The steadfast official found a Klondike

The money confiscated from the official was taken out by sacks, and jewels were measured in kilograms.
In St. Petersburg on charges of fraud arrested the head of the regional administration of Rostekhnadzor Grigory Slabikov. The police searched his apartment, the country house, the housing of his relatives, mainly the daughter, and found bundles of banknotes, a collection of watches and jewelry worth a billion rubles. Documents for expensive real estate are confiscated. In total, an official and a group of a dozen people are charged stealing of almost five billion. The investigator considers his daughter Elena to be a mediator in corruption deals, she was arrested after her father.

The head of the North-West Department of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) Grigory Slabikov and his daughter Elena became the defendants of the criminal case initiated a year ago. It deals with the loss of 4.76 billion rubles from the compensation funds of three self-regulating organizations (SRO) - Standard-Project, Standard-Research and Building Resource.

SROs are non-profit associations of companies, in the history of a Rostekhnadzor construction official who, in particular, pay membership dues to the union and create common funds to compensate for possible damage. Of the three SROs mentioned, two were established in late July and early August 2011, as the place of registration, according to SPARK, they indicate the same address in St. Petersburg. The third was registered the year before in the Leningrad region. A year earlier Slabikov was headed by the Rostekhnadzor department for the North-West.

Hundreds of construction companies included in three SROs fulfilled financial obligations, paid contributions regularly, for which they received all necessary permits and licenses. But in 2016 it turned out that the funds are empty. According to the investigation, SROs transferred money to the managing company "Nord-West Capital", from there - to a certain "one-day", and then abroad.

In total, so 4.76 billion rubles were lost. Organizers of the scam, as Kommersant writes, also managed to "drain" after the money, and the investigation is now working with the performers.

Grigory Slabikov, the investigation so far does not relate to the initiators of the theft. He supposedly only "contributed to illegal actions aimed at theft." In particular, it could help to include the necessary SROs in the register and help them avoid inspections. For "patronage" regularly received a million rubles through intermediaries, one of which the investigation considers his daughter Elena.

Grigory Slabikov is 57 years old, he is a hydropower engineer by the first education. He began his career in 1992 with a job in the St. Petersburg City Hall, in the Property Relations Committee (recalling that one of the "neighboring" committees, for external relations, was then headed by future President Putin). In 1994, Slabikov moved to the post of head of the Federal Office for Insolvency (bankruptcy) in St. Petersburg, then headed the North-Western Authority. In 1999, he moved to the Federal Property Fund of the Leningrad region, and a year later it was again raised to the level of the North-West Federal District. At the same time he received a second higher education - legal, graduated from the Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2006, Slabikov left the property administration and became the head of the Nevsko-Ladoga Basin Water Administration of the Federal Water Resources Agency. And finally, in 2009, the head of the North-West Rostekhnadzor.

At various times, he was a member of the boards of directors of Severnaya Verf, Pikalevo Glinozema, Leningradslanets, Vodtranspribor, Luga Belkozin, and the Central Air Transport Agency.

Elena Slabikova is an athlete: since 2011 she has been heading the Water Ski Federation of St. Petersburg. And businesswoman: in her name, according to SPARK, registered 6 commercial companies. Two of them - the restaurant "Mint" and the security company "Draugs" - ceased to exist. The rest continued to work and in 2016, according to SPARK, brought a profit of five million rubles in profit. Slabikova should have accounted for 60 to 70 percent of this amount.

As for her father, in the income declaration he points out earnings of 1.5 million rubles a year, a motorcycle and a hydrocycle. The income of his wife is 2.5 million. The elite apartment on the Krestovsky Island and the country house where the searches were conducted belong not to Slabikov. And seized from him 33 million rubles and 500 thousand euros in sealed envelopes and in bundles of banknotes.

Money was carried with sacks. In the same place, in the apartment, they found the keys to the bank cells, where a collection of 40 watches and jewelery was kept. Dragmetals and stones were measured by weight - kilograms.

The court authorized the arrest of Grigory Slabikov on May 12. And the defense did not challenge this. As the lawyer Alexei Belkin told Novaya Gazeta, this was the decision of his principal. In general, the attitude of Slabikov to what is happening his defender gave the words "the investigation will figure it out."

The functions of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Sanitary Supervision are defined in such a way that this department is named among the leaders in terms of bribes. His powers include permits or bans almost everything and everything: the work of factories, factories, construction and cellular companies. Rostekhnadzor allows or does not allow the commissioning of shopping centers. It should be noted that after the fire in the Kemerovskaya "Winter Cherry", the department immediately initiated inspections of all shopping centers - and will draw conclusions about whom to continue trading and who to close.

Rostekhnadzor decides how safe the working conditions of employees created in the enterprise. What height should be the pipe, what width is the elevator, what diameter is the hatch. Is the trash enough? Is it safe to extract oil in a particular place? Can the power station work. Is it allowed to connect a residential house to utility networks - water supply, electricity, sewerage. And in general - whether it is possible to live in a built house. And more broadly: can any company in principle build houses. And how long it will take to get permission for all this.

In the former composition of the government, Rostekhnadzor was overseen by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin. In the new cabinet, he, apparently, will not fall into any capacity, he generally "disappeared from the radar" for a long time, the press kept silent about him.

Now the main vice president of construction Vitaly Mutko should become the chief and for all permissions for pipes, hatches and holes in the walls.