After the arrest of Dmitry Mihalchenko, his holding company is experiencing troubles

The portfolio of state contracts of Baltstroya has shrinked, and the turnover of the Bronk port is lower than planned.   
Moscow's Basmanny Court extended by three months December 27 - up to March 29, 2017 the general director of the holding's arrest "Forum" Dmitry Mihalchenko. He was arrested on March 29 and accused of smuggling alcohol. At the same time in the case of embezzlement during the restoration of the fortress Izborsk were arrested the general director of JSC "Baltstroy" Dmitry Sergeev and Alexander Kochenov manager.

"Baltstroy" part of the holding "Forum", as well as the United Center documents (ETSD) Bronk port Spinning-thread plant them. Kirov Plant "Izmeron», Buddha-Bar restaurant, Il Lago dei Cigni, Tse Fung and 30 catering enterprises, including railway stations and ETSD.

The situation of several holding assets this year changed. "Baltstroy" reduced the volume of government contracts in the nine times compared to 2015 to 1 billion rub., The company has won 12 goskonkursov of 63. After the arrest of the top management of the contracts had been terminated. In 2015, the contractor has won the contest 42 of 73 (the amount of contracts -. 9.5 billion rubles) in 2014 won 34 of 66 goskonkursov (18 bln.), According to "SPARK-Interfax". In 2016, the company has accelerated efforts to recover the debt, the amount of the claim for the year increased from 52 million to 790 million rubles. The main customers -. Construction Committee of St. Petersburg, the president affairs management, GUP "UKS Restoration", the Ministry of Culture of Russia and other customers are afraid to work with "Baltstroem", especially when there are clear prospects for the criminal case, says the president of "universal financial adviser" Yuri Kraskovsky. Many business processes in Russian companies tied to business contact manager, says the head of analytical department of the IR LMS Dmitry Kumanovo. If contractors can see that the owner is arrested, they are tempted to temporarily suspend payments, so as not to attract the attention of regulatory bodies, he explains: "Many people believe that without a major shareholder business goes downhill, and in the event of bankruptcy from the counterparties will only payable to bankrupt, which can be redeem at a discount. " At the request of "Sheets" in "Baltstroy" and holding "Forum" have not responded.

The largest project of the holding - port of Bronka. For eight months the port handled 20,776 TEU, and in six months - about 20% of the annual plan. More detailed data on the turnover press service of "Forum" is not provided. Before his arrest Mihalchenko FCS proposed to transfer all powers to declare the Baltic Customs posts in Bronka, in April, she proposed to do in the port of the electronic declaration Center (EDC). After the arrest of the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov in July and these plans were abandoned. So far, the Baltic Customs posts shall retain their powers in Bronka operates EDC, which will soon be transferred to the territory of St. Petersburg, said a source in SZTU. International corporations, including the ship's lines prefer to work with companies whose owners are under investigation, says CEO Alexei Bezborodov Infranews.

In autumn the management of paid parking at the Moscow station was transferred from CJSC "Trading House Moscow railway station" (founder - the "Forum") to the Civil Code "Public Management Center Parking St. Petersburg."

Combine them. Kirov's plans to create a thread for the manufacture of sewing and crafts (320 million standard coils per year), the project received the status of a strategic, in September 2016, said a representative of the investment committee. The developer of "Mercator" associated with "the Forum", is planning to build on Moskovsky Prospect, 114, of about 85 000 sq. m of residential property.