Alexey Skachkov spoke about his mafia protection in the Investigative Committee

The former head of the Capital Construction Department of Investigative Committee of Russia made a deal with the investigation and gave detailed testimony about all the other persons involved in the theft of funds allocated for the repair of the Committee's buildings.
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The former head of the Capital Construction Investigative Committee of Russia made a deal with the investigation. In the summer of 2016, several law enforcement sources told that Alexey Skachkov submitted to the Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Grin statement on the conclusion of the pre-trial agreement. And former chief builder of the UK indicated that he is ready to testify not only to the associates, businessmen, but also allegedly to some representatives of the UK, including the higher its ranking. Because of this, there was the whole affair, as the Prosecutor General addressed the issue of the transfer of the case from the UK to the FSB for the objectivity of the investigation. The discussion of the transaction was delayed.

As a source told the agency, Skachkov yet signed a pre-agreement and began to testify. The very thing remains in the production of the Investigative Committee. "Who examined the information that he reported the businessmen, allegedly also involved in the repair of buildings SC. The prosecutor's office is not satisfied that the work is going down and the breadth, rather than "up" - suggested interlocutor.

SK,relying on the testimony of Skachkova, detained the director general of St. Petersburg LLC "Operation" Alexander Plesovskih. His company, either directly or as a subcontractor working on state contracts with a number of agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with the governments of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and so on. D. According to the SC, Plesovskih involved in the theft of funds allocated to the UK on the elevator installation in the Committee building Builders on the street in Moscow. This elevator only leads to the second floor, where the reception IC and several offices of senior management committee.

SC asked the Basmanny court to arrest Plesovskih, but prosecutors strongly objected to the election of businessman preventive measure in the form of detention. As a result, the servants of Themis denied the petition. This decision was appealed to the Moscow City Court, which overturned it, finding that the Basmanny Court made a violation of the Code, and the materials sent for a new trial in a lower court. At the same time the UK held a series of confrontations, which has received new evidence about the alleged involvement in the crime Plesovskih. In the resultsate at the second attempt Basmanny court decided to arrest the businessman. He was charged under Articles 33 and 159 of the Criminal Code (participation in large-scale fraud).

Recall, the former head of the department of capital construction SK Russia Alexey Skachkov was arrested on suspicion of fraud in March 2016. At the same Basmanny Court issued a decision on his arrest. The reason for criminal proceedings was a series of government contracts for the repair, installation of air conditioning systems, etc. in the UK four administrative buildings in Moscow -.. On the street Builders, Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya, 1st Frunze and in the room in the 1st Basmanny lane. According to the investigation, much of the money was stolen. First Skachkov was charged with fraud by 25 million rubles, but the amount of damage has increased significantly in the course of further investigation. With this thing tied up and occurred in August resignation of the chief accountant SC Code Denis Simakov.