Anatoly Yezhkov flew for fishing with "Crab" at one end

The 71-year-old FSB general in retirement died after the helicopter crash in the Khabarovsk Territory. His partner in the failed fishing was the criminal authority Yuri Maslennikov named "Crab".
Origin source
71-year-old Anatoly Yezhkov, who died of a heart attack after a hard landing of a private Sud-Aviation Gazell helicopter in the Khabarovsk Territory, flew fishing trips to the company of the criminal authority Yury Maslennikov named Krab. This is reported by Telegram-channel "Nezigar", known for its insides.

"Yuri Maslennikov is known as one of the leaders of the Far Eastern OPG Obshchak, which operated on the territory of the region since the mid-1990s," the author writes. According to him, previously Crab was "looking" for the Khabarovsk Territory, but the last years he lives in Kolomna, Moscow region.

In 2009, Maslennikova was arrested on suspicion of involvement in several particularly serious crimes. According to the investigation, as reported by Kommersant, Crab was involved in the murder in January 2004 of the owner of the Karat hotel complex Aleksandr Yakovlev (Peacemaker) and the bombardment of the Mercedes, in which, as the investigation believes, was the then head of Obshchak, Eduard Sakhnov (Sakhno ), in August of the same year. The charge against Krab was based on confessions from the alleged staff killer Pavel Tikhomirov, nicknamed the Huntsman. In 2011, the Khabarovsky Krai judiciary sentenced the latter to 11 years in a strict-regime colony for an unsuccessful attempt on a thief in the law of Sakhno.

Died from a heart rupture after a hard landing of a helicopter, the former deputy director of the Federal Security Service, General Yezhkov, flew for fishing in the campaign of Yuri Maslennikov, a criminal authority named Krab.

Yuri Maslennikov is known as one of the leaders of the Far Eastern OPG Obshchak, which operated on the territory of the region since the mid-1990s.

In 2009, Maslennikov was arrested on suspicion of involvement in several particularly serious crimes. In his indictment appear part 2 of Art. 30, Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (attempted murder committed by a group of persons in a generally dangerous manner), as well as part 3 of Art. 33, part 1 of Art. 105 (complicity in the murder).

The crab is no longer "watching" the Khabarovsk Territory and has long been living in Kolomna, Moscow Region.

According to the newspaper, in June 2011 and January 2012 the Prosecutor General's Office sent a case against Maslennikov for further investigation. Both times "the prosecutor's office did not see the guilt [Crab], although she agrees that those who go along with him on the case are involved in a loud murder and attempt."

Moreover, the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, protested the return of the case for further investigation, but the Prosecutor General's Office did not satisfy his request, reported to the TFR in the Far Eastern Federal District.

According to the publication, in February 2011, Yuri Maslennikov was released from jail on bail of 3 million rubles. Find information when the case against the former "watcher" in the Khabarovsk Territory was transferred to the court, the media failed.

Recall, May 21, along with Ezhkov during the crash of a private helicopter Sud-Aviation Gazell on board was the owner of the ship and co-owner of the production complex "Seryshevsky" in the Amur region Sergey Melnichenko. During the hard landing, the aircraft ignited, but all three people on board were evacuated. The name of the third passenger was not mentioned before.

The Prosecutor's Office returned the Crab
Kommersant, 23.01.2012

The Prosecutor General's Office confirmed the decision of Yury Gulyagin, deputy prosecutor general for the Far Eastern Federal District, to return Yury Maslennikov (Crab), accused of ordering a number of crimes, to re-examine the case against ex-inspector Khabarovsk. The prosecutor's office does not see his guilt, although he agrees that those who go along with him on the case are involved in a loud murder and attempt. Crab does not comment on the situation, but the investigation has already stated that he knows how to transfer the resonant case to the court in the near future.

The Prosecutor General's Office did not grant the request of the chairman of the CIA Alexander Bastrykin, who protested the return of the former "watcher" in Khabarovsk from the once-largest FSU Obshchak in Russia, Yuri Maslennikov (the Crab). This was reported yesterday, "Kommersant" investigative department of the TFR in the Far Eastern Federal District Peter Reshetnikov. The fact that the investigation in December completed the investigation of the case and sent him to confirm the indictment to the district office of the Prosecutor General's Office, Mr. Reshetnikov told a news conference on Friday.

