian Railways?

Without budgetary support

After Vladimir Yakunin has resigned as president of JSC "Russian Railways" in the late summer of last year, his successor, Oleg Belozerov said that in 2016 the company will not ask for state subsidies for the maintenance of financial stability and for the overhaul. The head of government, Dmitry Medvedev proposed to facilitate the holding of the position to get rid of non-core assets, such as the football club "Lokomotiv" and corporate TV "RZD-TV." In March, the company announced that for the first time over the past few years, Russian Railways has received 300 million rubles of profit without government support. A November 9 Oleg Belozerov reported to President Vladimir Putin that the cost of Russian Railways for the year as a result of optimization of the costs reduced by 100 billion rubles.

Cost optimization

But due to what happened this decline that it gave citizens Railways employees and their families? Note that Oleg Belozerov actually acted against all the offers of Vladimir Yakunin. So, Vladimir Yakunin asked the Government not to reduce passenger traffic and increase subsidies. As a result, as we recall, the reduction or even complete cancellation of commuter trains have led to increased social tensions in a number of regions. For example, there was a real riot in urban settlement in July 2016 Kropachevo (Chelyabinsk region Asha district) Year: villagers tried to break into the business Railways train to go to work. The composition of the locomotive and five carriages Kuibyshev Railway (HDC) stopped, literally went out on track.

Opaque mechanisms

One can hardly recognize the fact that in terms of transparency of Russian Railways has undergone great changes. OAO "Central PPK" - the largest commuter rail carrier of Russia - a subsidiary of Russian Railways. The Federal Tariff Service regulates only the fee for the use of infrastructure, the remaining payments RZD expects to yourself. According to a number of regional leaders, in the absence of pricing mechanism of regulation and control of OJSC "Russian Railways" and the AUC is no reason to expect a reduction or slowdown of their costs. Despite a number of suburban companies, competition per se is not, and OAO "Russian Railways" is still a monopoly.

It does not contribute to the transparency of public procurement and the mechanism under which the company's activity falls. Procurement Railways is governed by Federal Law # 223 "On procurement of goods, works and services of certain kinds of legal entities". This document does not contain provisions on the need for a single supplier with the tender. In addition, previously Railways management has developed provisions for public procurement, were not allowed to hold tenders "in exceptional cases". Such a decision can take almost any railway boss, starting from the president, vice-presidents to heads of branches, structural divisions of JSC "Russian Railways". So it was with Vladimir Yakunin, when concluded 53,483 contracts for the total amount of 88.7 billion rubles in 2015. So I left and Oleg Belozerova when for eight months of 2016 concluded 30,689 contracts in the amount of 79.5 billion rubles.

All the same it is not clear to the indexation of tariffs. Quite unexpectedly, it became known that the government can index the tariffs of the company in December of 2 percent. Recall the decision on indexation of tariffs of natural monopolies is taken once a year. And earlier about any additional indexation were not discussed. Thus Railways can get kind of a Christmas bonus, which, according to expert estimates, the estimated 2 billion rubles.

According to the director «Infoline-analysts" Mikhail Burmistrov, in this case, in 2017 Russian Railways revenues increase due to the additional indexed 26 billion rubles. A planned indexation of 4.5% will bring the company another 53 billion rubles. And all will be good shape and without any reforms. Clearly, the state is always lean on the company, 100 percent owned by him. But now, if you believe the figures, such support is no special need. Why even if there are similar ideas, painful beating on the already not too rich passengers? Not only them.

Experts point out that such indexation of tariffs as a result of making the final cost of the unpredictable costs of transport companies and may lead to an increase in transport costs in the final cost of the product to 80%. According to the shippers if the tariff will be further indexed by 2% in December, the increase in the cost of transportation, such as coal by December 2015 will be 43%. But that is not all. According to media reports, at the Railways were a few requests, including, for example, in addition to index in 2017 tariffs for transportation of expensive goods II and III tariff classes at 2.2-4.2%, as well as empty wagons mileage - to 2.75%.

In addition, it was proposed to index the tariff for empty runs at 10%. Otherwise, according to the calculations of the Russian Railways, the company's loss could reach next year 142 400 000 000 rubles. It turns out that the new head of Oleg Belozerov holding continues the practice of contact in case of need for help from the government. And as the company has been loss-making since, apparently, it will remain.

The continuity of generations

But invariably remains stable position of the company's management. Top managers of Russian Railways, despite the optimization of costs, not only reduced the bonus fund management holding company, but even increased it. Thus, the bonus pool paid RZD top-managers in the first half of 2016, increased by 2.8 times - up to 894.2 million rubles (previous year over the same period of paid premium amounted to slightly more than 311 million rubles). A total amount of remuneration to members of the Board of Russian Railways has almost doubled to 1.2 billion rubles, while their wages increased only by 3.6% (to 297.5 million rubles). It does not hurt and turned the former head of the company Vladimir Yakunin, received the award from the Corporation of 90 million rubles.

Can the usual way, to which the tariff increases, staff reductions, reduction of passenger traffic, change the situation? The well-being of citizens and business revenues do not grow along with the tariffs of monopolies. Probably need are any more drastic measures for the restructuring of the railway monopoly. Otherwise, what has changed for consumers from castling Vladimir Yakunin Oleg Belozerova? But the authorities wanted effective change in the Russian railways.


Despite the significant state support (for example, in 2009 the company received as a state support of 130 billion rubles, in 2010 -. 140 billion rubles), its financial performance from year to turn worse. So in 2010 the net profit of OJSC "Russian Railways" at the International Financial Reporting System (IFRS) amounted to 208.3 billion rubles. In 2011, this figure fell to 12% - to 183 billion rubles, in 2012 - by 54%, to 78 billion rubles. In 2013 and 2014 the net loss amounted to 198.2 billion rubles already. and 99.3 billion rubles. The budget in 2014 JSC "Russian Railways" has received for maintaining the financial stability of 27.6 billion rubles, and in 2015 -. Another 31.8 billion rubles.