Klimenko said a possible limitation of Microsoft's work in Russia

Advisor to the president on the Internet Herman Klimenko admitted that in response to the restrictions imposed by the US authorities on Kaspersky Lab, an American company Microsoft can "ask to leave" Russia.
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Adviser to the president on the Internet Herman Klimenko at the conference "Internet after globality" said that Microsoft "can ask" to leave Russia. Klimenko was one of the speakers of the round table "From Roskomnadzor to" Roskomvobozhda ": the Internet stakeholders about borders and fragmentation", which took place on Monday evening, May 28, follows from the conference program.

The audio record of the speech of the presidential adviser, which was mainly devoted to the achievements of the Russian IT industry, was provided by RBC to the organizers of the conference - the Internet and Society Fans Club. The fact that the statement was made by Klimenko, the correspondent of RBC was also confirmed by the speaker of this roundtable - co-founder of Internet projects Film.ru and StormCrew.ru Sergey Aksenov.

In his speech Herman Klimenko noted that in Russia "everything is fine with programmers" and "for the first time is not ashamed of the industry", "no matter how" Yandex "scoffs. However, as stated by Klimenko, where the joint of "hardware" and software begins, "everything is bad." According to Klimenko, for the past two and a half years he has been trying to achieve the development of those "stories" that have export potential.

"I hope that we will be proud of those projects where we are really good - in artificial intelligence, neural networks, etc. It is clear that in today's fragmentation world, when Kaspersky is asked to leave America, and we are likely to be asked to leave us by Microsoft, it will be amusing to observe this, "Klimenko said, summoning the replicas from the audience.

"Everyone has whom to expel," Klimenko summed up.

A representative of Microsoft did not comment on Herman Klimenko's statement.

In September 2017, the US Department of Homeland Security ordered all US government agencies to stop using Kaspersky Lab products within three months. The country's authorities believe that its software can be used by Russian special services to gain access to government documents. The Russian company said that the US accusations are unreasonable.

In Russia, state bodies are not now prohibited from purchasing Microsoft or other foreign companies' solutions. However, authorities should purchase in priority order (if it is not proven that there is no domestic analogue) products included in the Unified Register of Domestic Software. At the moment, the register includes more than 4.5 thousand programs. In January of this year, Nikolai Nikiforov, who was the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications, said that Microsoft would incur billions of dollars due to restrictions on the purchase of its software by Russian companies under sanctions. In general, he said, the Russian software is able to completely replace the products of the American company.