Yury Maslennikov, we recall, was arrested in September 2009 on suspicion of involvement in several particularly serious crimes. In his indictment appear part 2 of Art. 30, Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (attempted murder committed by a group of persons in a generally dangerous manner), as well as part 3 of Art. 33, part 1 of Art. 105 (complicity in the murder). According to investigators, it was Crab who was involved in the murder in January 2004 of the owner of the hotel complex "Karat" Alexander Yakovlev (Peacemaker) and the bombardment of Mercedes, in which, as the investigation alleges, was the then head of Obshchak Eduard Sakhnov (Sakhno) the same year. In addition, Maslennikov is accused of two episodes of deliberate infliction of mild and serious harm to health (part 3 of Article 111, part 1 of Article 115) and illegal circulation of arms and ammunition (Part 3, Article 222).

At the end of May 2011, the investigators had already completed the investigation of the Crab case and sent the indictment for approval, but on June 3, Deputy Prosecutor General for the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Gulyagin returned the case for further investigation. Now the situation has repeated. Petr Reshetnikov explained that the supervisory authority "believes that with respect to all persons who are involved in the case (besides Krab, four more people, including his alleged right hand, Sergei Ivanov (Ivanchik)," Kommersant "), sufficient evidence has been collected, but allegedly the fact of the organization of these crimes by Maslennikov has not been proven. " "It's only about Maslennikov," he said. The same opinion of the prosecutor's office, Mr. Reshetnikov admitted, was the reason for the first return of the case.

Note that on April 29 and September 30 last year, Khabarovsk krai judged the perpetrator of the murder of Alexander Yakovlev and the attempt on Sakhno by the alleged staff killer of the Krabovo group Pavel Tikhomirov (Yager). It was his turnout and his testimony that Yury Maslennikov was ordering him, and gave grounds for persecuting the latter. Tikhomirov recognized the blame completely and cooperated with the investigation. For complicity in these crimes, taking into account the cassations in the Supreme Court, he is assigned 12 years and 6 months of a strict regime colony. Once the perpetrator is convicted, "in any case" will go to court and the case against the organizer, "Petro Reshetnikov told Kommersant. The sufficiency of evidence in respect of Crab in the county seat is still assured.

The main figurant of the case since February last year, we recall, is at large: on bail of 3 million rubles. from the SIZO he was released by the Supreme Court. Protection of Yuri Maslennikov did not comment on the situation. One of his lawyers, in a conversation with Kommersant, referred to the fact that the answer to the Prosecutor General's Office had not yet been officially notified, while Yury Maslennikov himself was "not in the city". Earlier, let's remind, the defense said that the case was investigated with numerous violations, about which lawyers repeatedly petitioned the same Prosecutor General's Office.

Khabarovsk lawyers working in high-profile criminal cases, for reasons of professional ethics, refused to comment on the Kub case. However, experts say that the number of refunds for the extension of the CCP does not regulate, so the situation "can last indefinitely". "Formally, there is no violation. Both the investigator and the prosecutor, according to Art. 17 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, evaluate the evidence "in accordance with its internal conviction", guided by law and conscience, "one of the lawyers recalls. "The longer the business goes on, the less prospects it has. For business, a second refund is bad, "his colleague notes. All this may testify both to the fact that "something is sucked from the finger" in the case, and that "the prosecutor's office took on the role of an advocate uncharacteristic of it," the lawyers interviewed by Kommersant believe.

We should note that Yury Maslennikov once gave key testimonies against the leaders of Obshchak, who were convicted for a long time, and, as the media claimed, was seen in close ties with the authorities. That is why the investigation was entrusted to the SS, engaged only in particularly complex and resonant cases. Petr Reshetnikov assured Kommersant that the investigation has already outlined a number of actions that will help to send the case to court. They do not want to disclose tactics in the district SS so as not to harm the investigation.